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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Oct 14, 2024

Tweet of the Day

״אתם יכולים להכנס לחדר לראות. איך אפשר לישון בנוחות כשאין לנו מושג איך ואיפה ישנים החטופים?״ אמרה הרבנית.

As part of a trip of the families of hostages to Bnei Braq before the holiday of Sukkot, we came to Rabbanit Koldetsky to get a blessing. By the way she mentioned that her husband, Rav Yitzchak Koldetsky has not slept on his bed since Simchat Torah (Oct 7 2023). The son in law of Rav Chaim Kanievsky z"l, a talmid chacham and rav in his own right, over 70 years old, decided to sleep on a board he placed on top of the mattress. Already for over a year....He remembers what happened. Daily.

You can go into the room to for yourselves. "How can one sleep comfortably when we have no idea how and where the hostages are sleeping?" Rebbetzin Koldetsky said...

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