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May 7, 2012

Anybody With A Kipa Is A Settler-Type

I "like" how Haaretz labels pretty much anybody with a kipa, or a woman with a head covering, as a settler, or at least a "settler-type".

To quote Haaretz, writing about last night's Likud Convention and how they claim the settlers work within the Likud to embarrass Netanyahu without any intention of even voting Likud, "Hundreds of settler-types, men and women in skullcaps and kerchiefs of all sizes and colors, crowded into the hall and settled on the plastic chairs, leaving veteran party members no room to sit".

And, of course, they are taking over where they should not be. They went to a convention for a party, of which they are members don't forget, and they took all the seats! They did not leave any empty seats for veteran party members! Oh my! Netanyahu called for a meeting of the Likud membership and ordered too small a hall without making sure "his own people" would show up, but it is the settler (or settler-type" members fault for actually showing up and participating, and not playing according to Netanyahu's playbook.

Many of these people have been members for a long time. I have no idea how many vote Likud in actual elections and how many do not. In democratic elections a person's vote is private - what he says outside the polls does not necessarily indicate what he actually did inside the polling station, and it does not matter.

"They came early and grabbed most of the seats to signal to him that he cannot do as he pleases in his party." Of course it is their fault that Netanyahu did not prepare a hall large enough for the crowds that came. They came and grabbed the seats and proceeded to embarrass him. Wait - no, it is the fault of his consultants as  the article closes wondering who Netanyahu's consultant's are that could not plan this without avoiding this fiasco.

Haaretz's version of democracy is allowing, or expecting, a leader to be able to do whatever he wants with no checks and balances. Haaretz does not even like Netanyahu, but if he cannot put down the settlers, or the settler types, then he must really be bad.

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1 comment:

  1. If they were not in the Likud of course, and were in the Mafdal or Ichud Leumi, which would then be much stronger of course, and in a position to demand more, they would be accused of political bribery then. This is the democratic way, the ideal of religious people being spread throughout the parties rather than in religious parties. But I wonder if Netanyahu was really upset about this, or Haaretz. Bibi surrounds himself with advisors who wear kipot


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