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Oct 29, 2020

UAE signs deal to import Golan Heights wines

According to a report in the Jewish Press, the Golan Heights Winery just signed a deal to export its wines to the states of the United Arab Emirates.

According to the report, the wines cannot be sold in street shops, because of the Muslim makeup of the UAE, but will be sold in hotels and restaurants and other wine hotspots.

I guess that despite the UAE being a religious Muslim state, they still have tourists and less-religious locals, along with foreign residents.

Most interesting is that they did not just start out making a deal to import Israeli wines, something that on its own might be controversial enough in the day and age of BDS, but the first wines they have decided to import are from the Golan Heights!

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supreme humility

Here is a beautiful story of supreme humility. I like these. Like the rosh yeshiva who has no airs about him and runs for the bus instead of having personal drivers because he is so important...

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price of gas dropping

Prices of gas went down at the same time we went into both the first and second lockdowns. The first time it even went down a lot. Just after we came out of lockdown the prices went up again.

I am sure it was just coincidental.

I questioned the connection back during the first lockdown, wondering if they are just giving us good news during a lockdown, even though we couldn't take advantage of the lower prices - we had nowhere to go and practically weren't allowed to leave our houses (the first lockdown was very strict).

So now I wonder if this piece of news announced today of the price of gas being lowered on Saturday night means we might be going into a third lockdown now.. :-)

It seems unlikely because  the numbers are pretty good from what I understand (though there is less testing I think), but maybe. Maybe if we were going into a lockdown the price would be dropped much more significantly.. this seems like a normal fluctuation....

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Facebook Status of the Day

is this called seeing problems where they don't exist or is this a real issue?

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Interesting Psak: participation in CoronaVirus vaccine trials

According to @Haskupim, (a Haredi breaking news feed on Twitter) Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, the head of the Beis Horaah for Medical Affairs in Bnei Braq, it is prohibited for anyone to participate in trials for a CoronaVirus vaccine until it is clear that it is 100% effective against the virus. This is true even if it has low risk rates.

Furthermore, participation in vaccine trials will only be halachically permitted when it gets to the point that the vaccine being tested is effective with the risk level no greater than 1.5%, and then we could be lenient to allow a sick person to participate.

Until after the trials I am not sure how there could ever be proof of 100% effectiveness. So essentially, I don't think, according to Rav Stern's opinion, any frum Jew could participate in such trials.

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Agudath Israel denies move towards Zionism in WZO

Just the other day I commented on the situation in WZO, the World Zionist Organization, with the new "Degel Hatorah affiliated" Eretz Hakodesh faction joining WZO and the ruling coalition. I said that with Eretz Hakodesh being part of WZO, especially as part of the ruling coalition, they are now really a Zionist organization.

The truth is though that in the last year of elections Degel Hatorah already campaigned as a Zionist organization, in an attempt to draw in voters from the National Religious camp. So this isn't really new, but more of the same.

I guess the Agudah is feeling the heat. Agudath Israel of America released a statement denying any change in policy or approach. Here is [part of] what they said:

The Jewish people is a nation based on the belief in One Hashem and the Torah He gave us, and nothing else. By omitting this truth, the Jerusalem Program – and the Zionist ideology it embodies – attempt to redefine the essence of the Jewish people as a political entity similar to all other nations of the world. This redefinition goes against the essence of our emunah and mesorah.

Among the foundational principles upon which the Torah giants of the past century established the Agudas Yisroel movement was the firm rejection of the Zionist redefinition of Jewish peoplehood. Throughout its history Agudas Yisroel has remained faithful to that essential principle, and it will continue to do so. We therefore reiterate: Any suggestion that the ideology of Zionism is compatible with Chareidi Jewry’s fundamental beliefs has no basis and must be rejected.

Also without basis is the notion that a party identifying itself as representing Chareidi Jews has the authority to sign a coalition agreement within the World Zionist Congress together with other Jewish parties including non-Orthodox religious groups, as happened last week. Chareidi Jewry has long abided by the halachic ruling of the most revered Torah leaders of a generation ago that it is forbidden to join Jewish organizations whose purpose is to bring Orthodox Jewry together with non-Orthodox under one organizational umbrella. What happened last week at the World Zionist Congress transgresses the spirit of that ruling, and represents a departure from accepted Chareidi norms. Whatever financial benefits may accrue to worthy institutions as a result of this coalition agreement, they do not justify the abandonment of principle.

At a time when there is so much confusion in our Jewish world, it is essential that we Chareidim remind ourselves that we stand for principle – and that we cannot stand silently by when fundamental values are distorted.

So, in the lead up to the WZO elections it was ok for Agudah rabbis, with a few exceptions (notably Rav Ahron Feldman among others), to encourage people to register and vote for the frum party, and the Agudah remained silent as an organization, but now after the fact, now that they have their hand on the faucet of funds (as we say in Israel - עם יד על השיבר), it is ok to criticize WZO and talk about how it isnt compatible with the frum community. Maybe pull your people out if it is that bad. 

Obviously they want to deny, to continue denying, any turn towards any involvement in Zionism and the Zionist enterprise, as they always have, but actions speak louder than words. Even though with good PR, and the Agudah generally, I think, is pretty good at PR, they can make people think there has been no change and they reject it completely, the truth seems to be otherwise.

And I know, Agudah isnt Degel, and neither of them are Eretz Hakodesh, but they are all connected. the separation and only unofficial affiliation is there for plausible deniability. 

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Ron Arad, open case, part 1 (video)

I was always infatuated with the story of Ron Arad... the information and background is laid out very well, including details I never heard before (at least all put together like this)...

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the widening gap between the Haredi community and the rest of the Israeli community (video)

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PM Netanyahu and Ambassador Friedman at Ariel university ceremony signing joint venture agreement in Judea and Samaria and in the Golan Heights (video)

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BLACKOUT | Episode 4: Work Flow (video)

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You Shall Love (Official Music Video) by Jeremy Gimpel

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Oct 28, 2020

Jerusalem, Israel

Big News!

Politico is reporting that the Trump administration has decided to put "Jerusalem, Israel" on the US passports of Americans born in Jerusalem.

According to the report, the decision has been confirmed by US officials and might be announced tomorrow - obviously to get it in before the election...

I wonder if I can get all my kids old passports reprinted with Jerusalem, Israel on them or if it is only moving forward... I assume when renewing expired passports it will automatically say Jerusalem, Israel, and not just for new passports...

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take in Shabbos ten minutes early this week for President Trump

According to Rav Yehuda Aryeh Dinner, a posek in Bnei Braq, has requested form the public that this week everyone should light the Shabbos candles and "bring in Shabbos" ten minutes earlier than usual. 

Personally we will be bringing in Shabbos a whole hour earlier than last week (even a little bit more), because we went back to winter time this week off DST. :-)

Rav Dinner actually pointed out that with the change form DST to winter time, Shabbos comes in very early and people should plan in advance to be ready, as they have gotten used to being ready in the summer for much later Shabbos, and even then people are not ready until the last minute.

Rav Dinner then went into explaining that we have to have gratitude to the President of the USA, Donald Trump, for all he has done for the Jewish nation, for yeshivas and kollels and schools and the Jewish communities, and with elections next week.

So, because we very much want him to continue as President, as that is what is good for the Jewish people and for Torah learning, so we should bring in Shabbos a little earlier, and the merit of Shabbos will stand for us.

Obviously, anyone who is able to go vote should go and vote for him, for Donald Trump. And in the merit of Shabbos we ask Hashem to have mercy and help us with this so Trump can continue in this position to help us support Torah and the yeshivas...

I do not recall such a campaign on a President's behalf in previous elections. We should also daven that if Joe Biden will win that he will help the Jewish people in his position as President. Rav Dinner and many in the Orthodox community might prefer a Trump victory, but Biden can win and we can still ask Hashem to help so that Biden will be good to the Jewish people.

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Quote of the Day

If Biden wins we will be fine working with the new administration. Netanyahu and the State of Israel have worked together with administrations led by the Democrat party in the USA, and we will be fine with this. We survived Pharoah, we will also survive this.

  MK Shlomo Kari (Likud)

Kari is in a little bit of hot water for comparing Biden to Pharoah. Maybe he meant it like that maybe not. To eb fair, this is an expression used regularly in Israel for all sorts of problems people or society have - we survived Pharoah, we will survive this. It does not mean Kari thinks Biden is comparable to Pharoah.

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Pray for Trump

I have heard this prayer that has recently been passed around, a prayer for the success of Donald Trump in the current USA presidential elections, is being said in many shuls during or at the end of the regular services.

Noticeably, the prayer says, "for having taken upon himself to guard and protect Israel".

I do wonder if the shuls saying this prayer also say the prayer for the State of Israel, a prayer that asks God to safeguard the State and bless its leaders with wisdom, and/or the prayer for the IDF, an institution that defends and protects the State of Israel, as well. 

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Proposed Law: women in the Chief Rabbinate

Srugim is reporting that Yisrael Beyteynu Party is submitting a law proposal today that will try to force the Chief Rabbinate to integrate women, along with Dati Leumi rabbis and heads of Jewish organizations abroad, into the ranks of the Chief Rabbinate.

According to Yisrael Beyteynu, the Chief Rabbinate selects its rabbis out of political considerations rather than from a Zionist outlook perspective or from a broad sense of public responsibility. This causes, they say, the public to lose faith in the Rabbinate. And it is absurd that the selection committee of the Rabbinate is chosen by its own people made up of anti-zionist rabbis, with no representation of women and dati leumi representatives.

MK Avigdor Lieberman, head of Yisrael Beyteynu, said that they will submit this proposal to protect the Jewish nature of the State by choosing representatives in the Rabbanut to represent the entire nation and not just the political interests of Shas and UTJ.

I wonder if Lieberman thinks this proposal has even the slightest of chances of being passed...

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Jared Kushner | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 104 (video)

interesting interview. even without the politics and campaigning, he talks about Israel, antisemitism, meeting his wife and how that happened...

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All-female Observant Jewish EMT Group Debuts First Ambulance (video)

mazel tov! save a lot of lives!

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MK Pindrus attacks the Roshei Yeshiva (video)


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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Great Day - (Official Music Video)

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Oct 27, 2020

Quote of the Day

We have begun to build a budget for an outline of home care [for COVID-19 treatment]. I admit that this is the preferred method of treatment with the winter coming. I have held a number of meetings on the matter with the various kupot cholim, and it is going to happen.

  -- Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein

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shortage of hair for sheitels

Just the other day Rav Yitzchak Yosef spoke about sheitels being prohibited because the hair is avoda zara, coming from the Indian temples.

Interestingly, the New York Times had an article about a month ago about a global shortage in hair for wigs and extensions. The shortage was caused by a confluence of factors, including the pandemic and lockdowns (and also less people going to the temples, and less people in the temples willing to process the hair and risk infection), but also politics and international disputes. According to the article, 80% of the hair for wigs comes from India and the temples there.

No, the New York Times article does not mention the Jews who wear wigs. It talks about the wigs for black women mostly.

I do not know if anything written in the article has any bearing on the halachic issue. It does not details the process of obtaining the hair nor the intent of the donors - just mentions where most hair comes from. Even if most of the hair does come from India and from the temples, which seems pretty accepted, that does not necessarily mean the hair is avoda zara (it might be tikrovet avoda zara, it might not be, depending on how the intent of the donor is determined, among other factors. speak to your LOR about the issue if it is relevant to you). But I guess it does mean that sheitel prices will be going up because of the shortage. Even if you don't think it is avoda zara, you might want to switch to tichels because of the shortage!

And if it is avoda zara, then perhaps the CoronaVirus was worth it (I doubt it) just to stop the flow of avoda zara into our communities!

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newly kosher imported Coca Cola

Maariv is reporting (and Srugim as well) that the Rabbanut has decided to approve as kosher some drinks made by Coca Cola (Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Fanta, and Sprite) imported by alternate importers. Until now they have refused to approve these as kosher, thus creating a sort of monopoly by the local manufacturer of the drink under the Landau hechsher which keeps the prices elevated. Allowing alternate imports and certifying them as kosher is expected to bring the prices of Coca Cola down, at least on the imported versions.

The new RRabbanut policy is that if an importer can prove that the product he wants to import is exactly the same as a product already sold and approved in Israel as kosher, the Rabbanut will now approve the import and put its own certification on the product and stamp it kosher. 

So, under this new policy of the Rabbanut, alternate importers of Coca Cola have begun importing the drinks from other countries, and I guess they can prove it to be the same product as the certified one sold in Israel, and obtain the Rabbanut hechsher for the imported Coca Cola.

I would note that as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with the issue of the fight regarding Ukranian Coca Cola (though the same clause might apply) and the debate over whether Coca Cola without a hechsher can be consumed as kosher or not, nor whether the new Belz hechsher on Ukranian Coca Cola is real and reliable or not.

The Rabbanut stresses that only Coca Cola bearing their kashrut certification is kosher under this new rule and not any and every import. If it does not have the Rabbanut certification on it, it is not approved as kosher even under the new guidelines.

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Proposed Law: Quarantine sick days

According to Kikar, the Knesset yesterday passed the first reading of a proposed law that will allow employees needing to enter quarantine to use "sick days" for their days of quarantine (due to exposure or upon returning from travel abroad), even though they aren't necessarily sick. The same will be for someone whose child has to go into quarantine and needs a parent to quarantine with him/her.

According to the proposal, instead of having to use vacation days or unpaid leave, sick days can be used to cover the quarantine, in order to protect the job security of the employee. The normal law of "sick days pay" will apply. The cost of the sick days payments will be split between the employer and the State. If an employee has already used up his sick days allotment or does not have enough to cover the quarantine, an arrangement for sick days according to a specific formula will be granted to the employee for use in quarantine, and will be covered by the State. 

The purpose of the law is to protect the job security of the employees who are forced into quarantine by the national battle against the spread of CoronaVirus and to make the decision to comply with the rules of quarantine easier when they might have concern of the possibility of losing their job or having salary docked.  

Some businesses offer better sick day terms than what the law requires. I don't know if quarantine sick days will only follow the formula of this proposal or if the State-employer combination will pay whatever terms the company normally uses. It seems to me the State will only agree to pay its portion according to the official legal formula, though I don't know if this was considered or not at this point 

It seems fair to protect the employees like this when the order from quarantine is from the State as part of this national fight against Corona, but maybe they should go a little further and pay the full sick day pay to the employee and not make the employer pay anything. As part of the national fight, why make the employer lose out and hurt him/her? Also, maybe the employee should be paid like sick days, but should also not lose out on accumulated sick days either - after all, right now he is not really sick, just forced into quarantine. If he comes out of quarantine healthy, God willing, and then gets the flu, he won't have any sick days left available to be used. So maybe the State should consider quarantine as sick days, but that it also does not get deducted from the employee's accumulation.

The first reading passed in the Knesset and will head to committee to be adjusted and prepared for further readings.

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the frum Village People (video)

a political rally is just that, and it doesnt interest me that much, though something like this seems pretty rare.. but it is the frum village people that made me laugh

the frum Village People..

and the original Village People..

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a Haredi family during Corona - from the city of Rechasim (video)

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Avreimy Poupko on Ninja Israel (video)

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Synagogues of California Part 7 F Towns (video)

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Mevarech Hashanim - David Taub (video)

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Oct 26, 2020

Quote of the Day

I feel as though nobody takes us into account. If there is a head of the coalition (coalitzya, in Hebrew) and a head of the opposition (oppozitzya, in Hebrew) then I want to be the head of the coppolition (copozitzya)..

  -- MK  Yaakov Litzman (UTJ), combining the words opposition and coaliton indicating that they are only partially in and partially out. And this is in the spirit of Ben Gurion's Um Shmum

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scooters are the new bikes

Rav Yehuda Aryeh Schwartz, rav of the Nahalat Soroka neighborhood of Bnei Braq is upset by a new trend among frum girls.

Note: I know nothing about Rav Schwartz and I don't think I ever heard of him before.

Rav Schwartz expressed his dismay at a new trend among frum girls. This new trend is that they ride scooters - korkinets, as they are called in Hebrew. Rav Schwartz says this is a serious breach in the fences of tzniyus.

Rav Schwartz says that every day the Satan comes up with new ways to breach the walls of tzniyus, and the newest method is enticing the girls to ride these scooters, either electric or regular manual (foot powered) through the streets and paths. And it is not just young children, but also young female adolescents, who are otherwise dressed completely in a tzanua style according to all the dictates of halacha - girls who would never consider doing anything against the rules of tzniyus.

Rav Schwartz says that all God fearing women and girls know very well that this is not a chumra or hiddur but is a basic tenet of guarding her honor and tzniyus.
source: Kikar

I admit. While I know that bicycles are a no-no for girls in the Haredi community and Beis Yaakov schools [in Israel] typically do not allow the girls to ride bikes, I was not aware that scooters are also a problem. And I see a lot of girls riding scooters. It seems to be pretty normal and accepted. And it is not new. Maybe in Bnei Braq it is new and maybe there it is not accepted, but it seems pretty common and standard to me.

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Bet Shemesh to distribute Vitamin D?

According to Shlomi Heller, a reporter for Kol Ha'Ir and Israel Hayom, the City of Bet Shemesh is looking into the possibility of distributing Vitamin D to all residents in an effort to help fighting the spread of COVID-19.

The City of Bet Shemesh has confirmed to Heller that it has been in contact with the Ministry of Health to coordinate this project after consulting with doctors and medical experts on the matter.

The City says it is important because about half the city is Haredi and studies have shown that in general the Haredi community suffers from Vitamin D deficiencies due to minimal exposure to the sun.

I can't wait for a bottle of Vitamin D to appear in my mailbox one day! But I also want vitamins B, C and Zinc!

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Interesting Psak: sheitels avoda zara

I am not sure why this has come up now after a long period of quiet on this issue. 

In his recent Motzash shiur, Chief Rabbi Rav Yitzchak Yosef paskened that sheitels, wigs, today come almost entirely from avoda zara and are therefore prohibited from being used by women as a hair covering.

Rav Yosef says he checked the issue out in various ways and almost all the hair used for wigs today definitely comes from avoda zara. Rav Yosef dislikes that Rav Mordechai Gross retracted his initial disapproval and eventually said that wigs are fine. People that buy a wig and bring it home should not ask why they have problems in the home - they have problems because they brought avoda zara into the house. Rav Gross caused a big problem with his retraction.

According to Rav Yosef, people turned it into a hashkafic issue - Mizrochniks wear tichels and Charedim have to wear sheitels - but that is idiocy.
source: Kikar

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Asaf Goren on Ninja Israel finishes course and says Shma Yisrael (video)

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Behind the Bima S2E5: Special Guest: Judge Ruchie Freier (video)

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Debate between Trump and Biden supporter in Israel (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Ricka Razel: Beatings of the Heart (video)

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Oct 25, 2020

Quote of the Day

Are you normal? Do we want to be sick?  you go all day with a shtreimel on your heads, that weighs a few kilograms, you go with jackets and tallis - what is all this casuistry and sophistry to not put a piece of cloth over your mouth? Such a chilul hashem. what are you broadcasting to the world? I have no words. It could be that you will pay for this in the world to come for murder or chilul hashem.

  -- Former MK Shlomo Benizri about the chassidim who won't follow regulations

Dudi Zilbershlag recently said something similar, but he's an even bigger nutcase and provocateur than Benizri, so I didn't quote him then, though he said it better. Now that I am quoting Benizri, I figure I can also quote Zilbershlag at the same time, so here goes:
In talks I have had with Belzer chassidim I have said to them: I was going to support the position of your rebbe when you all were avoiding it, but regarding the masks - it made it very difficult for me. Specifically the chassidim who wear so many layers of clothes, so one more little shmatta over the mouth is the problem? Even if it is just for making peace between the haredim and the secular - you should be doing it.

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Interesting Psak: no mask? no minyan!

Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of the Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq was sent the following question by a resident of Modiin Ilit in the name of a group of residents looking for clarity.

The fellow asks that recently in Modiin Ilit people are starting to go to the shul and yeshiva and other places without wearing the required mask and without keeping the necessary distance. Some people have been calling the police on these violations, and they are doing so on Shabbos, saying that Rav Zilbershtein paskened so because of pikuach nefesh.

So, they asked, is this really the case - should the police be called on such people, and even on Shabbos?

Rav Zilbershtein responded that it is not necessary to call the police because there are other solutions that also work. 

Rav Zilbershtein recommended a solution that people should approach the offender not wearing a mask and tell him that if he does not immediately put on a mask the entire minyan will disband and he will be left without a minyan, and it will be on his head that everyone davened without a minyan. He will immediately put on a mask.

Rav Zilbershtein adds that this should be done during the week as well as on Shabbos.

It is an interesting solution, but what happens if it does not work? What happens if they are enough people that they have a minyan anyway even without those who leave in protest? Or they will just go to the next shul and try there with everyone else. Or what about in the yeshivas and kollels for learning where a minyan is not required - how will this threat be effective then? And what if some of the people wearing the masks don't care enough to leave and a minyan remains - the threat isn't overly effective. 

If the above solution isn't practical or effective, does the previous psak of calling the police come back into effect?

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Degel Hatorah is now a Zionist party

I never paid much attention to the inner workings of the World Zionist Organization. to me it just felt like an organization for arranging jobs for cronies and for funneling money to connected groups. The recent WZO elections provided some intrigue, but I still did not pay too much attention to it.

Now that the right wing parties have all come out ahead and recently signed a "wall to wall" coalition agreement, WZO is back in the news, and it got me thinking.

First, the Reform and Conservative and leftist groups are all upset. Their stronghold of power and connections was "taken" from them, and they are upset about it. Boo Hoo. They lost the elections fair and square and that's what happens. They should take some example from their opponents and learn how to mobilize their supporters.

Second, back during the election period I wrote about some of the intrigue, mostly about the debates among the Haredi rabbonim as to whether the  Haredi community abroad should vote in the elections or not. I said that I am not a big fan of going to into someone else's house and taking control, even according to the rules. I still am somewhat uncomfortable with what happened, but they played according to the rules, so it is what it is. 

Third, and the main point of what I wanted to mention, is the Eretz Hakodesh faction taking up a significant role in the running of WZO, in addition to just joining the organization.

Does anyone remember about ten years ago when Shas decided to join WZO and Degel Hatorah was highly critical of Shas for abandoning Haredi principles and joining a Zionist organization? And now Degel Hatorah, under a different name, has also joined the World Zionist Organization. And not just joined, but is also taking a significant role. Eretz Hakodesh has an Israeli office that is run by people from Degel Hatorah (among others), including MK Yitzchak Pindrus and Rav Nechemia Malinowitz. 

So Degel Hatorah is now a Zionist organization.  Mazel tov.

Also, Bibi turns out to have been right. Back in 2010 when Shas joined and Degel was critical, Bibi expressed dismay that Degel didn't join as well and said that he expects that in a few years they too will recognize the importance and influence and will join. And now they did. It took a little more than the 3 or 4 years Bibi mentioned, but in the end he was basically right. They saw the money and influence and decided there is no reason to not take a piece of that pie. As King Solomon said, והכסף יענה את הכל. 

Good luck to all of them.

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Tweet of the Day

The UAE Hebrew account tweeted:
to let all future visitors to the UAE know, this brand of chocolate is not kosher, as it contains camel milk

thanks for the info

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upcoming no confidence vote presents more questions

Last night Kachol Lavan threatened to support the next "constructive" no confidence vote that will be submitted by Yesh Atid and will present Moshe Boogie Yaalon as its candidate for Prime Minister. If kachol Lavan supports Yaalon, this would have a chance to bring the government down and replace it with a new coalition.

I am not even sure what the threat is for. The budget fight? The anger over the snubbing in the peace deal and hiding the arms deal aspect of it until now? Whatever. 

Naftali Bennett later said that he will not support the no confidence motion, especially as it would have to be together with the United RAab List for it to be successful, but also because he is not willing to replace a treifa (Netanyahu) with a neveila (either Yaalon or a government supported by the UAL, not sure what exactly he meant).

While Netanyahu and the Likdu expressed insult at being called a treifa by Bennett, I don't understand what is happening.

1. Bennett leads the opposition party that garners the most mandates in recent polls, so why would the no confidence vote not post Bennett as its candidate for Prime Minister? 

2. Why would Yesh Atid put Yaalon as its candidate rather than Yair Lapid who heads the party, and the largest faction of the joint list?

3. Lapid himself has said he would no longer be under anyone else in the party, after Gantz abandoned the joint list and went into the unity government with Netanyahu, yet now he is propping up Yaalon.

4. If Bennett supported a recent no confidence vote that had Lapid at the head of the proposed coalition, why would he not support one that has Yaalon at the head? Why is he any worse than Lapid? if anything Yaalon's right wing credentials are far better and should be more palatable to Bennett than Lapid's... 

5. If Bennett's goal is just to get rid of Netanyahu, why not support Yaalon as he did recently support Lapid, if it would be feasible to be successful?

6. If Lapid's goal is just to get rid of Netanyahu and that's why he is willing to put Yaalon up as a candidate instead of himself, why not make a deal with Yamina to put Bennett up as the candidate and thus have better chances of success?


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Headlines Podcast: 10/24/20 – Show 294 – Police and Police Enforcement; what if it’s discriminatory (audio)

this is one of those episodes where I would really like to hear the other side explain its viewpoint...

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how they got to Jerusalem, even during lockdown (video)

when there's a will there's a way

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PM Netanyahu Press Conference about peace with Sudan and Corona update (video)

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Bardak in Gan (video)

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Simche Friedman - Lo Yemalet (Cover Boruch Sholom)

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Oct 24, 2020

Yitzchak Meir Melave Malka (video)

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Oct 22, 2020

PSA: free zoom Benji Lovitt comedy show in Bet Shemesh on Sunday night

The Bet Shemesh Absorption Department will be hosting a zoom comedy show with comedian Benji Lovitt on Sunday night, October 25, 2020 at 8:30pm

The show is free of charge, and because it is on Zoom (click that link on Sunday to watch the show) you don't even need to physically be in Bet Shemesh at the time in order to watch it!.

Thank you powers that be in Bet Shemesh for putting together a nie free activity during this crazy time...

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Trump! For More Years!

This billboard has been spotted along the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv...

The question is, do the people behind the sign want Trump "for more years", kind of open ended, or do they want him for four more years?

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Quote of the Day

I do not want to see policemen breaking into talmud torahs (haredi schools) brandishing clubs, but I do want to see them giving fines and summonses. I am not against learning Torah but I am against a third lockdown..

  -- Minister Yuli Edelstein

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[Kosher] Restaurant owner punished for opening door on a hot day speaks out on 'Tucker' (video)

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Israeli MKs: Palestinians Must Make Concessions for Erekat's Treatment (video)

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Borat Gives Jimmy Kimmel a Coronavirus Inspection (video)

I must add, Borat is as inappropriate as ever while portraying antisemitism... and I love how he mixes his Hebrew into his Kazhakistanese

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BRITISH girls try ISRAELI SNACKS (video)

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Bou Shearav - Benzion Klatzko and Luzy - (Official Music Video)

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Oct 21, 2020

Ministry of Health expects spike in morbidity soon

Minister of Health Yuli Edelsten yesterday praised the "red cities" for their efforts in bringing down the morbidity rates and successfully changing their statuses from red to orange or even yellow. Just about all the local lockdowns have now been lifted, with the last one scheduled to be lifted tonight (I think).

Edelstein, in his comments, added though, that he expects within a week or two that the numbers will spike upward again and all, or many of, these red cities will soon become red again.

Obviously the Haredi community is upset at him (some askanim even commented that they will remember what he has said and done in the future and when he is running for other positions, such as president, this will not be forgotten) for saying this. They say we worked hard to bring the numbers down, give us credit. Why suspect that we will fail in the future. You are setting us up for failure. We can't do anything right in your eyes. Etc.

I don't know why the Minister of Health suspects the numbers will jump and what he bases such a statement on. but if he really believes it, maybe he should not be opening things up so quickly (they aren't really opening up so quickly, but if it is going to cause a spike maybe it is still too quick)  and should be enforcing the current rules more strictly, to prevent a spike in the numbers, to prevent an increase in morbidity.

nobody si spreading the virus intentionally. Or at least most people aren't. People are going about their lives as per the guideliens of the Health Ministry. if the Health Ministry thinks its guidelines will cause a spike in the numbers, don't blame the people - change the guidelines to a set that will cause less of a spike.

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government supply of kosher phones for telephone school

As bad, or as difficult, as zoom school is for the children, telephone school is far worse.

the Haredi school system has largely eschewed zoom school for ideological reasons, not wanting to suddenly bring internet and computers into the homes of the Haredi community. It has used telephone school instead, somewhat, as lousy as it is. The drive to open the schools despite the rules against it, are in part because of how difficult telephone school is, in addition to the social aspect of having the kids together with the rebbi and other educational benefits.

The Porush family, MK Meir and Mayor Yisrael, are complaining that the government has not provided the kosher telephones the community needs, and that why, at least in part, they are pushing to open the schools against the rules and are pressuring the government to leave them be.

Yisrael Porush claims that half a year ago he told the government that if they supply kosher telephones to the families in the Haredi community they will be able to learn in telephone school, but without it they will need to open the schools. Meir Porush is also saying that the government committed to this program, published tenders and selected winners to supply the phones, but nothing has progressed with it.

While that is nice, and if it isn't expensive maybe the government should help the community do this if it would really be what it takes to keep the school closed and keep the community compliant, we all know it isn't true. Nobody is satisfied with zoom school, let alone with telephone school. Even had the government supplied the phones, they would be pushing to open the schools, because the two are not comparable. Plus we would still hear complaints how it isnt feasible because there aren't enough rooms in the apartments for the ten kids to all be on school telephone calls at the same time.

Truthfully the entire "10 kids in a 3 room apartment" is a fiction. Even families that have 10 kids don't have them all in such a close age range. Meaning, the youngest might be in school, but the 3 oldest might be married, 3 more might be in yeshiva dormitories, and the youngest 3 or 5 might be at home. 

Regardless of that though, when the schools of my children shut down and we had to prepare for zoom school, or telephone school for some of the kids, we had to buy tablets and/or notebooks and kosherize them (as per school requirements) and get them ready and available for the kids to be in school. I am not sure why the government must buy kosher phones for the children of one sector but not buy the equipment necessary for the children of the other sectors. 

If that is the price needed to pay, perhaps it is worth it, but I doubt that would solve the problem. In the end it would likely just be a way to get free phones out of the government with the phone bill paid for or subsidized. Parents want their children to learn and will do what is necessary to give the kids the best environment possible, under the circumstances. If telephone school is all that is possible, the parents should be responsible and buy the phones and not wait for the government. Everyone is struggling, many people are losing their jobs and/or closing their businesses because of the crisis created by Corona and lockdowns. If the government is going to help, they should really help everyone, not just one sector. And if the government is not going to help, the parents should deal with it in the best way possible. At the end of the day it is our responsibility to help our kids get the education they need, not the government's.

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PM Netanyahu Hosts Trilateral Summit Meeting - Israel - USA - UAE (video)

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Synagogues of California Part 5C (video)

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Sruli Broncher & Chaim Zippel \\ Elecha (Official Music Video)

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Oct 20, 2020

Picture of the Day

Photo: Nati Shohat/Flash 90

Israelis love the first rain of the winter season. This afternoon the skies suddenly opened in some cities around Israel, including Jerusalem, and the first rains fell, to the delight of the Israelites..

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Quote of the Day

MK Moshe Gafni gets it today, but he said two separate things that are good for qotd. I am putting them together, even though one has nothing to do with the other

You [the Finance Ministry clerks] are beginning to get on my nerves! Here in the committee we approved of state-guaranteed loans to people in financial distress as a result of the Corona crisis, and now I am getting more and more complaints about difficulties and too much bureaucracy of the banks who are making it difficult and drawing things out [for people requesting the loans]  with questions such as demanding proof of ability to repay the loans.

Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky said the children should learn Torah. He did not say they should do so against the guidelines. We are doing everything to bring the morbidity rates down. But what does it matter - we are Haredim, people can say what they want about us and incitement works.

  -- MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ)

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Picture of the Day

Gerrer chassidim in Arad held a protest/demonstration yesterday, with full compliance of health regulations, against the recent vandalism that included destruction of some stores by fire.

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kashrut is another victim of Corona

Sadly we have seen cases in the news of restaurants giving up kashrut certification because of how badly their businesses were hit by the Corona situation over the past several months.

The Rabbanut posted online yesterday that half of the [food] businesses in Jerusalem have not renewed their kashrut certificates this quarter. The Rabbanut posts this to remind the public that without a valid kashrut certificate, for whatever reason, you, the kosher consumer, should not eat.

They explained in the comments that many do not want, or maybe are unable, to pay the annual fee for kashrut supervision, and many do not want to pay the mashgiach or are only willing to pay such a small amount that it is a joke. Whatever the reason, they point out, without supervision, the consumer has no way to know what is happening in the kitchen.

half the food businesses in Jerusalem! half! that is an awful lot of restaurants.

Without looking for blame, that is a bad situation. A sad situation. Corona hurt their businesses so badly that they can't afford to pay for kashrut supervision. Or they don't see it as so vital to the business that they consider it a necessary expense and are willing to quickly cut it.

Further, "Half the restaurants in Jerusalem" is not one or two restaurants. That is a big trend. I would hope the Rabbanut is working on a plan to try to figure out a solution or a way to help these restaurants. It isn't going to get better on its own, even if Corona will just magically disappear, after seeing they can survive without kashrut supervision, they won't necessarily come running back to the Rabbanut.

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agreement to exempt the need for entry visas

The news is reporting that a delegation from the United Arab Emirates is due to arrive in Israel today. This will be the first delegation from the UAE coming to Israel, after a few from Israel have traveled to the UAE. 

More agreements will be signed today between the delegations. 

Among the various agreements to be signed sealing the intent for joint cooperation in various realms, the cherry on top for today's signings will be an agreement that tourists from each country will not need an entry visa to enter the country. 

The agreement exempting tourists from needing an entry visa will be the first ever such agreement signed between Israel and any Arab country.

We are truly living in amazing times. We are bearing witness to an amazing period in Israeli and world hstory.

Now maybe we, Israel, should sign peace accords with the United States of America and exempt tourists from both countries from the requirement of entry visas...

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Av HaRachamim - Eli Herzlich - Martin Meir Widerker (video)

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Oct 19, 2020

Facebook Status of the Day

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changing the rules mid-game

PM Netanyahu today said that the cities still in lockdown because of their red status will remain in lockdown despite having been dropped from red to orange with a drop in morbidity. Netanyahu said they will stay in lockdown, for now, despite that because they continue to flout the rules - not wearing masks, no social distancing, opening schools, etc.

That is pretty harsh. They worked hard to bring down the infection rates, and they still are going to be punished as if the infection rates are high? if they were able to bring down the infection rates while not keeping the rules carefully that is even more impressive!

Interestingly, the Haredim  continue to be upset at Professor Gamzu and, generally, have hardly anything bad to say about Netanyahu. The giant bear hug from the Haredi community still seems to mostly be in place, despite how he has treated them over the past several months.

This latest decision though is really changing the rules in the middle of the game. Criteria should be set and followed.

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quarantine people can no longer fly!

Srugim is reporting that information will now be shared, beginning today, between the Health Ministry, the police and border control regarding people obligated to be in quarantine. Anyone who is supposed to be in quarantine will now not be able to leave the country.

Starting today

7+ months since Corona began to spread in Israel, since quarantines began, since the lockdowns began.

And now finally they came up with an idea how to not let someone in quarantine get on an airplane and infect everyone else, plus bring the virus to another country.


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treating Erekat in apartheid Israel

There is a big debate as to whether Israel should be treating Saeb Erekat in an Israeli hospital or not. Erekat has CoronaVirus and is supposedly in very bad condition.

From an Israeli perspective, it does not bother me that Israel is treating Erekat. Israel goes well out of its way to treat enemy combatants, citizens of enemy countries and others opposed to our very existence. Treating Erekat is a humanitarian gesture that is in line with what Israel regularly does.

From Erekat's perspective, perhaps he should be refusing this treatment, considering what he thinks of Israel. 

But that is his problem and hypocrisy, not ours.

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Quote of the Day

I don't speak with MK Eichler (UTJ) because just as things that will be heard should be said, thigns that won't be heard should not be said. I don't agree with his style that he presents. Not everything is a holocaust, and not everything is a pogrom.

  -- MK Yaakov Margi (Shas)

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