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Nov 7, 2016

Herzog calls on Netanyahu to not meddle in US elections...

At a party meeting today, Opposition head Yitzchak Herzog (Zionist Union) called upon PM Netanyahu to clarify that any involvement in the elections in the USA by people close to him has nothing to do with him and he is in no way meddling in the elections.
source: Ynet

I think by now it is a little late for this.. either he has meddled or he hasn't.. calling on him now, the day before the elections, to stop, is not going to accomplish much in any direction. Herzog should have woken up a month or two ago, or six or nine. Or more. Where has he been sleeping until now?

I guess it is better than waking up next week and calling on Netanyahu to not meddle...

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1 comment:

  1. Herzog is just trying to score points through innuendo.

    It pains me deeply how his grandfather's illustrious legacy is not reflected through the family now.


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