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May 11, 2020

Politics makes strange bedfellows

In the ongoing fight between the Likud and Yamina over coalition or opposition, Likud is now accusing Yamina of choosing to join the Opposition with Hila Yevzak.

That's funny.

Yamina might deserve to sit in the Opposition. Maybe they are demanding too much relative to the size of the party. Maybe they are fighting internally over who gets what and that is preventing them from making good decisions. It is definitely possible. The Likud claim in that regard is just as credible as the Yamina claim that the Likud is offering too little.

Yet Likud throwing out an accusation about Yamina connecting with Hila Yazbak is just too funny. It is ridiculous. Netanyahu is trying to create an image of Yamina not joining the government because suddenly they love the Arabs and want to work with them - and not just the Arabs but the most extreme among them. By doing this Netanyahu will deflect blame from himself for breaking the bloc and  not bringing Yamina in - after all, they are leftists and want to partner with the extreme Arabs. And it might curtail some of their opposition, if Netanyahu can start having people think of them as leftists.  He is trying to create an image, but it is a particularly silly one.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, and if Yamina ends up int he Opposition it will be together with the UAL and Hila Yazbak, but it will not be because Yamina wants to work with them and they suddenly have a wonderful relationship together...

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