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Sep 15, 2024

Halacha Headlines: 9/14/24 – Shiur 483 – Do women have a Yeitzer Hara? Does Shmiras Einayim also apply to girls and women? Or, is it only a male problem? (audio)

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Displaced From Northern Israel (video)

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Shuki Solomon & DJ Berger - Shir L'Rabeinu (video)

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Sep 12, 2024

American hostages THEN vs NOW- Montana Tucker and James Maslow (video)

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Iran is an Apartheid State - Naftali Bennett and Noa Tishby (video)

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Mendy Piamenta - Al Tevater Alay (video)

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Sep 11, 2024

accepting Satmar back into the fold

There is a big debate going on now in the government, in the Finance Committee. 

It seems that Satmar has applied for the "Chapter 46" designation as a certified organization for tax deductible donations.

The debate happening is whether to grant them that status or not. Some are opposing the status saying that Satmar is anti-Zionist and opposed to the State of Israel and should not be rewarded with such a benefit form the State. Others are saying that aside, legally they qualify and we have to grant them the status despite their positions regarding Israel. And, as the Supreme Court has required in other similar situations, discriminating against Satmar for their beliefs will not fly.

I think it should be granted. One need not always fight. And I always shake my head when people fight the fights of yesterday rather than today. 100 years ago, 80 years ago, maybe even 60 years ago, the fight around religious recognition of the State of Israel was a big thing. Today? Today talking about that is fighting the fight of 100 years ago. Today the State of Israel is an established fact, with no need for any specific group's recognition or acceptance. There is no need to punish them and there is no need to continue fights that were long ago resolved.

Satmar should not only be granted the status, just like any other qualifying organization, but it should be lauded as their finally coming to some level of acceptance of the fact and the reality of the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People. They may still have a ways to go, but applying to the government for official status is really tacit acceptance, and a major change from their positions until now. Accept it with grace. Maybe this can be built upon for further integration over the coming decades.

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Sep 10, 2024

solving the drones in the North

My friend tried to bring in his drone, not a new drone, back from the USA (even though he took it with him to the USA from Israel) was stopped by Customs at the airport and the drone was confiscated. This was not a taxes/duties issue but they confiscated due to communications regulations, even though the exact same drone is approved and sold in Israel already.

Perhaps the government and the IDF should appoint the Customs Authorities to deal with the situation up North. Hezbollah seems to be able to send in drones regularly and the IDF cant seem to stop them. Maybe we'll have better luck wit the people at the Customs Authorities doing that work...

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#159: Behind the Bima - Dr. Erica Brown (video)

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Netanyahu: Hamas 'refuses to make a deal' on cease-fire, hostage release (video)

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a frightening fraternity social experiment (video)

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The Song Of Israel - For The Jewish Soul (video)

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Sep 8, 2024

Halacha Headlines: 9/7/24 – Shiur 482 – Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | El Al price gouging (audio)

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You, the Sun, and the Starlight - Patagonia (Official Music Video) - DAVID LESHES

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Sep 4, 2024

"Do You Hold ALL Palestinians Culpable?" Douglas Murray on Israel-Hamas, Riots & More (video)

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Sep 3, 2024

Tweet of the Day

no, Satmar is not like Neturei Karta...

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#158: Behind the Bima - Avi Mayer, immediate past Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post (video)

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Sep 2, 2024

Funeral of Hersh Goldberg-Polin z"l (video)

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Halacha Headlines: 8/24/24 – Shiur 481 –Ozempic and weight loss injections – wonder drugs or a failure of our generation? (audio)

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Yonina- Mincha Chadasha (video)

I have actually posted this once before but now have learned more about Zechariah Haber z"l so I felt like posting it again

Right when Yoni returned from reserves, we received an email from Talia Haber, saying: "My husband was a soldier who was killed in Gaza. We used to listen to your music together...". She asked us if we could compose a song he wrote. When we went to meet Talia we learned more about Zechariah and how special and broad-minded he was. She said that Zachariah taught a lot of Torah lessons, and even pulled out an encyclopedia that he wrote about all the Shas and then she surprised us with paintings and art that he loved as a hobby. She told us that he was also a great Zionist who immigrated to Israel and he connected his genius with Zionism and his love of the land - by writing a doctorate that dealt with growing wheat in the desert. Above all, he was a family man and a devoted father to their three young children. We were overwhelmed by this special man. Then Talia brought to the table a framed page with the lyrics of the song he had written in honor of Shavuot. She said that Zachariah felt that the holidays didn't have enough Zmirot (songs) and sometimes only children's songs. We sat down to study the poem he wrote, which skips between verses from the Torah, midrashim (teachings of our sages) and more. We felt through the poem Zechariah's connection to the land and wheat, the enormous sacrifice he made for the sake of our people, and his request that we continue and be renewed with the times. We imagined families sitting around the holiday table and singing it, and in that atmosphere we composed the song. Zechariah's family wishes that this song will reach as many homes as possible and that we will all sing it together this year on Shavuot.

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