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Jul 2, 2014

Do the Israeli people have faith in the police?

The police force in Israel has an awful lot to deal with, extreme situations and challenges much greater than simply crime, and it is probably unfair to compare them to other forces around the world, but I must say the police really have a lot of problems and need to be reformed or reorganized.

They do not seem to be capable of functioning efficiently in the policing of the State. People are afraid to turn to them for assistance and prefer to avoid them whenever possible, people see it as a waste of time when reporting crime, people see the police as lazy or even incompetent in evaluating serious situations, minor crime is dealt with by use of a heavy hand, while rioting, or threats of riots, and violence is usually dealt with by kowtowing to the rioters...

I think most (base don no scientific evidence, of course)  of the public has no faith in the police system in Israel.

If the people have no faith in the police, it is time to make changes.

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1 comment:

  1. It's simple - they are vastly underpaid. Like most Government employees, including Dr.'s.


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