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Feb 18, 2020

Not Your Typical Valentine's Day Date (video)

Meir Kay is an interesting person, and lives to make others happy... sadly he is almost definitely going to get attacked for this initiative...

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  1. Do you mean it's sad that he has taken this initiative?

    Cuz I hope you don't think it's sad that he will be attacked for this initiative - it is a Mitzvah to be Mochiach him for promoting something contrary to the Torah.

    It is sad the he is making this horrible Chillul Hashem - an observant Jew with a Yarmulke publicly promoting anti-Torah behavior and doing his best to spread it via social media.

    The Tochacha that may follow would be a Miztvah, and should be done B'Simcha - not sadly. (It can be a painful Mitzvah to do - you can give a krechtz while doing the Mitzvah, just like you can krechtz when you put up your s'chach - but it should still be done B'Simcha, not sadly...)

  2. I'm generally a big fan of Kay's but the Torah clearly objects to this type of practice in the most emphatic manner.
    What's sad is that he went too far this time.
    A mistake.

  3. he has gone too far. He has taken the approach of a humanitarian and attention seeker ans trampled on our holy Torah.

  4. Truly disgusting. A horrible chillul HASHEM. Since when does "making people happy" trump the rest of the Torah?

  5. is he under the banner of chabad or is he an independent contractor?

  6. There are about eight million people in New York alone. Millions of more in the area.

    He made a choice. He knew what he was doing.

  7. Abhorrent. He could have used the money for a struggling Jewish couple. Oh,then no hits. It's all about himself...


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