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Oct 14, 2024

cloaking antisemitism

This Coates guy who spent like a week in Israel and became an expert enough to write a book about the Middle East conflict...

I have no problem with his sense of morals. We can discuss whether Israel discriminates against Arabs or not. Arab Israeli citizens have full rights. Palestinians are not citizens of Israel so dont have the same rights, pretty much like in any country. 

If he feels that a country based on ethnicity is bad, I can potentially be ok with that. Discrimination is usually bad. 

But when you only call out Israel for ethnic discrimination and not any of the tens of other countries that do it, that's antisemitism, not morals. Do the Palestinians not discriminate based on ethnicity in their territories? Do the Iranians? Syrians? Iraqi? Sudanese? And many more countries can be added to the list. Where are they mentioned in this book?

And no, I am not going to read the book. The excerpts form the interview were more than enough to know there is no need.

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  1. Garnel IronheartOctober 14, 2024 8:29 PM

    First clue - he never uses the word Israel when referring to the country. Even on his visit to Yad Vashem he says it's located in Palestine.

  2. "If he feels that a country based on ethnicity is bad, I can potentially be ok with that."

    Why? Most countries are. The US *thinks* it isn't and thus thinks no one else should be, but that's wrong on both counts.

    "Discrimination is usually bad."

    That has nothing to do with ethnically-based countries.

    1. thats why I said potentially. many of the countries I can think do not (officially?) discriminate but clearly many do like all the Arab countries and many in Africa.


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