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Apr 7, 2011

Quote Of The Day

We truly believe with no shadow of a doubt that if not for the Baal Shem Tov and hassidus, there would no longer be any Judaism in the world. They have kept the coals of Judaism burning until Mashiach will arrive...

 -- Admor of Tsanz

While hassidus perhaps saved many in certain regions of the world and kept them in the realm of Judaism (though I know some who would argue that they basically created a new religion nothing to do with Judaism), there are plenty of places where hassidus had no affect, was not involved, and Judaism survived just fine, probably in the same percentages of success as the areas where hassidus thrived, such as in sefardi countries, Western and Northern European countries...


  1. To be fair, I would think he meant of Ashkenazic Jewry. True, western Europe wasnt Chassidic, and Lita wasnt completely chasidic, but between the haskala and the war(s), I am not sure how much ashkenazic yiddishkeit there would be today.

  2. >but between the haskala and the war(s), I am not sure how much ashkenazic yiddishkeit there would be today.

    How about all of non-Chasidic Ashkenazic Yiddishkeit?

  3. my zayde! (a few times over!)

    wouldn't be too happy to see me today lol

  4. The Curmugeonly Israeli Giyoret says:

    My husband has long claimed that had the Baal Shem Tov been born in America, rather than Europe, the Chabadnikim would be making kiddush on whisky instead of vodka, and chassidus would be much more popular.


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