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Nov 10, 2016

HaYovel | Shlomo Kashi: Paratrooper Brigade, War of 1967 (video)

Shlomo was one of the paratroopers that were the first to enter the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967. His brigade were the ones to liberate the Temple Mount and Western Wall in the famous war that returned Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to Israel. 

This is an incredible story that has never been told - until now. You will be with Shlomo as he walks through Lion's Gate, which he has not entered in almost 39 years, and in places in Jerusalem that he has never been. Relive the moment when he called his father to tell him that they had liberated the Temple Mount and Kotel. Feel the emotion with Shlomo as he steps back in time to the War of 1967.

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