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Nov 8, 2016

Rav Kanievsky works miracles for baby

Interesting story being told about Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his mystical powers.

It seems that a young couple went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky about a problem discovered during the 5th month thorough ultrasound examination. Sadly they discovered in the examination of the fetus that there was a serious defect in the fetus's heart. The doctor said it would be impossible to repair. Further consultation with other doctors and specialists said there is no way to heal the baby, and sadly the baby would be stillborn. One doctor suggested the possibility of a very complex surgery abroad, though chances of success would still be very low.

The young, distraught, couple went for guidance to Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Rav Kanievsky surprised them by saying the child is healthy and has no defect in his heart. They tried to explain the situation, but Rav Kanievsky insisted the fetus is healthy and normal.

The couple went back to the doctors, and got all the documentation and images that show the defect and problem, yet Rav Chaim Kanievsky continued to say that the child has no defect and is completely healthy.

Eventually they had a difficult time finding a hospital to agree to host the birth, considering the complications, but after getting some help in that matter, the mother gave birth in Shneider Hospital to the baby. The baby was sick due to the defect and they were preparing for its care and possible transfer abroad for surgery.

The doctors sent all the documentation to the specialist abroad so he could direct them in possible care the child. After analyzing all the documentation the specialist called the doctors in Israel back and said the child is healthy and has no defect at all, and nothing needs to be done.

In Israel they all inspected the documentation and images again and discovered that the specialist abroad was correct and the child is healthy.
source: Kikar

What happened here - were the doctors mistaken in how they read the images? Did Rav Kanievsky's declaration heal the baby? Did Rav Kanievsky's declaration also change the pictures? If yes, which of those is a bigger miracle?

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  1. Well, let's start with debunking one of the simple details. They would NOT have "had a difficult time finding a hospital to agree to host the birth." What would have happened very simply is that they would have been told that they need to give birth in a facility with a neonatologist available and a NICU ready to receive the baby. Not a big deal, but it does mean going to one of the more major hospitals. Happens all the time, unless the parents were resisting the physician's instructions. Now, the story also says "the baby was sick due to the defect"; but then we are told that the foreign specialist said the baby is healthy. So, which is it? If the baby was sick, there was SOME reason for it. Misdiagnosis is possible, but either way the baby being sick right at birth needs an explanation. IF the baby's tests had been examined by specialists in one of the busier neonatology practices (Shaarei Tzedek in Yerushalayim comes to mind as one), then a diagnostic mistake is possible but not very common. But the couple refused to give birth where recommended, so who did the diagnostics? As with most of these miracle stories, too many questions. And why is it the yeshivishe velt has become so infected with hassidishe miracle stories?

    1. Mordechai - The Antarctica called, they said they have your heart and you can come an pick it up whenever you want.

    2. I was also wondering what it could mean that the baby was "sick" at birth - that must have been from observation, in which case how can a call from abroad suddenly change that - and retroactively?

  2. A friend of mine is founder of Little Lev. http://www.littlelev.org/ It is an organization to support families with babies born with heart defects. As non-medical personal she is probably one of the most knowledgeable people on the topic. She has given lectures at hospitals on the subject.

    She said that she had never heard of this story. She doesn't believe it is true. Like Mordechai pointed out, 'No hospital would refuse to host a birth'.

  3. If the story is true, it's not hard to believe the outcome. We should know by now that when a Tzadik decrees, H' obliges! Simple as that. There have been many stories of such occurrences.

  4. "What happened here - were the doctors mistaken in how they read the images? Did Rav Kanievsky's declaration heal the baby? Did Rav Kanievsky's declaration also change the pictures? "

    Or maybe the story is baloney?


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