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Dec 6, 2020

who gets priority vaccinations?

With the first batches of vaccines due to be delivered to Israel in the very near future - I heard on the radio today that it is expected in a few days, but whenever it might actually arrive, it will be soon - the debates have begun as to who, or which sectors, should be vaccinated first. 

I think as an example the Health Minister and Prime Minister should be first. That would likely go a long way to convincing the public that the vaccines are safe. Many are skeptical due to the expediated process of creating the vaccines, and this would encourage the public. Supposedly Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein has said he would take it publicly right away. PM Benjamin Netanyahu has waffled on this so far, refusing to answer directly but saying there will be a professional committee set to determine who gets vaccinated when and politicians should not be involved in this process.

Personally I think the committee should determine that the Prime Minister and Health Minister should be first - mainly for the example to the public, though the Prime Minister is the most important person in the country as well. I don't see any great need for the rest of the government, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, MKs and anyone else, to get any priority unless someone specific is in a risk group, though Ynet has the responses from various ministers to the question if they would be willing to take the vaccination early on or not, and if yes if they would also be willing to do so publicly.

After that there are surely varying opinions as to who is essential and should get priority for vaccinations. 

Personally I think health care workers should get the vaccine right away. After health care workers, the elderly and people in high risk groups with health conditions should be next. 

Kikar reports that MK Yaakov Asher (UTJ) has requested that priority for vaccination be given to educators, both rabbonim in yeshivot and academic professors.

Asher himself explains that many in the field of education are also older and in high risk group and are also in daily contact with younger people who easily and unknowingly spread the virus. 

Educators are surely essential and should likely also be vaccinated early on. While I am not sure they should be given higher priority over health care workers and the high risk groups, the educators who are in the high risk groups and elderly should definitely be given priority vaccination as members of those risk groups.

Who do you think should be offered the vaccine with priority?


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  1. No One! Much information about changing the DNA and its effects.

    1. Well Mr paranoid anonymous, maybe you should get off the internet then. Who knows the rf transmissions may be scrambling your brain's DNA too! (Oops too late)

  2. from everything I have heard, the vaccines will be made available, according to the priority list determined, but not forced on anyone. each person can choose for himself and herself whether to take it or not

  3. From a halachic standpoint, I would assume the system of preferences based on the gemara in Horayos 13 would be the starting point. These types of cases have lots of precedents over our history...

  4. Professional Basketball players, like in US.
    Somehow, NBA players got covid tests when no one else could get them in March and April. They're getting the vaccine too.

    1. without any specific knowledge, if I had to take a guess I would say they arent being given priority but are likely paying a lot of money for that

  5. Well les, the first ones that were given priority are the firefighters in New York and 50% have said they are Not taking it! People are afraid because there is much data written by scientists & doctors that give all the information and all the negative aspects.


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