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Jun 12, 2014

shul World Cup viewing schedule

the World Cup is set to kick off tonight...

one shul in Jerusalem has already included the World Cup broadcast in its official schedule for Saturday night...

personally, I think the two should be kept separate, but if they think it will get more people to attend an important meeting...

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  1. I understand why shuls overseas 'need' to include activities that include professional sports in order to get Jewish youth to at least get entertained together in a kosher environment, but in Israel we don't need that.

  2. I am not so sure. I already suggested that our Daf Yomi shiur should start later, and after it is finished we can all watch the World Cup on a giant screen in the balcony of the Shul!!

  3. I don't understand, people would not come to the meeting if they were missing the game so they are just reassuring everyone that the game does not start until 10 and they don't have to worry the game

  4. My shul is having an NBA Finals Game 5 viewing and BBQ tomorrow evening. Mincha - Dvar Torah - Game - Halftime Maariv/raffles - Game


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