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Oct 13, 2024

Commemorate after, not during

The government approved a plan declaring the 25th of Tishrei as a national day of mourning, mourning the people who were killed in the October 7 (2023) attack and the soldiers who have fallen in battle in the subsequent war, Charvot Barzel.

On the eve of the 25th, this year will be October 26 at night, a Motzei Shabbos, the Day of Mourning will begin at 7:45pm. Flags will be flown at half mast. On the 25th of Tishrei, October 27, educational institutions will be instructed to spend some time having memorial ceremonies, as will army units. All places of entertainment will be closed - theaters, cafes, restaurants, etc. 

There will be a State ceremony on the Day of Mourning, in cooperation with all four symbols of the State - the Prime Minister, the President, the Speaker of the Knesset, and the President (in this case the interim President) of the Supreme Court.

No siren will be sounded.

The Day of Mourning will conclude at sundown.

I understand some people are good with this and some want different aspects of it changed...

Personally, I have no problem with the form of memorialization and I think a Day of Mourning is a natural outcome for the event that is being memorialized (nor do I have a problem with Miri Regev running the show, as some people do). However, like the Oct 7 State (not private), "official" ceremonies, I think this should wait until after the war. I dont understand the idea of commemorating an event we are still in. We are commemorating the soldiers who fell in a war we are still in the middle of? On the 26th or 27th of Tishrei or the 5th of Cheshvan, or whenever, more soldier will, god forbid and bite my tongue, fall in battle in a war that was already commemorated? Just last week they announced one of the hostages was actually killed on October 7th - in a month maybe they will say that about another, and we already commemorated the murdered on the 25th of Tishrei? 

It does not make sense to me. Finish the war and the following year on the 25th of Tishrei commemorate it. 

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  1. Someone went back and looked up the New York Times for December 7, 1942. The newspaper was full of stories about the war. There was not *one* mention that it was the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Presumably no one even thought about it until the war ended almost three years later.

  2. Oct *7*. How could you confuse that??


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