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Jun 12, 2014

MK Nissim Slomianski passes hundreds of millions of shekels all by himself in minutes (video)

MK Slomianski (Habayit Hayehudi), head of the Finance Comittee of the Knesset, passed hundreds of millions of shekels by holding votes right after the meeting started - when nobody else was there to vote against his proposals. When other member sof the committee showed up a few minutes late only to discover that he had alredy held the votes, all by himself, to cut over 41 million shekels from the education system of Shas, and to pass 110 million shekels to haredi yeshivot that encourage boys to join the IDF draft, and another 78 million shekels to education in the settlements, they flipped out...

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  1. Same kind of thing the haredi parties used to do when they were in this position. I think this is how they passed the Halpert Law, if I remember correctly. It's tempting to say what's good for the goose is good for the gander, but really, it's a lousy way to run the government in both cases. It should be hard to wonder why so many people have a cyncial view of religion and religious politics when this is the way the "religious" Knesset members deal with the public's money.

  2. Let them come on time to the meeting next time.

    1. I don't have too much sentiment for Nissan, but - exactly!
      one was caught in an accident, another few shmoozing in the hall, and then they whine. Perhaps Nissan was trying to make a point.

  3. i believe there will be a revotehttp://www.jpost.com/National-News/Finance-Committee-approves-budget-transfers-to-Education-Ministry-space-program-356024

  4. hmmmm..... slick or stupid?


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