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Oct 5, 2010

Self-Checkout in Israel? (video)


  1. Not to worry. I dont think it will take off here. Only in the best market

  2. I am still waiting for serious internet supermarket shopping in bet shemesh

  3. Can the self checkout talk on a cellphone while checking you out?

  4. it is hard enough to bag your groceries yourself while the checkout lady rings you up, while you prepare to pay and prepare the slip with the delivery information, and not cause any delays to the line behind you.

    If you also have to bag everything and ring yourself up, I don't know how this will make the lines move faster. The only benefit I see would be that more lines can be open and they dont need a cashier. So when you go to Shefa or Yesh and they only have 2 cashiers open and 10 lines closed, maybe they would be able to open all those other lines if it was self-checkout

  5. Raf, you understood perfectly. Those lanes are never closed, so even if they move a little slower, they're still pushing traffic through that wasn't before. Great idea.


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