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Feb 28, 2014
Larry Brandt\Nadav Bachar Ka Ribon, Meein Olam Haba (video)
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Feb 27, 2014
Bet Shemesh elections: can you deal with music on Shabbos?
I "get" the message of the other signs being put up for Moshe Abutbol's campaign... but this one I just don't "get".. can someone please explain it to me?
Here's my problem with understanding it:
if someone wants to play music on Shabbos, they can already do so now. If they don't wan to play music, is Eli Cohen going to force them to?
and, if someone does play music, and I assume there are already some people who do (let's call generously call it about a quarter of the city), am I going to suddenly start hearing it just because Eli Cohen became mayor?
And, are they saying that Eli Cohen will come and blast music out in Park Ayalon from major speakers on Shabbos?
what is this sign warning me about?
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Interesting Posts #534
1. final scream - beautifully written. many feel the same way...
2. lady pants
3. a shmittah dilemma
4. cancer: an equal opportunity provider
5. top ten sayings of Rav Shteinman
6. cholov yisrael milk in the UK.. is better?
7. exact text of new Israeli draft law.. or not
8. why the churban in Pkudei
9. he will kill us all!
10. the Ghostbusters analogy
11. violating the "aisle rule" in the Holy Land
12. new signs in Jerusalem
13. Jerusalem is now a break-dancing mecca - they mention someone who says he skipped out on the army so he could concentrate on dancing. he doesnt say how he got out of the army service, and I am curious..
14. Captain Sunshine to run for President - I think I am now one of the few people who have not announced candidacy..
15. is TOV good enough?
16. what we like about Kiryat Shmuel
17. do you really want German work visas that badly?
18. Jerusalem to teach taxi drivers English
2. lady pants
3. a shmittah dilemma
4. cancer: an equal opportunity provider
5. top ten sayings of Rav Shteinman
6. cholov yisrael milk in the UK.. is better?
7. exact text of new Israeli draft law.. or not
8. why the churban in Pkudei
9. he will kill us all!
10. the Ghostbusters analogy
11. violating the "aisle rule" in the Holy Land
12. new signs in Jerusalem
13. Jerusalem is now a break-dancing mecca - they mention someone who says he skipped out on the army so he could concentrate on dancing. he doesnt say how he got out of the army service, and I am curious..
14. Captain Sunshine to run for President - I think I am now one of the few people who have not announced candidacy..
15. is TOV good enough?
16. what we like about Kiryat Shmuel
17. do you really want German work visas that badly?
18. Jerusalem to teach taxi drivers English
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Queen Esther, Monical Lewinsky and Sara Netanyahu
When I first heard this on the radio, it sounded a bit funny and even desperate, and even the Haredi radio host was describing it as unbelievable.
The wives of the 18 Haredi MKs have drafted and sent a letter to Mrs. Sara Netanyahu comparing her to Queen Esther and pleading with her to use her influence with her husband to get the new draft law canceled.
In the letter they compare Mrs. Netanyahu to Queen Esther who appealed to her husband the king to save her nation, and they also point out that throughout our history many righteous women were responsible for saving our people. They also paraphrase Esther's famous words of perhaps reaching that point just for the purpose of saving the Jews at that very time, and it implores her to use her influence to help prevent a tear in the nation and the harming of those who learn Torah.
While such a call seems pointless, one never knows from where the salvation will come. Yes, it sounds desperate, but yes, they are desperate.
It also reminded me of a more famous modern-day Queen Esther. I know someone (and I didn't ask him for permission to mention him so I am not saying his name) who says that Monica Lewinsky was a modern-day Queen Esther.
He points to the fact that Bill Clinton was making a big push to push the Israelis to give up a lot to make a peace deal when the story of his relationship with Lewinsky broke. When Clinton began a press conference to announce progress in the peace negotiations that would have launched more concessions, the first question asked was not about the negotiations, but about the breaking news of Monica Lewinsky. And that put an end to the negotiations, as he got caught up with dealing with that scandal and nobody cared about the Middle East anymore and Clinton didn't have time to deal with it.
So, who knows? Maybe Sara Netanyahu will be the next Queen Esther.
In the letter they compare Mrs. Netanyahu to Queen Esther who appealed to her husband the king to save her nation, and they also point out that throughout our history many righteous women were responsible for saving our people. They also paraphrase Esther's famous words of perhaps reaching that point just for the purpose of saving the Jews at that very time, and it implores her to use her influence to help prevent a tear in the nation and the harming of those who learn Torah.

It also reminded me of a more famous modern-day Queen Esther. I know someone (and I didn't ask him for permission to mention him so I am not saying his name) who says that Monica Lewinsky was a modern-day Queen Esther.
He points to the fact that Bill Clinton was making a big push to push the Israelis to give up a lot to make a peace deal when the story of his relationship with Lewinsky broke. When Clinton began a press conference to announce progress in the peace negotiations that would have launched more concessions, the first question asked was not about the negotiations, but about the breaking news of Monica Lewinsky. And that put an end to the negotiations, as he got caught up with dealing with that scandal and nobody cared about the Middle East anymore and Clinton didn't have time to deal with it.
So, who knows? Maybe Sara Netanyahu will be the next Queen Esther.
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shivyon b'netel
Belzers plan to move to the USA as refugees
The big, and shocking, news item of the day seems to be the announcement of the Belzer community that they are preparing for a mass "yerida" in the event that the new draft law should pass.
They say they have some senators who have promised to work for them on getting them refugee status, which would allow them entry into the United States.
According to the definition of refugee status, I can see how this can happen. they can make a case for being members of a persecuted social group. Whether the case will be strong enough for the US government to accept it or not remains to be seen, but it looks feasible.
That being said, I wonder what will happen when they become refugees in, let's say, New York City. Will they suddenly discover that the vast majority of their Belzer brethren in the USA already work for a living and aren't in kollels for a very long time? Will they suddenly discover that the government gives welfare, in some places more than others, but in very few places are there mass movements to live off of welfare, because you can't really. Are they going to live in refugee or DP camps? Where will over 7000 families suddenly live? Are there 7000 homes available and open for them? Will they drive the price of rentals through the roof?
They may not have to go to the army, if they move to the USA, but their lifestyles will definitely change.
Besides for that, I am not sure if they think they are making a promise or a threat. While I think all Jews should be in Israel, and it would be disappointing to lose so many Jews back to the Diaspora, it doesn't really harm me or most people personally or directly in any way. It might even bring real estate prices in Jerusalem down a bit.
They say they have some senators who have promised to work for them on getting them refugee status, which would allow them entry into the United States.
According to the definition of refugee status, I can see how this can happen. they can make a case for being members of a persecuted social group. Whether the case will be strong enough for the US government to accept it or not remains to be seen, but it looks feasible.
That being said, I wonder what will happen when they become refugees in, let's say, New York City. Will they suddenly discover that the vast majority of their Belzer brethren in the USA already work for a living and aren't in kollels for a very long time? Will they suddenly discover that the government gives welfare, in some places more than others, but in very few places are there mass movements to live off of welfare, because you can't really. Are they going to live in refugee or DP camps? Where will over 7000 families suddenly live? Are there 7000 homes available and open for them? Will they drive the price of rentals through the roof?
They may not have to go to the army, if they move to the USA, but their lifestyles will definitely change.
Besides for that, I am not sure if they think they are making a promise or a threat. While I think all Jews should be in Israel, and it would be disappointing to lose so many Jews back to the Diaspora, it doesn't really harm me or most people personally or directly in any way. It might even bring real estate prices in Jerusalem down a bit.
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Picture of the Day
No, this is not an old picture from Sukkos. This is from yesterday, February 26, 2016, 26 Adar1, 5774. Maybe they are dressed up, at a pre-Purim event? Nope. This is a rain dance ceremony of sorts that was conducted at Kever Rochel yesterday due to the drought. You can see the lulav is pretty dried out, though the Esrog looks pretty fresh...
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Kever Rachel,
UCLA Student Melts Down After Divestment Defeat (video)
Poor baby...
I am impressed she really believes so strongly in what she is doing that she had such a breakdown when it failed!
I am impressed she really believes so strongly in what she is doing that she had such a breakdown when it failed!
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6-year-old Yosef teaches a lesson in caring
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When Carlebach Spirit Meets Classic Music (video)
interesting project
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jewish music,
Dr. Mayim Bialik on being modern orthodox (video)
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Mayim Bialik,
Shmuel Shapiro - Seu Morom - Official Music Video (video)
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Feb 26, 2014
Rabbanut kashrut update: Quaker Oats with Reform hechsher
The latest Rabbanut kashrut update has an important ntoice that I think might be relevant to readers of this blog...
Markets are carrying packages of Quaker Oats bearing an unauthorized kashrut certification. The symbol on these packages is a certification given by a Reform rabbi. The packages are imported by Einstein Tzur Imports, and the certification on them says "under the supervision of Raavad (Rav Av Beis Din) Rav Yehoram Mazor shlita". (in Hebrew)
This is an unauthorized hechsher, and the product should be treated as such.
Quaker Oats packages imported by Diplomat Imports under the certification of the KF kashrut agency with the ishur of the Rabbanut are still perfectly fine.
Pay attention to your labels...
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Headline of the Day
"You must stop Israel from Building the Beit Hamikdash"
-- NRG
this is what the Palestinians are now imploring of the international community.
all I can say is halevai the Israelis (specifically the government) really wanted to and were actually planning to build the Beit Hamikdash, besides for a small number of them..
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Bet Shemesh affects million man rally schedule, and vnahafoch hu
in Bet Shemesh election news...
Eli Cohen, candidate for the position of mayor of Bet Shemesh, put out his jingle for the month of Adar - using a famous Purim tune "Vnahafoch hu", and wrote that this is precisely our goal - to bring about a reversal for the city of Bet Shemesh - instead of extremism, openness; instead of fighting, discussion; instead of favoring associates, fair and equal treatment of all.. the month of Adar will be a month of change in Bet Shemesh..
the song:
sure enough, his song was quick to draw criticism from his opponents and detractors. People wrote in on his Facebook page accusing him of using Judaism and its songs as an ax to grind with... of course the other side has no problem using Judaism for their political purposes - their signs all over the neighborhood excerpt a verse right out of the megilla calling on everyone to gather together and protect their lives (ostensibly from the attack of Haman and his supporters)...
only one side is allowed to use Judaism and Torah for their election propaganda..
and in other Bet Shemesh news...
the upcoming elections is having an effect on the planned "million man rally" of the Haredi community to protest against Netanyahu and the new draft law being passed.
According to reports in Kikar and Bechadrei, they are having trouble scheduling the rally. The Gerrer Rebbe insists the rally be on a Sunday, so that they can have simultaneous rallies in other locations around the world, something that is only possible on Sunday when people are not working.
That leaves only two Sundays in the immediate future, and both are problematic:
* this coming Sunday is Rosh Chodesh and selichos cannot be said on Rosh Chodesh (and that would optimally be a main feature of the rally)
* the following Sunday which is right before Bet Shemesh elections and might adversely affect preparations and motivation - it would take the askanim away from their preparations, and it might increase non-haredi motivation to go out and vote. From another perspective, the rally can also contain a call for rallying around Bet Shemesh in order to oppose the government - motivate locals to vote and work for the Haredi success in Bet Shemesh while also encouraging others form around the country to go help out in Bet Shemesh (without voting).. but ti seems the non-haredi motivation is a greater concern than the haredi motivation - maybe they figure every haredi resident will be going out to vote and they dont need any additional motivation.
It looks like the decision will be to make the rally sooner rather than later, and it will be this coming Sunday, and they will say tehillim without selichos.
Eli Cohen, candidate for the position of mayor of Bet Shemesh, put out his jingle for the month of Adar - using a famous Purim tune "Vnahafoch hu", and wrote that this is precisely our goal - to bring about a reversal for the city of Bet Shemesh - instead of extremism, openness; instead of fighting, discussion; instead of favoring associates, fair and equal treatment of all.. the month of Adar will be a month of change in Bet Shemesh..
the song:
sure enough, his song was quick to draw criticism from his opponents and detractors. People wrote in on his Facebook page accusing him of using Judaism and its songs as an ax to grind with... of course the other side has no problem using Judaism for their political purposes - their signs all over the neighborhood excerpt a verse right out of the megilla calling on everyone to gather together and protect their lives (ostensibly from the attack of Haman and his supporters)...
only one side is allowed to use Judaism and Torah for their election propaganda..
and in other Bet Shemesh news...
the upcoming elections is having an effect on the planned "million man rally" of the Haredi community to protest against Netanyahu and the new draft law being passed.
According to reports in Kikar and Bechadrei, they are having trouble scheduling the rally. The Gerrer Rebbe insists the rally be on a Sunday, so that they can have simultaneous rallies in other locations around the world, something that is only possible on Sunday when people are not working.
That leaves only two Sundays in the immediate future, and both are problematic:
* this coming Sunday is Rosh Chodesh and selichos cannot be said on Rosh Chodesh (and that would optimally be a main feature of the rally)
* the following Sunday which is right before Bet Shemesh elections and might adversely affect preparations and motivation - it would take the askanim away from their preparations, and it might increase non-haredi motivation to go out and vote. From another perspective, the rally can also contain a call for rallying around Bet Shemesh in order to oppose the government - motivate locals to vote and work for the Haredi success in Bet Shemesh while also encouraging others form around the country to go help out in Bet Shemesh (without voting).. but ti seems the non-haredi motivation is a greater concern than the haredi motivation - maybe they figure every haredi resident will be going out to vote and they dont need any additional motivation.
It looks like the decision will be to make the rally sooner rather than later, and it will be this coming Sunday, and they will say tehillim without selichos.
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bet shemesh,
Eli Cohen,
Quote of the Day
I turn to MK Feiglin - why stop at Har Habayit? If you are the new Messiah of our time period, what about the Covenant of the Divided Parts (bris bein habsarim)? What about the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe? Why leave them on the side?
-- MK Eitan Cabel (Labor), responded to Feiglin's calls in the Knesset session for Israel exercising its authority on Har Habayit to allow Jews to pray there.
I am not really sure what Cabel is saying, though usually he is intelligent. Feiglin didn't call himself the Messiah - but even if he did, what does that have to do with the bris bein habsarim or the 2.5 tribes that lived in the Golan Heights?
-- MK Eitan Cabel (Labor), responded to Feiglin's calls in the Knesset session for Israel exercising its authority on Har Habayit to allow Jews to pray there.
I am not really sure what Cabel is saying, though usually he is intelligent. Feiglin didn't call himself the Messiah - but even if he did, what does that have to do with the bris bein habsarim or the 2.5 tribes that lived in the Golan Heights?
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Har Habayit,
Moshe Feiglin,
MK Feiglin: without Har Habayit there's no point to our existence (video)
MK Feiglin (Likud Beyteynu) withstood the pressure on him and initiated a session in the Knesset to discuss the issue of authority over Har Habayit and Jews being mistreated there... here is Feiglins speech
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Bennet on BBCs HardTalk: Jews have been in Israel since before Brits have been in Britain (video)
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Naftali Bennet,
Hamekor investigative report on Hesder yeshivot (video)
I don't have any personal knowledge on the inner-workings of the hesder yeshivot, so I'll just put this out there without any comment of my own. Hamekor did an investigative report on the hesder yeshivot..
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Emmy Eats Israel Part 2 | More Israeli treats (video)
Emmy is back eating some more Israeli treats...
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KAPAYIM - Daily Support For Families Coping With Illness - Shlomie Taussig & Yitzy Rosinger (video)
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IDF soldier vs Israeli leftists (video)
an IDF soldier, officer really, stands strong and says his job is to protect the community and not just do what the leftists want..
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Feb 25, 2014
Picture of the Day (caption contest)
![]() |
photo credit: Israel Marc Sellem |
this definitely deserves to be a caption contest...
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caption contest,
The Breslav reason for the uprising in Ukraine
What's going on in the Ukraine is very disturbing. The human tragedy is horrible, and the increase, or maybe just the increase in it being more open, in anti-semitism, has the Jews fearing their fates more than others.
That being said, I find it humorous, and perhaps sad, that the Breslav community in Uman has found a reason on which to ascribe the bloody uprising. The Breslav community has said that what has happened is a punishment directly from the tzaddik Rebbe Nachman because of the attempt to prevent Jews from visiting the grave by considering to charge an entry fee. The prime minister himself had to run away from the country, and he personally had supported the idea of the entry fee.
source: Kooker
I gave up pointing out every time someone plays God's spokesperson, knows the reasons for this or that tragedy or tragic event. This one deserves mention. Because they considered charging an entry fee to Rebbe Nachmans grave complex, so dozens of people, Jews included, are being killed in an uprising? Couldnt the prime minister who supported it, or the minister who promoted it, have lost all their money as punishment? Maybe be caught in some criminal activity that would disgrace them and make them resign or got o jail - but the whole country has to undergo a bloody uprising because one stinking anti-semite minister wanted to charge an entry fee?
If someone feels compelled to give an explanation or reason behind any given event or tragedy that happens, I would really like to see that person employ some careful thought and analysis and make solid connections, rather than just throw out whatever issue is closest to that persons heart.
That being said, I find it humorous, and perhaps sad, that the Breslav community in Uman has found a reason on which to ascribe the bloody uprising. The Breslav community has said that what has happened is a punishment directly from the tzaddik Rebbe Nachman because of the attempt to prevent Jews from visiting the grave by considering to charge an entry fee. The prime minister himself had to run away from the country, and he personally had supported the idea of the entry fee.
source: Kooker
I gave up pointing out every time someone plays God's spokesperson, knows the reasons for this or that tragedy or tragic event. This one deserves mention. Because they considered charging an entry fee to Rebbe Nachmans grave complex, so dozens of people, Jews included, are being killed in an uprising? Couldnt the prime minister who supported it, or the minister who promoted it, have lost all their money as punishment? Maybe be caught in some criminal activity that would disgrace them and make them resign or got o jail - but the whole country has to undergo a bloody uprising because one stinking anti-semite minister wanted to charge an entry fee?
If someone feels compelled to give an explanation or reason behind any given event or tragedy that happens, I would really like to see that person employ some careful thought and analysis and make solid connections, rather than just throw out whatever issue is closest to that persons heart.
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Gods spokesman,
Are Charedim more trustworthy than Chilonim?
According to Kooker, four PHDs in economics decided to devise a way of testing the level of truthfulness and honesty of haredi women vs secular women.
The test comprised of the various students who were the test subjects taking a die and rolling it behind a screen. They would then each report on the results of the throw, and the higher the number rolled, the tester would give a higher amount of money to that person - 10NIS per number rolled.
The results of the test showed that the Haredi women reported back truthfully the numbers they actually rolled, even though they could have received more money by lying. The secular women reported back consistently higher numbers, preferring to lie to get more money rather than tell the truth and get less.
Unfortunately Kooker provides no source for further analysis - no written thesis or doctorate pointed to for more details. How many test subjects? How many rounds of testing? How did they discover who was lying and who was telling the truth? Did it really happen or did Kooker make it up? I did a search and did not find this study written about elsewhere, so I don't have the information to provide
Out in the general world it seems like such studies are inconclusive. I found studies that say religious people are more trustworthy, and I found studies that say religious people are less trustworthy.
I would like to believe that being raised with a divine moral code would make an adherent more trustworthy and faithful to his morals than someone who devises his or her own moral code, but I think we need information on this study before coming to a definitive conclusion.
According to Kooker, four PHDs in economics decided to devise a way of testing the level of truthfulness and honesty of haredi women vs secular women.
The test comprised of the various students who were the test subjects taking a die and rolling it behind a screen. They would then each report on the results of the throw, and the higher the number rolled, the tester would give a higher amount of money to that person - 10NIS per number rolled.
The results of the test showed that the Haredi women reported back truthfully the numbers they actually rolled, even though they could have received more money by lying. The secular women reported back consistently higher numbers, preferring to lie to get more money rather than tell the truth and get less.
Unfortunately Kooker provides no source for further analysis - no written thesis or doctorate pointed to for more details. How many test subjects? How many rounds of testing? How did they discover who was lying and who was telling the truth? Did it really happen or did Kooker make it up? I did a search and did not find this study written about elsewhere, so I don't have the information to provide
Out in the general world it seems like such studies are inconclusive. I found studies that say religious people are more trustworthy, and I found studies that say religious people are less trustworthy.
I would like to believe that being raised with a divine moral code would make an adherent more trustworthy and faithful to his morals than someone who devises his or her own moral code, but I think we need information on this study before coming to a definitive conclusion.
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Rav Aharon Lichtenstein to be awarded esteemed Israel Prize
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein has been selected to be the recipient of the esteemed Israel Prize this coming Yom Haatzmaut.
From Israel Hayom:
The "anti-Torah" State of Israel is honoring a rosh yeshiva with the most esteemed prize the country has to offer for his teaching of torah. Rabbi Lichtenstein is not a "court Jew", not a politician, not someone out there doing things for the general community other than Torah. Rabbi Lichtenstein learns and teaches and writes about Torah. And that's what he is being honored for.
From Israel Hayom:
Education Minister Shay Piron on Sunday announced Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, 80, as the winner of the Israel Prize in Jewish religious literature. The minister approved the recommendation of the prize committee, helmed by Professor Eliav Shochetman.
Lichtenstein heads the Har Etzion Yeshiva, one of the most prominent Torah institutions of the religious Zionist population. He was chosen for his "versatile biblical work characterized by its depth, scope, advanced logic, wit, sensitivity and vision," the Israel Prize committee said.
"Rabbi Lichtenstein's work bases itself on the entirety of the Torah, the Bible and the Mishnah, the Talmud and the Halachah, and Jewish books and rulings."
The committee noted Lichtenstein's "wonderful combination of knowledge of Torah, depth of theoretical Talmudic thought, and originality and creativity, adapted to the Israeli public sphere and dealing with the challenges of our time and place."
The Hesder Yeshiva Association congratulated "the founder of the hesder yeshiva enterprise in Israel," saying his winning of this "esteemed prize is further testimony to the power and greatness of his teachings. The rabbi has educated generations of students who teach Torah to the masses and who constitute part of the religious Zionist rabbinical leadership. His victory will strengthen the hesder yeshivas going forward, by linking Torah studies to military service -- for the nation and the state."
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Why the Chazon Ish lived in Bnei Braq rather than Jerusalem
Bechadrei reports the following story, in which an interesting bit of Haredi history is revealed:
The sons of Rav Moshe Shternbuch recently went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Bnei Braq to bring him the new published volume of their fathers sefer, "Tshuvos vHanhagos, volume 6".
Rav Kanievsky received the new sefer and asked them how their father is doing - if "they" are still making trouble for their father.
When the Shterbuch sons responded that their father is still being harassed, Rav Chaim Kanievsky said to them that this is the reason the Chazon Ish did not want to live in Jerusalem..
The sons of Rav Moshe Shternbuch recently went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Bnei Braq to bring him the new published volume of their fathers sefer, "Tshuvos vHanhagos, volume 6".
Rav Kanievsky received the new sefer and asked them how their father is doing - if "they" are still making trouble for their father.
When the Shterbuch sons responded that their father is still being harassed, Rav Chaim Kanievsky said to them that this is the reason the Chazon Ish did not want to live in Jerusalem..
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Quote of the Day
I grew up in Tel Aviv in a shared house - haredim, datiim, secular, and we were traditional. on Shabbos my mother did not cook, but we turned on the lights. We drove, but not by the shul out of respect for the neighbors. And despite the fact that some of us went to Scouts, others to Bnei Akiva and I went to Beitar, we were all friends..
As Minister of Absorption I saw how new immigrants who arrived here because of the Law of Return received different treatment, and how difficult conversion was for one who wanted it, and here too I found that conversion was more important to me than it was to the Haredim.
I am happy that our lenient law of conversion has passed, though we have a long road ahead of us. For years we allowed the Haredim to take a monopoly over Judaism - but it is not just theirs. I am committed to this that everybody will be able to be Jewish in his own way.
-- Minister of Justice Tzippi Livni, at a celebration of the anniversary of a religious-secular school in Modiin
As Minister of Absorption I saw how new immigrants who arrived here because of the Law of Return received different treatment, and how difficult conversion was for one who wanted it, and here too I found that conversion was more important to me than it was to the Haredim.
I am happy that our lenient law of conversion has passed, though we have a long road ahead of us. For years we allowed the Haredim to take a monopoly over Judaism - but it is not just theirs. I am committed to this that everybody will be able to be Jewish in his own way.
-- Minister of Justice Tzippi Livni, at a celebration of the anniversary of a religious-secular school in Modiin
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Tzippi Livni
Teaser PALESTINE MARATHON 11th April 2014 Bethlehem MARATHONFILM (video)
once again I have contacted the organizers/promoters of the Palestine Marathon to be run in Bethlehem about the posisbility of my running this race as an Israeli.
Last year, before the 1st marathon, I asked and was told it would not be possible. This year I have asked three times already and have yet to be responded to.
Last year, before the 1st marathon, I asked and was told it would not be possible. This year I have asked three times already and have yet to be responded to.
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Minister Bennet explains why accepting Israel as Jewish state is so crucial (video)
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Naftali Bennet,
Statements by PM Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (video)
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Yigdal by Kol Ish (Jewish Bluegrass) (video)
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Feb 24, 2014
Facebook Status of the Day
Today's FSotD goes to a Facebook page called "photos and news of Al Aqsa mosque". The page is entirely in Arabic.
The status says:
and was accompanied by the following picture - of what looks like the Beit Hamikdash being placed over the mosque:
It is for things like this that God created Google Translate.. the status reads, translated to English by GT:
Whats Vdj crashes suddenly the whole world.! ;
What if we woke up one morning and found the maximum was demolished.!
We found that the sons of Zion did not wreak the corruption which remains one stone.! . . ;
Tamiloha well, the Zionists increasingly Tkalphm the Al-Aqsa Mosque
I still don't know what point they are trying to make... but the depiction is interesting..
hattip to David Ha'Ivri
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Beis Hamikdash,
Interesting Posts #533
1. what's with your Nachal Charedi army son?
2. going to prison for doing a mitzvah
3. a prayer for Purim in Bet Shemesh - this writer is very talented
4. the biggest shul in the world
5. QWERTY keyboards and Jewish traditions
6. not attending a reunion
7. walking the bridge
8. Colorado kidney donation to stranger sets off life-saving chain reaction
2. going to prison for doing a mitzvah
3. a prayer for Purim in Bet Shemesh - this writer is very talented
4. the biggest shul in the world
5. QWERTY keyboards and Jewish traditions
6. not attending a reunion
7. walking the bridge
8. Colorado kidney donation to stranger sets off life-saving chain reaction
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Statement on Beit Shemesh Elections from Knesset Interior Committee
Today the Knesset Committee of the Interior held a session (a stormy session, according to the reports) about preparations for the upcoming elections in Bet Shemesh and Nazareth.
The statement put out by the committee as a result of the session is interesting (original Hebrew following my translation):
Preparations for re-elections:
The Interior and Environmental Protection Committee of the Knesset held a session on the topic of re-elections in Bet Shemesh and Nazareth. According to the data of the Ministry of Interior, in the upcoming elections in two weeks, there are more than 100,000 people with the right to vote.
Director of the committee MK Miri Regev (Likud Beyteynu) said There is no doubt that the soldiers in Bet Shemesh will decide the elections. We must make it possible for anyone with the right to vote has the ability to go to the polling station and actualize his rights.
The Committee held a session today on the re-elections due to the recent Supreme Court decision. To the committee was invited representatives of the Ministry of Interior, representatives of the army and of the police who reported on their preparations for election day on March 11. Committee head Miri Regev requested to analyze how the army is preparing to allow soldiers who are residents of those cities to vote, and how the police are planning to keep order by the polling stations.
National Supervisor of Elections, Yossi Brown: The Ministry of Interior has published special instructions for the new elections. We will strengthen all those holding central positions so that in each polling station there will be two polling directors, both of them State employees who do not live in either of the relevant cities, in order to achieve integrity. We will instruct them and emphasize everything the Supreme Court emphasized, especially everything in regards to the protocols. We are completely coordinated with Israeli Police and will request increased presence of the police at the polling stations. We will not accept just police visits around the city, but in each polling station there must be at least one policeman. We will have an increased force of ushers and other forces as well. Brown reported in Bet Shemesh there are 89 polling stations with 50,466 people with the right to vote, and in Nazareth there are 76 polling stations with 53,000 people with the right to vote. Notices will go out to all voters, and I hope that starting tomorrow people will begin receiving their notices.
Elections officer of the IDF, Lieutenant Colonel Alon Solomon: As of today in Bet Shemesh there are about 1500 people serving, including Yeshiva students, and including those serving in Magav and in the police as their obligatory service, and in Nazareth there are about 50 soldiers. Some of those soldiers are serving in open and home front units, in which there will be no problem in them fulfilling their right to vote, while some are in closed units that do not allow soldiers to leave during normal operations. The directive issued by human resources of the IDF is that for every position there will be someone appointed to weigh the issue of not releasing soldiers. All the commanding officers know that on the day of elections the soldiers are entitled to take a leave in order to vote. We are distributing the list of names of those with the right to vote to all the soldiers and officers. According to the Ministry of Interior, this time the soldiers will vote at civilian polling stations and not in double-envelopes.
Commander of Nazareth Police Station, Yossi Chamu: We are in the period before the elections for which we are preparing to keep order on election day and after the elections. We are sitting with the representatives, with the election officials who have been appointed and together we are planning our preparations. There will be 2 levels of security, the first in the polling station and the second on the city streets.
Commander of Bet Shemesh Police, Shlomi Toledano: We are in the height of the work for the elections and for after the elections. On the day of elections we will perform many evaluations in cooperation with the jerusalem Police, we will also be prepared in the polling stations, in the neighborhoods and on the streets, and we will escort the ballot boxes to the City Hall. If there should be disturbances, we will deal with them with determination as we did last time.
MK Uri Maklev (UTJ): I request the increase in supervision in Bet Shemesh. The preparations need to be much greater. I think we will need a policeman and a detective in each polling station. According to information we have received, there are secret preparations to cause disturbances on election day.
MK Yisroel Eichler (UTJ): We need to understand everything happening around us, in Kiev, Syria, Egypt, and I see we aren't far from them. In Israel there is damage to the rights of minorities - haredim and Arabs. I think that if in the Knesset there would be a condemnation against Haredim, I am afraid to say what would happen. If you take away a persons basic rights, the fight will move from the ballots to the streets.
MK Nachman Shai (Labor): I wish to express hope that the Ministry of Interior and the police will invest great efforts and we will be able to ensure that the elections will be reliable and will represent the residents of Bet Shemesh. Regarding the soldiers, they will have a lot of importance, and great efforts must be made so every soldier will know he has the right to go vote on the day.
MK Miri Regev concluded the session and requested the police prepare in a strengthen and increased manner. These are loaded elections. You must prevent incitement and disturbances. There is no doubt that the soldiers will be able to tip the scales of the elections and we must be prepared to allow each one fo them the right to vote. The entire Ministry of Interior must enable each one with the right to go to his polling station on election day and do his duty of voting.
The statement put out by the committee as a result of the session is interesting (original Hebrew following my translation):
Preparations for re-elections:
The Interior and Environmental Protection Committee of the Knesset held a session on the topic of re-elections in Bet Shemesh and Nazareth. According to the data of the Ministry of Interior, in the upcoming elections in two weeks, there are more than 100,000 people with the right to vote.
Director of the committee MK Miri Regev (Likud Beyteynu) said There is no doubt that the soldiers in Bet Shemesh will decide the elections. We must make it possible for anyone with the right to vote has the ability to go to the polling station and actualize his rights.
The Committee held a session today on the re-elections due to the recent Supreme Court decision. To the committee was invited representatives of the Ministry of Interior, representatives of the army and of the police who reported on their preparations for election day on March 11. Committee head Miri Regev requested to analyze how the army is preparing to allow soldiers who are residents of those cities to vote, and how the police are planning to keep order by the polling stations.
National Supervisor of Elections, Yossi Brown: The Ministry of Interior has published special instructions for the new elections. We will strengthen all those holding central positions so that in each polling station there will be two polling directors, both of them State employees who do not live in either of the relevant cities, in order to achieve integrity. We will instruct them and emphasize everything the Supreme Court emphasized, especially everything in regards to the protocols. We are completely coordinated with Israeli Police and will request increased presence of the police at the polling stations. We will not accept just police visits around the city, but in each polling station there must be at least one policeman. We will have an increased force of ushers and other forces as well. Brown reported in Bet Shemesh there are 89 polling stations with 50,466 people with the right to vote, and in Nazareth there are 76 polling stations with 53,000 people with the right to vote. Notices will go out to all voters, and I hope that starting tomorrow people will begin receiving their notices.
Elections officer of the IDF, Lieutenant Colonel Alon Solomon: As of today in Bet Shemesh there are about 1500 people serving, including Yeshiva students, and including those serving in Magav and in the police as their obligatory service, and in Nazareth there are about 50 soldiers. Some of those soldiers are serving in open and home front units, in which there will be no problem in them fulfilling their right to vote, while some are in closed units that do not allow soldiers to leave during normal operations. The directive issued by human resources of the IDF is that for every position there will be someone appointed to weigh the issue of not releasing soldiers. All the commanding officers know that on the day of elections the soldiers are entitled to take a leave in order to vote. We are distributing the list of names of those with the right to vote to all the soldiers and officers. According to the Ministry of Interior, this time the soldiers will vote at civilian polling stations and not in double-envelopes.
Commander of Nazareth Police Station, Yossi Chamu: We are in the period before the elections for which we are preparing to keep order on election day and after the elections. We are sitting with the representatives, with the election officials who have been appointed and together we are planning our preparations. There will be 2 levels of security, the first in the polling station and the second on the city streets.
Commander of Bet Shemesh Police, Shlomi Toledano: We are in the height of the work for the elections and for after the elections. On the day of elections we will perform many evaluations in cooperation with the jerusalem Police, we will also be prepared in the polling stations, in the neighborhoods and on the streets, and we will escort the ballot boxes to the City Hall. If there should be disturbances, we will deal with them with determination as we did last time.
MK Uri Maklev (UTJ): I request the increase in supervision in Bet Shemesh. The preparations need to be much greater. I think we will need a policeman and a detective in each polling station. According to information we have received, there are secret preparations to cause disturbances on election day.
MK Yisroel Eichler (UTJ): We need to understand everything happening around us, in Kiev, Syria, Egypt, and I see we aren't far from them. In Israel there is damage to the rights of minorities - haredim and Arabs. I think that if in the Knesset there would be a condemnation against Haredim, I am afraid to say what would happen. If you take away a persons basic rights, the fight will move from the ballots to the streets.
MK Nachman Shai (Labor): I wish to express hope that the Ministry of Interior and the police will invest great efforts and we will be able to ensure that the elections will be reliable and will represent the residents of Bet Shemesh. Regarding the soldiers, they will have a lot of importance, and great efforts must be made so every soldier will know he has the right to go vote on the day.
MK Miri Regev concluded the session and requested the police prepare in a strengthen and increased manner. These are loaded elections. You must prevent incitement and disturbances. There is no doubt that the soldiers will be able to tip the scales of the elections and we must be prepared to allow each one fo them the right to vote. The entire Ministry of Interior must enable each one with the right to go to his polling station on election day and do his duty of voting.
נערכים לבחירותחוזרות
ועדת הפנים והגנת הסביבה של הכנסת ערכה היוםדיון בנושא הבחירות החוזרות בבית שמש ובנצרת
על פי נתוני משרד הפנים, בבחירות הקרובות שיתקיימובעוד כשבועיים יצביעו למעלה ממאה אלף בעלי זכות בחירה. יו"ר הוועדה ח"כ מירירגב (הליכוד ביתנו): "אין ספק שהחיילים בבית שמש יכריעו את הבחירות. צריך לאפשרלכל אחד שזכאי להצביע להגיע אל הקלפי ולממש את זכותו"
ועדת הפנים והגנת הסביבה ערכה היום דיון לקראת הבחירות החוזרות לרשויות המקומיתבבית שמש ובנצרת בעקבות החלטת בית משפט העליון. לוועדה הוזמנו נציגי משרד הפנים ונציגיהצבא והמשטרה שדיווחו על היערכותם לקראת קיום הבחירות ב-11 במרץ. יו"ר הוועדה,ח"כ מירי רגב, ביקשה לבחון כיצד מתכוון הצבא לאפשר לחיילים תושבי ישוביםאלה להצביע וכן כיצד נערכת המשטרה לשמור על הסדר בקלפיות.
המפקח הארצי על הבחירות, יוסי ברון: "משרד הפנים פרסם הנחיות מיוחדות לקראתהבחירות החדשות. אנחנו נתגבר את בעלי התפקידים המרכזיים כך שבכל קלפי יהיו שני מזכירים, שניהם עובדי מדינה שאינם מתגוררים באחתמשתי הערים האלה כדי להגיע לטוהר המידות. אנחנו נדריך אותם ונשים דגש על כל מה שביתהמשפט העליון נתן עליו דגש, במיוחד בכל הקשור לפרוטוקולים. אנחנו מתואמים תאום מלאעם משטרת ישראל ונדרוש תגבור של כוחות משטרה בקלפיות, לא נסתפק רק בסיורים, שבכל קלפייהיה לפחות שוטר אחד. אנחנו נתגבר גם עם סדרנים ועם כוחות אחרים מטעם הרשות".ברון דיווח כי בבית שמש יש 89 קלפיות עם כ-50,466 בעלי זכות בחירה ובנצרת יש 76 קלפיות עם כ-53,000 בעלי זכות בחירה. "הודעותלבוחר יופצו לכל הבוחרים ואני מקווה שכבר מחר אנשים יקבלו הודעות לבתים".
קצין בחירות צה"ל, סא"ל אלון סלומון: "נכון להיום בבית שמש יש כ-1500 משרתים,כולל בני ישיבות , וכולל כאלה שמשרתים במג"ב ובמשטרת ישראל כשירות חובה ובנצרתיש כ-50 חיילים. חלק מהחיילים משרתים ביחידות פתוחות ועורפיות שבהן אין בעיה לממש אתזכות ההצבעה. חלקם משרתים ביחידות סגורות שלאמאפשרות יציאה על סמך פעילות רגילה. ההנחיה שיצאה מראש אכ"א היא שבכל פיקוד יהיהבעל תפקיד אחד בלבד שהוא הפונקציה הרלוונטית לדון בנושא של אי שחרור חיילים. לכל סגליהשלישות ביחידות ידוע כי ביום בו יתקיימו הבחירות החיילים רשאים לחופשה על מנת לצאתולבחור. אנו מפיצים את השמות של הזכאים לצאת להצביע לכל החיילים והמפקדים". לדברימשרד הפנים, החיילים יצביעו הפעם בקלפיות האזרחיות ולא באמצעות מעטפות כפולות.
מפקד תחנת נצרת, ניצב משנה יוסי חמו: "אנחנו נמצאים בשלב טרום הבחירות שבואנו נערכים לשמירה על הסדר ביום הבחירות וביום שאחרי. אנחנו יושבים עם הנציגים, מנהליהבחירות שמונו ובונים יחד איתם היערכויות. יהיו 2 מעגלי אבטחה, הראשון בקלפי עצמה והשניברחבי העיר".
מפקד תחנת משטרת בית שמש סגן ניצב שלומי טולדנו: "אנחנו בעיצומה של עבודת מטה לטובתטרום הבחירות ולאחר הבחירות. ביום הבחירות נעשה היערכות מרובה בשיתוף עם משטרת ירושלים,נערך גם בקלפיות עצמן, גם בריכוזים וגם ברחובות, ונלווה את הקלפיות לבניין העירייה.במידה ויהיו הפרות סדר אנו נטפל בצורה נחושה כמו שעשינו בפעם הקודמת".
ח"כ אורי מקלב (יהדות התורה): "אני דורש את הגברת הפיקוח בבית שמש.ההערכות צריכה להיות הרבה יותר גדולה. אני חושב שצריך להיות שוטר וחוקר בכל קלפי. במידעשהגיע אלינו יש היערכות סודית להפרות סדר ביום הבחירות".
ח"כ ישראל אייכלר (יהדות התורה): " אנחנו צריכים להתבונן מכל מה שקורהסביבנו, בקייב, בסוריה, במצרים ואני רואה שאנחנו לא רחוקים מהם. יש במדינת ישראל פגיעהבזכויות של מיעוטים חרדים וערביים, אני חושב שאם בכנסת יתקיים גינוי כנגד חרדים אנימפחד להגיד מה יכול להיות. אם תשללו את זכויות האדם הבסיסיות המאבק יעבור מהקלפי לרחובות".
ח"כ נחמן שי (העבודה): "אני רוצה להביע תקווה שמשרד הפנים והמשטרה ישקיעו מאמציםרבים ושנוכל להבטיח שהבחירות יהיו אמינות וייצגו את האוכלוסייה בבית שמש. לגבי החייליםיש להם משקל חשוב, חשוב לעשות מאמץ גדול, כל חייל צריך לדעת שיש לו זכות לצאת ולהצביעבאותו יום".
ח"כ מירי רגב סיכמה את הדיון וביקשה מנציגי המשטרה להיערך באופן מתוגבר."הבחירות הן בחירות טעונות. יש צורך למנוע הסתה והפרות סדר. אין ספק שהחייליםיכולים להכריע את הבחירות בבית שמש ולכן צריך להיערך ולאפשר לכל אחד מהם זכות הצבעה.כלל משרד הפנים צריך לאפשר לכל אחד שזכאי להגיע באותו היום לקלפי ולממש את זכותו".
source: David Jablinowitz of the IBA
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bet shemesh,
1st annual Bowl-A-Thon has me waiting for the second!
Kol Hakavod to the people who put together the Bowl-A-Thon yesterday for Lemaan Achai. I have not yet heard a final number of how much money was raised for tzedaka, but it was a nice a mount of thousands of shekels.
The event itself was amazing. It was a lot of fun for a good cause.
Thank you to those of you who sponsored me, and as well to those who sponsored other bowlers.
After a light dairy dinner was served, we got down to bowling. A lot of people bowled great games - everyone was so pumped up and having a great time. Prizes were given to the top bowlers of the evening and another prize was raffled off among those who raised the most money.
It was such a great event that I am already looking forward to the 2nd annual bowl-a-thon! Next time I will really have to bring my A-game! The only thing missing was the announcer from the PBA (maybe next year!)..
For those of you who still want to donate: Smart Chesed
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Quote of the Day
I never had a cellphone, nor will I - not a kosher nor a non-kosher one, because only bittul Torah comes from it. I saw a kollel student,who went out of class a few times. I asked him what happened. He said, 'My wife is in her ninth month, I need to know what is happening and if she is about to give birth.' Interesting, but in our time and in our forefathers' time, women gave birth and we studied Torah without interruption and everything was fine.
-- Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, when announcing that dayanim and rabbonim should not be using non-kosher cellphones, but should switch to kosher phones. Rav Yosef also said that in kollels they should have a cabinet in which every morning at 9am each avreich deposits his cellphone and doesnt get it back until 1pm, at the end of the morning session.
-- Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, when announcing that dayanim and rabbonim should not be using non-kosher cellphones, but should switch to kosher phones. Rav Yosef also said that in kollels they should have a cabinet in which every morning at 9am each avreich deposits his cellphone and doesnt get it back until 1pm, at the end of the morning session.
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Haredi settlers offer voluntary evacuation from Judea and Samaria towns
In the past, whenever there was discussion of the possibility of peace negotiations leading to a withdrawal of Israeli presence from territory to be given over to Palestinians, Haredi leaders would justify the Haredi presence in such territories as being different than the style of the presence of the general settler community.
While the settler community is largely found in towns and villages throughout Judea and Samaria out of ideology, the haredi towns and villages are there not out of ideology but due to the low cost of housing. They would then use this justification with both the government and the Palestinian leadership to try to ensure that Haredi areas would not be included in any withdrawal.
All that is changing now. The haredim are so upset with the Habayit Hayehudi people, for their involvement in the shivyon bnetel law which will presumably bring about the drafting of yeshiva bochurim, that they are willing now to even give up their own houses in order to promote the idea of an evacuation of the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria.
"Hundreds" of residents of Haredi towns such as Beitar Ilit and Modiin Ilit have drafted a letter and sent it to the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in which they voluntarily offer to be evacuated in the event of a peace agreement. They explicitly say in the letter that they offer this support for a deal and would voluntarily evacuate because of the "decrees" and the criminal sanctions imposed upon them.
source: Kooker and Kikar
While they think they are taking out revenge on Habayit Hayehudi, they somehow do not realize that Habayit Hayehudi does not own the country - their offer is to give up Eretz Yisrael because they are upset at one group of people. If this was their ideology, peace at all costs, that would be consistent and fine. However, because it is not their ideology, it is just spiteful stupidity.
While the settler community is largely found in towns and villages throughout Judea and Samaria out of ideology, the haredi towns and villages are there not out of ideology but due to the low cost of housing. They would then use this justification with both the government and the Palestinian leadership to try to ensure that Haredi areas would not be included in any withdrawal.
All that is changing now. The haredim are so upset with the Habayit Hayehudi people, for their involvement in the shivyon bnetel law which will presumably bring about the drafting of yeshiva bochurim, that they are willing now to even give up their own houses in order to promote the idea of an evacuation of the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria.
"Hundreds" of residents of Haredi towns such as Beitar Ilit and Modiin Ilit have drafted a letter and sent it to the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in which they voluntarily offer to be evacuated in the event of a peace agreement. They explicitly say in the letter that they offer this support for a deal and would voluntarily evacuate because of the "decrees" and the criminal sanctions imposed upon them.
source: Kooker and Kikar
While they think they are taking out revenge on Habayit Hayehudi, they somehow do not realize that Habayit Hayehudi does not own the country - their offer is to give up Eretz Yisrael because they are upset at one group of people. If this was their ideology, peace at all costs, that would be consistent and fine. However, because it is not their ideology, it is just spiteful stupidity.
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Gross tragedy spurs law proposal to regulate exterminators
I am not sure the way to prevent a tragedy is to regulate it - tragedies can happen even when something is government regulated, but sometimes regulation is necessary anyway...
A profession dealing with hazardous and poisonous materials is one that should be regulated, I think. Not just anybody should be allowed to get his hands on poisonous materials and then walk around selling them as if he knows the proper way to handle them, the amounts necessary for extermination under safe conditions, etc.
The field of extermination has not been regulated, despite the fact that it has people running around spraying poisonous materials in people's houses around the country.
If there is one good thing that has come out of the tragedy of the Gross family, in which they lost 2 daughters due to poisoning from an exterminator leaving poisonous materials laying around and had two boys in critical condition in the hospital for too long before miraculously coming out of it, it is that the Knesset committee for legislation just approved a law proposal that will require exterminators to be licensed.
Having licensed exterminators won't prevent every potential tragedy, unfortunately, but it will cut down on the people who do not know what they are doing running around spraying poison in people's houses.
Hopefully the law will pass.
A profession dealing with hazardous and poisonous materials is one that should be regulated, I think. Not just anybody should be allowed to get his hands on poisonous materials and then walk around selling them as if he knows the proper way to handle them, the amounts necessary for extermination under safe conditions, etc.
The field of extermination has not been regulated, despite the fact that it has people running around spraying poisonous materials in people's houses around the country.
If there is one good thing that has come out of the tragedy of the Gross family, in which they lost 2 daughters due to poisoning from an exterminator leaving poisonous materials laying around and had two boys in critical condition in the hospital for too long before miraculously coming out of it, it is that the Knesset committee for legislation just approved a law proposal that will require exterminators to be licensed.
Having licensed exterminators won't prevent every potential tragedy, unfortunately, but it will cut down on the people who do not know what they are doing running around spraying poison in people's houses.
Hopefully the law will pass.
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Full Episode: Lev Tahor (video)
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a look at how MK Ayelet Shaked ran the committee for shivyon bnetel (video)
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Esther Pollard and MK Tzahi Hanegbi at Pollard Rally near US Embassy in Tel Aviv (video)
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L'maancha- Eitan Katz Live in Jerusalem (video)
beautiful song
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Feb 23, 2014
Ministry of Interior takes over administration of new elections in Bet Shemesh and Nazareth
The Ministry of Interior has answered one of the lingering questions that has remained open until now regarding the new elections in Bet Shemesh (and Nazareth)..
... and that is, what are they going to do to ensure that this election is final - that there will no possibility of fraud (or serious fraud, at least - there is probably a bit of fraud in every election around the world), that there will be no claims after the election that there was fraud? If election day will run according to the same system as it did in October, what's preventing the same thing from happening again, or at least claims to that effect?
The Ministry of Interior today announced that things will be different this time around in Bet Shemesh (and Nazareth).
According to Walla News, the people working in the polling stations on March 11, 2014 during the elections will NOT come from the political parties. They will be State employees. They will be professional people with experience managing elections, and no city residents will be included in the staff.
As well, not mentioned in the Walla blurb but I saw it in a different news source, there will be increased police presence around the city. I seem to recall that in totalitarian societies and dictatorships the elections are conducted under heavy police and army presence. I hope this won't be quite like that.
I think the political parties will be able to station observers in each polling station, but they will not have any authority at all.
I doubt it will be perfect, as nothing can be, but it will be as close as possible, if the Ministry of Interior has its way.
... and that is, what are they going to do to ensure that this election is final - that there will no possibility of fraud (or serious fraud, at least - there is probably a bit of fraud in every election around the world), that there will be no claims after the election that there was fraud? If election day will run according to the same system as it did in October, what's preventing the same thing from happening again, or at least claims to that effect?
The Ministry of Interior today announced that things will be different this time around in Bet Shemesh (and Nazareth).
According to Walla News, the people working in the polling stations on March 11, 2014 during the elections will NOT come from the political parties. They will be State employees. They will be professional people with experience managing elections, and no city residents will be included in the staff.
As well, not mentioned in the Walla blurb but I saw it in a different news source, there will be increased police presence around the city. I seem to recall that in totalitarian societies and dictatorships the elections are conducted under heavy police and army presence. I hope this won't be quite like that.
I think the political parties will be able to station observers in each polling station, but they will not have any authority at all.
I doubt it will be perfect, as nothing can be, but it will be as close as possible, if the Ministry of Interior has its way.
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bet shemesh,
Chief Rabbi of Eilat Rav Hadaya on the discussion of Eilat being Eretz Yisrael or not
The issue of Eilat being part of Eretz Yisrael or not, from a halachic perspective, is an old one and has been discussed many times before.
The relevance is really for kohanim, for whom leaving Eretz Yisrael could involve a prohibition of impurity, and for people spending a holiday in Eilat who needs to know how many days of holiday to observe when in Eilat.
The issue is complicated, and truthfully for most people it is practically irrelevant - especially because most people travel abroad - anybody who travels abroad and is not concerned about the impurity of stepping on the ground in New York, London, Paris or anywhere else - shouldn't have a problem in Eilat. The question of 1 or days of holiday observance is relevant.
I would like to see any rav who paskens that Eilat is not part of Eretz Yisrael add a comment to his psak. Instead of just saying its not eretz yisrael, he should add that anybody who travels abroad to other cities should have no problem traveling to Eilat.
Rav Dov Lior recently said that he recommends kohanim not travel to Eilat, because of the question and uncertainty as to its status. The Tzitz Eliezer holds Eilat was conquered by Shlomo Hamelech and is part of Eretz Yisrael, but his opinion is not part of the majority opinion on the matter. Rav Lior adds that the Rambam allows one to travel outside of Eretz Yisrael for the purpose of commerce, and being that Eilat is a port city, it is allowed to travel to it - as the entire city is considered part of the commerce of the port. On the other hand, there is no positive commandment of settling in Eilat, as while one could travel there, it still is not part of Eretz Yisrael. So, Israelites can travel there with no concern, but kohanim should be stringent unless it is necessary.
I always wondered what Rav Moshe Hadaya, the Chief Rabbi of Eilat, would have to say about the discussion but never heard him comment on it (though I am sure he has had a halachic opinion all along)... it seems that Rav Lior's recent comments have caused Rav Hadaya to speak up...
Rav Hadaya said that his uncle, Rav Ovadia Hadaya, a member from the days of the foundation fo the State of the religious council of the Rabbanut and a member of the Beit Din Hagadol, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, the Chief Rabbis of Israel - Rav Herzog and Rav Uziel, all have clearly said that once Eilat was captured by the IDF it became part of Eretz Yisrael in every regard. He would add that if we were to announce that Eilat is not a part of Eretz Yisrael, the Egyptians would demand that we should return Eilat to them.
Rav Hadaya also points to Rav Ovadia Yosef for this discussion. He says he does not understand those who make statements just to stand out. Rav Ovadia Yosef traveled to Eilat 30 years ago and Rav Ovadia asked him - asked Rav Hadaya - whether he observes one or two days of holiday. Rav Hadaya responded that he observes one day just like everywhere in Israel. Rav Ovadia's response, according to the testimony of Rav Hadaya, was to turn to those around and say "did you hear what the rav said? I will not talk about this issue."
Rav Hadaya also compares it to some other cities that technically should have the same status, as per the gemara. Lod and Bnei Braq should really be considered chutz laaretz, but nobody would dare suggest that Lod or Bnei Braq be treated like chutz laaretz - so what do they want from Eilat?
source: Srugim and full interview in Erev Erev
I feel vindicated, in a sense, because when recently learnign a connected sugya in the gemara, the topic of discussion naturally turned to this issue, and my opinion expressed (non-definitively) then matches very closely to what Rav Hadaya just said...
The relevance is really for kohanim, for whom leaving Eretz Yisrael could involve a prohibition of impurity, and for people spending a holiday in Eilat who needs to know how many days of holiday to observe when in Eilat.
The issue is complicated, and truthfully for most people it is practically irrelevant - especially because most people travel abroad - anybody who travels abroad and is not concerned about the impurity of stepping on the ground in New York, London, Paris or anywhere else - shouldn't have a problem in Eilat. The question of 1 or days of holiday observance is relevant.
I would like to see any rav who paskens that Eilat is not part of Eretz Yisrael add a comment to his psak. Instead of just saying its not eretz yisrael, he should add that anybody who travels abroad to other cities should have no problem traveling to Eilat.
Rav Dov Lior recently said that he recommends kohanim not travel to Eilat, because of the question and uncertainty as to its status. The Tzitz Eliezer holds Eilat was conquered by Shlomo Hamelech and is part of Eretz Yisrael, but his opinion is not part of the majority opinion on the matter. Rav Lior adds that the Rambam allows one to travel outside of Eretz Yisrael for the purpose of commerce, and being that Eilat is a port city, it is allowed to travel to it - as the entire city is considered part of the commerce of the port. On the other hand, there is no positive commandment of settling in Eilat, as while one could travel there, it still is not part of Eretz Yisrael. So, Israelites can travel there with no concern, but kohanim should be stringent unless it is necessary.
I always wondered what Rav Moshe Hadaya, the Chief Rabbi of Eilat, would have to say about the discussion but never heard him comment on it (though I am sure he has had a halachic opinion all along)... it seems that Rav Lior's recent comments have caused Rav Hadaya to speak up...

Rav Hadaya also points to Rav Ovadia Yosef for this discussion. He says he does not understand those who make statements just to stand out. Rav Ovadia Yosef traveled to Eilat 30 years ago and Rav Ovadia asked him - asked Rav Hadaya - whether he observes one or two days of holiday. Rav Hadaya responded that he observes one day just like everywhere in Israel. Rav Ovadia's response, according to the testimony of Rav Hadaya, was to turn to those around and say "did you hear what the rav said? I will not talk about this issue."
Rav Hadaya also compares it to some other cities that technically should have the same status, as per the gemara. Lod and Bnei Braq should really be considered chutz laaretz, but nobody would dare suggest that Lod or Bnei Braq be treated like chutz laaretz - so what do they want from Eilat?
source: Srugim and full interview in Erev Erev
I feel vindicated, in a sense, because when recently learnign a connected sugya in the gemara, the topic of discussion naturally turned to this issue, and my opinion expressed (non-definitively) then matches very closely to what Rav Hadaya just said...
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Quote of the Day
let's say that it is a lot more respectful than the Arabs who play soccer without any sensitivity or shame... I don't understand, even animals feel sensitivity on this place [Har Habayit] and would act with holiness.. but they, they don't have any sensitivity..
- Chief Rabbi of Tzfat Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, when asked on the radio about carrying a bag containing general items while on Har Habayit
He is going to get reamed for seemingly comparing the Arabs to animals.. but the fact is he is right about the point he is making about them not treating it respectfully. Even if you say they disagree it is holy to Jews and therefore do not need to show it respect - but they claim it is holy to them and they say the entire courtyard has the same level of holiness as a mosque.. so even if it is just holy to them in their eyes, it is still considered respectful to play soccer in a mosque? Surely this will also be used against him when it comes time for elections for Jerusalem Chief Rabbi in which he is expected to be caniddate..
- Chief Rabbi of Tzfat Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, when asked on the radio about carrying a bag containing general items while on Har Habayit
He is going to get reamed for seemingly comparing the Arabs to animals.. but the fact is he is right about the point he is making about them not treating it respectfully. Even if you say they disagree it is holy to Jews and therefore do not need to show it respect - but they claim it is holy to them and they say the entire courtyard has the same level of holiness as a mosque.. so even if it is just holy to them in their eyes, it is still considered respectful to play soccer in a mosque? Surely this will also be used against him when it comes time for elections for Jerusalem Chief Rabbi in which he is expected to be caniddate..
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Chardak 2.0
I will call this Chardak 2.0 - at least until it takes off on its own and becomes a successful campaign. If it does, it will get its own name - Charpas.
According to Bechadrei, these pashkevils have been starting to sprout up. "Charpas" is what they are calling "Charedi Passul". A charedi passul, according to the sign is a charedi person who has Internet, iPhone and/or a non-kosher cellphone.
The are looking for funding and backers so they can get the campaign off the ground successfully. Maybe they should open a Kickstarter campaign.
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Facebook Status of the Day
FSotD goes to Michael Ben Ari for his upsetting post..
the incitement against haredim is operating in all systems:
here is a message I received, and am waiting for a response from the police.
Kobi Bremer: this morning at the entrance to the Bet Shemesh police station was a haredi man named Mordechai Bloi. He wanted to enter the police station to complain about a break-in. The guard at the entrance screamed with profanity and said to get out and that he has orders from the commander of the station to not let haredim into the station. And he did not let him in. I called the operator fo the station and asked how it is possible to not let a Jew in to file a complaint. The policewoman called the office of the commander and was told that they are not letting haredim into the station.
Everything is recorded, and obviously we have the recording.
The police must throw out such people from within it. I am going to the media about this. If the racism is even by the commanders office, where should residents turn to file complaints. Despicable. I am disgusted by the great shock that I have seen by you.. and I am not religious, not haredi, just a Jew, though it seems this is a bad word for the police. My name is Kobi Bremer, 057-701-388 and I have the recording.
no, that phone number does not have enough digits. Shocking story. I never heard of such a thing before. The police even seem to have a good relationship with the Haredi community in Bet Shemesh (not including the extremist crazies in RBS B). Despicable if true. If that is actually the standing orders, someone there needs to be relieved of duty.
the incitement against haredim is operating in all systems:
here is a message I received, and am waiting for a response from the police.
Kobi Bremer: this morning at the entrance to the Bet Shemesh police station was a haredi man named Mordechai Bloi. He wanted to enter the police station to complain about a break-in. The guard at the entrance screamed with profanity and said to get out and that he has orders from the commander of the station to not let haredim into the station. And he did not let him in. I called the operator fo the station and asked how it is possible to not let a Jew in to file a complaint. The policewoman called the office of the commander and was told that they are not letting haredim into the station.
Everything is recorded, and obviously we have the recording.
The police must throw out such people from within it. I am going to the media about this. If the racism is even by the commanders office, where should residents turn to file complaints. Despicable. I am disgusted by the great shock that I have seen by you.. and I am not religious, not haredi, just a Jew, though it seems this is a bad word for the police. My name is Kobi Bremer, 057-701-388 and I have the recording.
no, that phone number does not have enough digits. Shocking story. I never heard of such a thing before. The police even seem to have a good relationship with the Haredi community in Bet Shemesh (not including the extremist crazies in RBS B). Despicable if true. If that is actually the standing orders, someone there needs to be relieved of duty.
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Michael Ben-Ari,
Close your gemaras and join the army
the irony is that Lapid said almost exactly the same thing...
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bet shemesh,
The halacha of reporting child abuse to the authorities (video)
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child abuse,
MK Moshe Feiglin: Who is the Immigrant and Who is the Native (video)
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Moshe Feiglin,
3D Printing at Tel Aviv's first 3D print store (video)
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Marriage proposal in the Hebrew U library (video)
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Feb 20, 2014
Bet Shemesh newspaper operating illegally
This item will be of particular interest to people of Bet Shemesh... I am just going to translate from the Hebrew and not leave any of my own commentary on the matter:
As reported on the Shopping Mekomi Facebook page:
The continue to make a joke of the law! The newspaper "Chadash" is operating with no license, against the law, and continues to be funded by, among others, advertisements from City Hall, meaning, public funds. A request was sent today to the Interior Minister to shut down the newspaper. The mayor and the professional staff have been instructed not to advertise in the newspaper and to enforce this directive.
After a clarification performed by the Ministry of Interior it turns out that "Chadash Bet Shemesh", a local Charedi newspaper of Bet Shemesh, has no license. As has been publicized before, the newspapers administration has refused, during the election period, to publish election material for the candidate Eli Cohen. They even admitted to this and explained their reasoning: "The Chadash newspaper is the newspaper of the Charedi public of Bet Shemesh. Because all the Gedolei Yisroel and righteous men of the generation have expressed their definitive support for Moshe Abutbol for mayor, we will not agree to publish against that statement."
Eli Cohen's lawyer, Ariel Nissim, claims that this is a clear violation of the election laws and has requested that it should be investigated whether the newspaper is even operating with a license, as the law demands. This is the time to remind you that according to Paragraph 4 of the Newspaper Ordinance establishes that: One is not allowed to print or publish any newspaper in Israel unless its owners first receive a license signed by the person appointed over the district on the form along with the first one for this order.
Today, Thursday February 20, Inbar Golshani, the director of the newspaper division of the Ministry of Interior, stated that the Ministry of Interior has no documentation of a license issued for the Chadash newspaper. Meaning, the Chadash newspaper is operating with no license.
This is the place to point out, that the Newspaper Ordinance establishes serious criminal sanctions - imprisonment up to 6 months and a fine for "the person who prints or publishes a newspaper prior to receiving a license for him or any other agent or who permits its printing or publication, in addition to sanctions defined in that paragraph, and the court is empowered to order him detained and to confiscate all copies of the paper that had been printed.
Upon receiving the statement from the Ministry of Interior, Adv. Ariel Nissim turned to the Minister of Interior, MK Gideon Saar, with a clear request "to immediately turn to the Chadash newspaper administration and demand an immediate stop to the printing of the newspaper, and even more so when the newspaper is breaking the law of the State of Israel regarding election material, this matter is so much more important, for in Bet Shemesh there will be in the near future re-elections as ordered by the courts.
Adv. Nissim informed Chadash regarding the information received from the Ministry of Interior: You are requested to immediately cease printing or publishing the Chadash newspaper.
As wellAdv. Nissim turned to the mayor, Moshe Abutbol, to the legal counsel of the City of Bet Shemesh Adv. Miki Gastwirth, the Comptroller of the city Yaakov Dahan: you are requested to instruct all relevant parties in City Hall of Bet Shemesh to immediately refrain from advertising or make any other use of Chadash newspaper and immediately stop any other communication with the newspaper.
When turning to the mayor, Adv. Nissim added: you should know, the public sees you as directly and personally responsible for any expense passed to the newspaper that is operating illegally with no license, from the time you receive this letter. As well, it is appropriate that a mayor of a city in Israel who is entrusted with enforcement of the law and of the order in his city, will not assist and give his money to those operating against the law and will not use the services of the newspaper that has no license, even just for appearances sake. So, it does not make sense that a mayor will fund a newspaper with no legal license, with the knowledge that lacking a license is a criminal offense.
Shopping Mekomi turned to Chadash for a response, but has not yet received one at this point in time.
As reported on the Shopping Mekomi Facebook page:
The continue to make a joke of the law! The newspaper "Chadash" is operating with no license, against the law, and continues to be funded by, among others, advertisements from City Hall, meaning, public funds. A request was sent today to the Interior Minister to shut down the newspaper. The mayor and the professional staff have been instructed not to advertise in the newspaper and to enforce this directive.
After a clarification performed by the Ministry of Interior it turns out that "Chadash Bet Shemesh", a local Charedi newspaper of Bet Shemesh, has no license. As has been publicized before, the newspapers administration has refused, during the election period, to publish election material for the candidate Eli Cohen. They even admitted to this and explained their reasoning: "The Chadash newspaper is the newspaper of the Charedi public of Bet Shemesh. Because all the Gedolei Yisroel and righteous men of the generation have expressed their definitive support for Moshe Abutbol for mayor, we will not agree to publish against that statement."
Eli Cohen's lawyer, Ariel Nissim, claims that this is a clear violation of the election laws and has requested that it should be investigated whether the newspaper is even operating with a license, as the law demands. This is the time to remind you that according to Paragraph 4 of the Newspaper Ordinance establishes that: One is not allowed to print or publish any newspaper in Israel unless its owners first receive a license signed by the person appointed over the district on the form along with the first one for this order.
Today, Thursday February 20, Inbar Golshani, the director of the newspaper division of the Ministry of Interior, stated that the Ministry of Interior has no documentation of a license issued for the Chadash newspaper. Meaning, the Chadash newspaper is operating with no license.
This is the place to point out, that the Newspaper Ordinance establishes serious criminal sanctions - imprisonment up to 6 months and a fine for "the person who prints or publishes a newspaper prior to receiving a license for him or any other agent or who permits its printing or publication, in addition to sanctions defined in that paragraph, and the court is empowered to order him detained and to confiscate all copies of the paper that had been printed.
Upon receiving the statement from the Ministry of Interior, Adv. Ariel Nissim turned to the Minister of Interior, MK Gideon Saar, with a clear request "to immediately turn to the Chadash newspaper administration and demand an immediate stop to the printing of the newspaper, and even more so when the newspaper is breaking the law of the State of Israel regarding election material, this matter is so much more important, for in Bet Shemesh there will be in the near future re-elections as ordered by the courts.
Adv. Nissim informed Chadash regarding the information received from the Ministry of Interior: You are requested to immediately cease printing or publishing the Chadash newspaper.
As wellAdv. Nissim turned to the mayor, Moshe Abutbol, to the legal counsel of the City of Bet Shemesh Adv. Miki Gastwirth, the Comptroller of the city Yaakov Dahan: you are requested to instruct all relevant parties in City Hall of Bet Shemesh to immediately refrain from advertising or make any other use of Chadash newspaper and immediately stop any other communication with the newspaper.
When turning to the mayor, Adv. Nissim added: you should know, the public sees you as directly and personally responsible for any expense passed to the newspaper that is operating illegally with no license, from the time you receive this letter. As well, it is appropriate that a mayor of a city in Israel who is entrusted with enforcement of the law and of the order in his city, will not assist and give his money to those operating against the law and will not use the services of the newspaper that has no license, even just for appearances sake. So, it does not make sense that a mayor will fund a newspaper with no legal license, with the knowledge that lacking a license is a criminal offense.
Shopping Mekomi turned to Chadash for a response, but has not yet received one at this point in time.
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Register for marriage in Israel online!
You can sell your chametz online, you can donate for kapparos online, you can buy anything in the world online and now you can even register for marriage online in Israel!
it seems to me that opening marriage registrations online makes the entire debate about open registration around the country, allowing people to register in whatever city they want, fairly moot.
According to Srugim, the Religious Council of Tel Aviv has launched a system for registering online for marriage. (if you are curious or want to register, the Rabbanut site has the details, and they send you from there to the registration site). A couple wanting to wed can submit all the necessary forms online. Not only that, but the witnesses that need to go to the Rabbanut to "testify" that each party is Jewish and single will no longer need to go to the Rabbanut offices to do so - they can give their testimony now using Skype!
Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rav Eli Ben Dahan said they are working to make the religious services accessible and reliable for everyone and are using the most technologically advanced tools in the world to do so (that might be true, but they can definitely use a better web designer)..
This is great, in my opinion. Everything should be made easier, less bureaucracy, and should be available online when feasible.
it seems to me that opening marriage registrations online makes the entire debate about open registration around the country, allowing people to register in whatever city they want, fairly moot.
According to Srugim, the Religious Council of Tel Aviv has launched a system for registering online for marriage. (if you are curious or want to register, the Rabbanut site has the details, and they send you from there to the registration site). A couple wanting to wed can submit all the necessary forms online. Not only that, but the witnesses that need to go to the Rabbanut to "testify" that each party is Jewish and single will no longer need to go to the Rabbanut offices to do so - they can give their testimony now using Skype!
Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rav Eli Ben Dahan said they are working to make the religious services accessible and reliable for everyone and are using the most technologically advanced tools in the world to do so (that might be true, but they can definitely use a better web designer)..
This is great, in my opinion. Everything should be made easier, less bureaucracy, and should be available online when feasible.
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