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Sep 4, 2011

Will Mehadrin Meat And Chicken Be Next?

The "tent protests" in Tel Aviv led to a nation-wide set of protests against the rising cost of housing. That spread to a general protest against the rising cost of living, with specific targets such as the cottage cheese protest.

A short while back, the Kikar Shabbos website began a campaign, which seemed to just stop at some point, against the high cost of meat and chicken, specifically mehadrin meats and chickens. They published letters from people involved in the kashrus industry that show they take advantage of the mehadrin market because they know they can get away with it. They know that people have the attitude that makes them think the more they pay for their chicken or meat the better, from a kashrus perspective, it must be. After publishing a few letters and writing a few articles about it, the campaign seemed to drop off the agenda.

Now, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, one of the most prominent haredi people who is in the public spotlight as head of ZAKA,  has taken up the reigns. Meshi-Zahav wants the frum public to protest the high cost of mehadrin meats and chicken.

Meshi-Zahav told Bechadrei:
"We come with complaints against the systems and authorities for every time the parnassa of the avreichim and families with a lot of children is affected negatively.
We blame the whole world for harassing us and for insensitivity. But when we are talking about our own people, we "fill our mouths with water" and accept it as a decree that you cannot talk against.
Does anybody have an explanation why meat or chicken that is mehadrin, why it's prices are 3 or even 4 times the price of regular kosher chicken? Even if you add the cost of the most mehudar kashrus at the best it should add just 20% to the price and not more.
Maybe the mehadrin cows are being given to drink only pure mehadrin olive oil or maybe the chickens are hatching from golden eggs?
Why by the cottage cheese thousands go out the streets, ban the product, until their complaint is heard. But when it gets to a decree of one of ours nobody opens their mouths and cries out?"
I look forward to mehadrin chickens and meats being the next industry to lower prices..


  1. My father once told me that in the Polish town he lived in as a child the vaad harabbonim had a group of people assigned to check the non-Jewish market prices for various foodstuffs and then check the kosher market prices. If the kosher prices were higher they were ordered to lower them so people wouldn't become impoverished just for keeping kosher.
    Nowadays it's exactly the opposite.

  2. Next industry? What was the first one? Or second?

  3. I think it'll be great if the Charedim start protesting against their own. Maybe they'll gain some freedom finally.

  4. Yesh was offering rav landau chickens at 12nis a kilo. Don't think anyone can protest that


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