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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Apr 30, 2024

A Palestinian and an Israeli, Face to Face | Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon | TED (video)

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cant see but he stocks shelves in a supermarket (video)

amazing story of Avi Solomon. Dont know if he still does, but he at least used to live in Bet Shemesh and ran in our running club so I knew him a little bit. 

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Interviews outside Columbia University are Insane - or are they? (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Apr 28, 2024

Passover: This is the Jewish experience these days. (video)

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Picture of the Day

Jewish MLB star Alex Bregman, playing for the Houston Astros, munches on matza given to him by a fan at Wrigley Field before a game with the Cubs on Pesach..

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Apr 26, 2024

Picture of the Day

Thanks MG for snapping this shot of a homeless fellow snacking on Manischewitz Matza..

save a life (see the sign he is holding) ...and get him something else to eat! (unless he is Jewish)

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Apr 25, 2024

Quote of the Day

If you show up in a Starbucks with a bullhorn and start yelling at people, that doesn't make you noble, It just makes you an asshole

  -- Senator of Pennsylvania John Fetterman, after Alec Baldwin was harassed by an anti-Israel protestor while in a coffee shop and smacked the protestors phone/camera out of her hands as she annoyingly repeated in his face that he should criticize and condemn Israel while he tried to ignore her...

It should be noted that Fetterman has been extremely pro-Israel since the war began. We thank him for his unwavering support

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#150: Behind the Bima - Eylon Levy & Jake Turx (video)

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The history of Zionism in 3 minutes. (video)

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Chopped: Passover Edition! (Parody) (video)

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Joey Newcomb - Ka'eileh BEHIND THE SCENES (video)

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Nahla: Haderech Habaita (video)

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Apr 24, 2024

Sinwar hiding in plain site

I am satisfied that I did not post the picture of Yihye Sinwar allegedly having come out of the tunnels several times recently to be in the areas where there had been fighting and to talk to people and meet with commanders.

it turns out those pictures were old, from 2017. While the reports might be true, the accompanying pictures were misused.

I thought something was wring with it because I assumed that if true that we really know where he is, out int he open and have taken pictures of him, Israel would already have taken him out.

Hiding in plain site isnt so easy right now, but it might be possible for a limited amount of time

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Quote of the Day

Biden is a true friend of Israel, but he is under heavy pressure, which affected and harmed the relationship between the two countries....Look at Biden's strategy regarding what happened in Afghanistan, Ukraine and the Middle East. He said 'Don't' to Hezbollah and Iran at the beginning of the war and we saw what happened. I don't think that the US under his leadership portrays strength. It hurts Israel as well as many other countries. If I were an American citizen with the right to vote, I would vote for Trump and the Republicans.

  -- Minister of Diaspora Amichai Chikli 

Chikli can criticize Biden's strategy and how it affects Israel as much as he wants. He might be a minor minister, running a ministry that has no influence or significance, but sure, go criticize the president of the USA. Just like anybody can criticize Biden or any other public servant, Chikli can as well. Talking about voting for Biden or Trump, ie who Israeli ministers support in the American electoral race, that is another story. The way some Democrats (see Chuck Schumer) have spoken about Israeli internal affairs, maybe it is open game and anyone can meddle in anyone's internal affairs at this point. However, the way Israelis, and government officials, and even Chikli himself, took offense at Schumer's egregious statement and were critical of Schumer for what he said, it is hypocritical for Chiklii to now do the same in reverse, talking about who should and shouldn't be voted for in the US elections...

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Douglas Murray: 'One truth can puncture a thousand lies' (video)

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Let our people go. (video)

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Kosha Dillz - Big Matzah (Passover 2024 song) (video)

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Apr 23, 2024

"You're LYING!" Piers Morgan Hosts Debate On Iran, Israel And Hamas (video)

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Apr 21, 2024

Pesach at War

My cousin sent this to me, and I thought it was worth posting, people would learn and benefit from it.. the original article written by Rav Chaim Sabato was published in Yedit Acharonot in 2022. My cousin translated it for himself (ie it was not published in English)... I think it is a powerful article, especially with us at war now as the Pesach holiday enters, and some of our children, siblings, parents, spouses, may be off at war, celebrating the Pesach seder far away from home...

Well known author and founding Rosh Yeshiva of Ma’aleh Adumim, Rabbi Haim Sabato (b. 1952), Published in Yediot Ahronot 04.15.2022 [translated by HDS]

My first Passover Seder in the IDF

I was a young soldier. My first year in the army. A soldier in the Nahal parachute division. Since I had been in yeshiva, they sent me to a post at the canal [Suez] three days before the holiday, to prepare a Seder for the soldiers. I arrived at the outpost on the banks of the canal. There were veterans there, a month before their release, who had spent the entire War of Attrition there [1967-1970]. As soon as they saw me, they started to laugh and mock: “Here he comes, this kid, a rookie, a Mashgiach Kashrut. Finally there will be someone clean the dishes for us!” Everyone was laughing. I wanted to tell them, “No, no, I am a combat soldier just like you, a paratrooper!” But I knew I didn’t have a chance, I kept quiet. Immediately they sent me to the kitchen to wash all the dishes, a huge pile in a clogged sink, pots not washed for three weeks, and to peel a sack of potatoes. At night they chose me to stand guard in front of the canal for four hours from 2am to 6am. I tried to explain why I came but no one wanted to hear.

On the day before Erev Pesach, I went to the commander of the post and explained that the kitchen needed to be prepared. “No problem,” he says, “just know, we eat chametz until the last minute it is allowed. After dinner you will enter the kitchen and prepare it. As far as I’m concerned, you can work all night. At eight in the morning a kosher breakfast!” I went into the kitchen late at night. I was appalled. Everything was full of chametz. The stove was full of thick layers of grease. No one is around to help me. I immediately set a pot to boil water for kashering. I went to the stove and I scrubbed and scrubbed, with tremendous effort and kashered the entire night, until by morning the kitchen was clean. Kosher for Passover LaMehadrin. Tired but satisfied, I went to daven Shacharit at with the dawn, and to rest before leading the Seder. On my way to bed, I passed the bunker of the commander of the post. Suddenly, near the bed of the commander, I see a box with thirty loaves of bread. I stood stunned. I let out a bitter cry. Fatigue, tension and disappointment filled my eyes with tears. The commander asked, “What’s wrong with you, Soldier, why are you crying?” I pointed to the chametz box and could not say anything. “What’s the problem?” He asked, “it's not in the kitchen!” I mumbled in a strangled voice: “For three thousand years the people of Israel have eaten Matzah…” and again the tears choked my throat. The commander looked at me and suddenly his face softened and he says: “Soldier, take the crate and burn it with the chametz. I will not break three thousand years.”

In the afternoon I set the table for the twenty soldiers who did not go home. I spread out a white nylon tablecloth and placed white kippot and Haggadot sent by the Rabbinate at every place. I arranged the Seder plate with Matzah, Maror and Charoset.

At night we gathered for the Seder. One of the soldiers warned me: “We are in the army – no explanations and no Torah, we want to eat dinner.” The commander asked everyone to sit down and said: “For three thousand years the people of Israel have eaten Matzah. We will listen to the Rabbi's explanations.” I understood that he wanted to appease me.

I said, “We are all soldiers, guarding independence and freedom with our bodies. But when did we become free? Three thousand years ago in the Exodus from Egypt, we left the house of slavery. We left for eternal freedom. As Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let my people go.” And since then, this call has been heard by enslaved and oppressed people the world over. We have become a symbol and a model for generations of slaves who have broken free of the yokes of their masters and are no longer willing to be enslaved. And in the Sinai desert we received Torah.

True, we were exiled and were in dire straits. Nations ruled over us. But in our souls we were always free. Only over our bodies did enemies rule, but never over our spirit. This is the spirit that brought us to this Land. Jews all over the world have always sought freedom, for themselves and for others, and have fought every oppressor. Today we eat Maror as a symbol of slavery, and Matzah as a symbol of freedom. This is the natural Matzah that has nothing but flour and water, it does not leaven and become prideful like the swelling Chametz that boasts of itself.”

I was astonished to find that the twenty soldiers who had not gone home for the holiday were sitting in silence. Listening. I raised the glass of wine to begin with Kiddush. The soldiers said: “Rabbi, tell us more.” I told them, “You are sitting on the banks of the canal bordering Egypt. I was five years old when I left Egypt after my father was arrested for Zionism. On the ship ‘Moledet’ I immigrated from Egypt to the Land of Israel like my ancient ancestors.” I told them of the Egyptian Jews, and the Passover Seders highlighted with the announcement: “L’Shana Haba’a B’Yerushalyaim! Next year in Jerusalem!” I told them of a family of forced converts in Portugal who held Seder Night in a basement, whispering for fear of the Inquisition. I told them of a Siberian prisoner, who recited sections of the Haggadah to himself with a single Matzah that the Jewish labor camp doctor had smuggled to him. And he opened by saying: “Tonight I am not a prisoner in Siberia, I am a free man.” And so, we read the Haggadah and explained more and more until Shulchan Orech. After the meal and two glasses of wine it was already impossible for me to read, let alone explain, but then everyone broke into song. Avadim Hayinu. Ma Nishtanah. Dayenu, and more songs that were remembered from childhood, and also songs of the Land of Israel.

At the end of the Seder, the commander approached me. He shook my hand in silence. Tears welled up in my eyes. And he said: “Three thousand years. We did not break. We continue. This is my first Seder, thanks to you.”

Rabbi Haim Sabato

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Quote of the Day

There is place to consider extending the term of the government [past the end of its term in 2026], should the war continue...

  -- Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf


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Halacha Headlines: 4/20/24 – Shiur 465 – Achdus - does “Achdus” mean I am supposed to embrace Jews I really don’t agree with? (audio)

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Why is this Pesach Different From all Other Pesachs? | Pesach 5784 (video)

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Beri Weber & Simchi Abramczik | Haleila Hazeh (video)

Prepare for a profound journey into Pesach with "Haleila Hazeh," where tradition converges with music in a powerful expression of faith. "Ma Nishtana Haleila Hazeh?" The song begins with the iconic four questions from the Pesach Seder, mirroring the trials of the four exiles; Mitzrayim, Yavan, Bavel, and the prolonged darkness of Edom. “Haleila Hazeh” examines the persistent, yet often unseen light zwithin each galus. The song emphasizes that tonight this night is just before the break of dawn, symbolizing the bright emergence of redemption. I met up with Simcha Abramczik at a Purim event in Passaic, and Simcha suggested that we work together which resulted in this truly amazing song!

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Latma - Stayin’ Alive (CNN’s version of The Exodus) (video)

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Vehi Sheamda (feat. Daniel Wais) - (feat. דניאל וייס) והיא שעמדה [Official Video]

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Seder Night (Save Tonight) - Passover Song (video)

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Apr 19, 2024

Yachatz - a broken nation

Here is a thought I hope to express at the Pesach seder...


Yachatz is a point in the seder that is often overlooked. Many do it "on the sly" with the host breaking the matza and hiding it quickly before anyone notices, as everyone is still busy munching on their potato or parsley from karpas and chatting and trying to get more potatoes. I hope to make a point of it this year rather than try to sneak it through in the rush of activities before Magid begins...


We break the matza in half. Half is hidden away, and we search for it to make the matza whole again.

Our nation is broken in half. This year in particular has been a difficult one for the nation. We were broken in half. Before the last holiday we were broken in half by politics, with each side screaming at each other. It had gotten so bad there was serious concern it could lead to civil war, God forbid. Then Hamas broke us further, murdering and raping and kidnapping so many in a brutal attack. And since then, with an ongoing war and fallen soldiers and hostages still sitting in dark tunnels without decent food and water, worried about being killed at any time or doomed to remain there forever or until death comes before they get sent home. We are broken in half. 

We have to search for the pieces to put ourselves, our nation back together, to make us whole. Though with matza once you break it you can never make it whole again. There are always missing pieces. We might or might not be able to make ourselves and our nation whole again, but we have to look, to seek out, the ways and possibilities, and we have to try.

And when we find the afikomen, we bring it back to the table, we put it back together with the other piece, we make it as whole as we possibly can. We have to seek out the pieces of our nation that we pushed away, that are not with us, whether politically or physically like the hostages and our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, who have been away at war for so long, and find a way to put us all back together again, to be able to break bread with each other, to be whole and working towards our common goals, even if we dont agree on many things.

לרפואה שלימה ולגאולה קרובה

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Apr 18, 2024

[try to] bring a korban pesach and earn some money

anyone interested in making some money next week?

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the bread of freedom being sent to Gaza

Minister Meir Porush has petitioned the United Nations to send humanitarian aid to the hostages being held in Gaza.

Porush reached out to Tor Wennesland, the UN representative to the Middle East asking to send matza and wine as humanitarian aid to the 133 hostages being held in Gaza. Porush stressed the aid should be sent before Monday evening to ensure the hostages will be able to use it to commemorate the Pesach holiday, even if only in a symbolic way. Receiving such aid would also raise their spirits and help them withstand these difficult times while being held captive until they are released.

Porush did say that we are hoping and praying the hostages will be released by then, before the holiday, but in the case that they aren't, this aid should be supplied.
source: Hamechadesh

Even if the request should be accepted, they will get it like they got the medications that were sent in a few months back... and how likely is it that Hamas will give wine to the hostages? But at the end of the day, all we can do is try, so good on him for requesting it. 

And hopefully the matza will be the bread of freedom for them and be the harbinger for their release quickly and in the very near future.

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Haredi opinion on attacking Iran

I am not sure what the right move is in response to the Iranian attack on Israel this past Saturday night. I have heard, I think, all the possible options, and the logic behind each all make sense, so I dont know which of them is the better strategy. Once again, I thank God for it not being me who has to make this type of a decision.

With that caveat, I was surprised to see the following news item. Not because of what was said, but the fact that it was said at all.

The news is reporting that the Haredi representatives in the government have been polling the various leading rabbonim as to what the government should do regarding Iran and what they, the Haredi MKs and Ministers, should support or oppose.

A rundown brought by Kikar shows that MK Moshe Gafni is opposed to an attack on Iran by Israel, at least if not coordinated with the United States. Gafni says this is the opinion of Rav Dov Landau, and was also the opinion of Rav Shach. It seems the Gerrer Rebbe, the Viznitzer Rebbe also agree with this position. MK Aryeh Deri is also opposed to an attack on Iran. 

While I havent seen Sefardi rabbonim quoted in this matter, other news media reported that Rav Moshe Maya when asked refused to give an opinion saying he does not understand these matters enough nor have enough information to offer guidance. In my opinion that is more impressive than the various rabbonim who are offering opinions (though maybe they have more information or understand on defense matters)..

So what is surprising about this?

The Haredi MKs used almost completely stay out of defense matters. They used to say that without them sending their kids to the army, they cant comment on these things. it is wrong, and it will also look bad that they are helping decide matters of defense and security that will mostly affect others but not them. It looks like that policy has changed.

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protecting Haifa?

President Biden said last night that he warned Israel to not attack Haifa.

What does Biden love about Haifa so much that he feels he must intervene to protect it? And why is Israel attacking Haifa?

Maybe it is because Yona Yahav, the mayor of Haifa, just said the other day that he is planning on naming a new neighborhood in Haifa after Joe Biden - Ramat Biden or something like that. That was a smart move by Yahav, a strategic maneuver to protect Haifa from Israeli attack! by naming a neighborhood after Biden, he has guaranteed that Biden will help protect his city from Israel!

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"I Don't Know If Iran Has Shown Strategy" | Patrick Bet-David (video)

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Fmr. Prime Minister Bennett to MSNBC: Iran is epicenter of global terror (video)

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Tripping Kosher: Lakewood Shmurah Matzah Bakery, Lakewood, NJ (video)

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Pesach In Der Heim - Benny Friedman, Zaltz Band & Yedidim (video)

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Aaron Razel - Etgaagea Lechan (video)

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Apr 17, 2024

how many killed?

what do you think of this calculation and logic?

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Tweet of the Day

it is not crazy that this idiot confused the holidays of a religion he isnt part of. Yet he tweets this stupidity with such confidence and arrogance (just look at a calendar and get it straight!) that it deserves to be noted. And he continues to keep the original tweet up despite having been corrected by many people...

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increasing awareness


Rachel Goldberg-Polin was included in Time Magazine's list of 100 most influential people of 2024.

Hopefully it will increase awareness even more and help bring her son Hersh home from his captivity, being held by by Hamas in Gaza since October 7, 2023.

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Picture of the Day

A storm or other severe weather in the Iranian island of Hormuz caused the Hormuz River to turn blood red.

This is pretty cool happening right as Pesach begins, and just after the Iranians shot rockets and drones at Israel. They should take it as a warning...

Not to be a killjoy but this seems to happen not too infrequently. The beach there is called Red Beach because of the red soil and sand. the sand/soil washed into the river because of the storm, turning it red. Despite all that, it is still cool, especially because of the timing.

And for the humorous perspective, perhaps the Mossad (hey, the Jews control the weather!), caused the storm and the subsequent event of the river turning red to send a warning to the Iranians...

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“I'm Laughing In Your FACE” Cenk Uygur vs Emily Schrader On Iran-Israel (video)

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The Lost Matzos - Benny Friedman, Mordechai Shapiro & Aryeh Kunstler | SING Entertainment Pesach '24 (video)

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How It’s Made: Matzah (video)

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Six13 - Matza Mia! An ABBA Passover (video)

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Apr 16, 2024

Picture of the Day

I dont really care that Harrison Bader hit the game winning double yesterday, because he did it for the Mets. What is special here is that he did it while showing his support for Israel wearing a Jewish star on his belt.

BTW, Hader considers himself Jewish. His father is Jewish and his mother is not.

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Pesach Hotline, Hello (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Still I wait - Ricka Razel and Nina Tokayer (video)

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Apr 15, 2024

#149: Behind the Bima - Ishay Ribo (video)

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Israel should do what the US would do against anyone who shot 330 missiles and drones on Americans (video)

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Israel. Secret Beaches You've Never Been To. Relaxing Stroll Along the Mediterranean Coast. (video)

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Chasal Sidur Pesach I Motty Steinmetz (video)

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Apr 14, 2024

Picture of the Day

One of the rockets from Iran knew it didnt really want to get involved so it went rogue and chose to go on vacation in the Dead Sea for some R&R

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Tweet of the Day

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Quote of the Day

Neither the Iron Dome nor other defensive shields were able to take significant action against #Iran's operational tactics in "Operation True Promise".

  - Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri

lol. Yeah, that's why 99% of everything the Iranians shot at us last night was taken out before crossing into Israeli airspace, and the little bit that did was also shot down with just a couple rockets causing nominal damage and one injury. That's ok. Let them think they hit Israel hard and caused tremendous damage to the Zionist entity. Like the Arab countries that told the local Arabs to leave in 1948 so they could destroy Israel and the Arabs will come back after the war is over....

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Halacha Headlines: 4/13/24 – Shiur 464 – Pesach – Great Divrei Torah for your Seder and beyond. Plus, lessons for today from Lavan’s attempt to destroy K’lal Yisroel (audio)

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Bill Maher addresses ADL, shares commentary on post-10/7 liberal activism (video)

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Have you ever heard Hatikvah in English? (Israel’s national anthem) (video)

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Joey Newcomb - Ka'eileh (video)

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Apr 11, 2024

Fmr. Prime Minister Bennett with Fareed Zakaria on Gaza war (video)

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Move to Israel DAVKA NOW! 😊 Am Yisrael Chai 💓🇮🇱: Israel Inspiration4U (video)

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Benny Friedman: A Yid (is Like the Moon) (video)

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Pini Einhorn - Doiresh Tov (Official Music Video)

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Apr 10, 2024

Israel-Hamas: Norman Finkelstein vs Alan Dershowitz Round 2 (video)

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Women unite in prayer - Hallel Nissan - Ricka Razel (video)

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Mazel tov to Hamas leader Haniyeh

mazel tov to Ismail Haniyeh on the great honor of having his children become martyrs for the Palestinian cause.

While he lives in luxury in Qatar, he let his children and grandchildren continue living in Gaza, leading to today where they were killed in an Israeli strike.

I expect that Haniyeh will send a thank you note to Israel for helping his children achieve the great honor of becoming martyrs, shahidim. And on our side, it was surely a great honor for Israel to facilitate the process

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Behind the Scenes - Sholom Jacobs MI SHEBERACH (video)

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Ari Fraser | Blessing (video)

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Apr 9, 2024

Coleman Hughes Pushes Back on "False Flag" Claims About Israel-Hamas Attack with Joe Rogan (video)

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Israeli race car driver Ariel Elkin puts down his trophy to raise his special helmet (video)

best race car driver ever!

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THE KIDDUSH CLUB by Amudim (video)

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Yonina- Ein Li Eretz Acheret (video)

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Moshe Feld - Lo Haya Stam (video)

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Apr 8, 2024

Quote of the Day

There is intensive work being done in the government offices preparing for re-settlement of the Gaza Strip. The optimistic vision is renewal of the Gaza settlements. You can see processes in place, including work to prepare for it in government offices. There is intensive work behind the scenes to ensure that it happens.

  -- MK Limor Sun Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit)

Either she is lying while being hopeful, or PM Netanyahu and DM Galant lied when they denied it and said it isnt going to happen, or maybe they just dont know what the Otzma people are planning, or maybe nobody really knows what is going on in the government and each MK and minister does whatever he or she wants without any coordination.

And again, first let's worry about resettling the displaced communities in northern and southern Israel and then maybe consider expanding into Gaza.

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Dr. Phil, Mosab Yousef: Truth Behind Hamas; Unmasking Their Violent Intentions | Dr. Phil Primetime (video)

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Noa Tishby on why the world loves Hamas and hates Israel (video)

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I'm not religious and certainly not orthodox (video)

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A Walking Tour Through Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in One Remarkable Day. (video)

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Apr 7, 2024

Facebook Status of the Day

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Halacha Headlines:4/6/24 – Shiur 463 – Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi? (audio)

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Eylon Levy on News Nation with Chris Cuomo (2 Apr. 2024) (video)

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Michael Rapaport: More connected to Judaism and Israel then ever before (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Apr 5, 2024

Mi Sheberach - Sholom Jacobs (video)

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Apr 4, 2024

Quote of the Day

Truthfully, klal yisrael is klal yisrael, even if many are mistaken, but klal yisrael is all one klal yisrael. So, it is true that everyone needs to carry the burden and contribute to the success of klal yisrael, but there is a fundamental mistake, what is considered sharing the burden? The truth is the ones bearing the burden are actually the yeshiva bochurim, the learners of the holy Torah.... the truth is that the valuable bnei torah, those who keep torah and mitzvos, they support everything, the entire Jewish nation and and the entire situation. Sharing the burden? That is not called equality! That means we are bearing the entire burden! Bearing the burden means strengthening in torah and prayer..

  -- "The Mashgiach:, Rav Don Segal, at a conference of Ichud Bnei Hayeshivos

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"Will You Give ANY Condemnation Of Hamas?" Israel-Palestine Debate | Abby Martin vs Emily Schrader (video)

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From Intersectionality to Jihad | Rep. Ritchie Torres on how BDS Perverted The Progressive Cause (video)

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Kayla Goldstein’s Plan To End The Agunah Crisis - JITC Speaks (video)

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The Longest Suspension Bridge in Israel ➡ Mount Zion ➡ King David's Tomb ➡ Western Wall. (video)

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With Everything That's Goin' On...What's Goin' On? (Israel-Palestine War Mental Health Song) (video)

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Apr 3, 2024

Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky at 88 on the birth of his son (video)

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Douglas Murray on the Not-So-Subtle Threats Driving Policy and Media (video)

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