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Aug 9, 2023

Tweet of the Day

An incident was reported on that happened on a train in which a group of Haredim started screaming at soldiers, especially female soldiers, for being in the army and for being dressed inappropriately.

I was not going to comment on the video. We have seen these things a million times, and I have nothing new to say about it. And nowadays it is somewhat par for the course considering all the other clips we have seen in recent months of everyone screaming at everyone else for being dressed this way or that way with assumptions being made about the position on the judicial reform - Haredim being screamed at on public transportation and at left wing protests, secular people being screamed at by the Kotel, etc - at this time Haredim screaming at secular women for their dress doesnt seem to be out of the ordinary.

But I decided to give Benny Rabinovitz the Tweet of the Day for his comment (which was sort of similar to Merav Michaeli's comment on the incident)...

Translation of Tweet:
In the past there have been similar incidents, and there has deifnitely been a drastic increase in these incidents - a direct result of the sin of hubris and the strong grip on the steering wheel of the leadership of the State, and everyone takes the "right" to tell women how to dress, and even to shame and degrade them.
Whoever is bothered by other people's mode of dress on public transportation should either stay home or help himself to take a taxi

In case you are not familiar with Benny Rabinovitz, he has been a journalist and sometimes editor for the Yated Neeman since its founding in 1985, and also hosts radio programs on the Haredi stations.

considering that Twitter changed its name to X I should call these X of the Day. Have to get used to that. And I guess they are simply posts and no longer tweets....

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  1. Jerusalem Post said the post was on "The application commonly referred to as Twitter"

    1. is that like "The artist formerly known as Prince"?

  2. The Chareidi MK's are like children who have suddenly been given the keys to the cupcake cupboard. They lack maturity so instead of have the occasional cupcake as a treat, they wind up covered in frosting, complaining of stomach pain and demanding the cupboard be refilled immediately.
    I think there should be a bylaw passed - if you're a soldier and someone harasses you in more than just a passing fashion, you should be allow to beat that person senseless.

    1. Very well put. And it's like they have no idea, or just don't care, how their constant demands for more and more extreme things are seen by others.

  3. How on Earth would soldiers be dressed inappropriately?

    I'll take it a step further: If the State of Israel bothers you so much, avail yourself of the things it built as much as possible. Like, you know, railroads. Built by Zionists, with Zionist taxes.

    Of course, that means that eventually you'll be creating your own water supply and not stepping out of your house, because guess who keeps the streets paved?


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