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Jan 12, 2015

KfP peanut oil on eBay

That's a lot of money for a can of peanut oil... I guess it makes sense considering that today you probably cannot find peanut oil that is kosher for Pesach...

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  1. The minhag in South Africa is not to treat peanuts as kitniyos. To this day you can get KfP peanut butter in SA.

    1. That was the minhag in Lithuania as well - I understand that most SA Jews came form Lithuania originally.

  2. I've always heard that peanut oil is Safek Mei Kitniyot, which is so unbelievably removed from any issur that it couldn't be Assured unless you were so into Humra dePis'ha that you Assur everything - in which case, you might as well Assur Matza too.

  3. I remember my mother using peanut oil on Pesach when I was a child in the 1960s and early 70s. We ate peanuts on Pesach. You can't tell me that they magically became kitniyot. We still eat peanuts and use plain KFP peanut butter, even though we won't eat other kitniyot.

  4. When we came on aliyah in 1984 from America, peanut oil was still OK - somehow it became NOT OK in the interim.


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