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Feb 2, 2014

Roladin hechsher not valid

The most recent Rabbanut kashrut update had a warning about Roladin losing its hechsher.

The Rabbanut statement said that Roladin, with a factory in Kadima-Tzoren, has been receiving kashrut certification from an unauthorized rav. Some of the products have been found to include milk powder of chalav nochri.

As well, it was discovered that in the factory they have been violating instructions of the Rabbanut regarding the doughs, such as using dairy dough in hamantaschen.

forewarned is forearmed..

I don't know what is wrong with using dairy dough in the hamantaschen if they are marked properly, but if those are the rules of the Rabbanut they have to be enforced..

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  1. i thought that (as reported here) rav lau was going to allow dairy dough. don't tell me that threats from the eidah on this issue got him to back down.

  2. why should the eida threaten him over this? I havent heard of their involvement in the issue...

  3. When one makes dairy bread, I was under the impression it has to be a different shape than the 'traditional' loaf so as not to confuse it with a pareve loaf. I imagine dairy dough hamentashen would need the same qualifier. The problem is, hamentashen really only have that one shape...

    1. logically it can apply to anything. you shouldnt be able to make anythign dairy but the logic. The problem is that the takana was only made for bread, not anything else.


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