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Dec 1, 2020

Quote of the Day

...Yakov prepared for war with Eisav by "doron, tefilla and milchama" - bribes/gifts, prayer and war preparations. Eisav came with 400 men to destroy Yaakov, and how did Yaakov successfully fight off Eisav and his 400 soldiers, when all he had were his wives and children? Only with the strenght of the Torah (he kept the 613 mitzvos while in the house of Lavan) and prayer.

The sole moral basis for this government is the commitment of the Likud and Kachol Lavan to take care of the law for the yeshiva boys to continue learning torah in peace and quiet. 

Until now it has not yet been set in law. And not just that but Kachol Lavan has joined every law proposal against Judaism that is raised by the Hellenists just like in the Second Temple era. They can give 150 political justifications, but it does not justify the existence of this government.

  -- MK Yisroel Eichler (UTJ)

I love Eichler. He's so much fun.

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  1. Sounds good but: How could Yaakov KEEP ALL 613 mitzvos when there was no Beis yet? And he wasn’t on Eretz Yisrael Land when he met Eisav? Yes I know it says the Avos kept all the mitzvos (but what did that resemble in reality at the time?). Were there actually 613 at that stage of our history. (really, we were not fully ‘educated’ in the halachos until Moshe reminded them before he left us.) Just like at Mt Sinai, as a nation, we did not receive ALL the halachos of the 613 then, but rather by Shavuos (according to Rabbi Mizrachi, as I understood the Rabbi).

    1. It's a much-discussed issue. Many say that they did not, in fact, keep the mitzvot, which is also what a plain reading of the text would indicate. (For example, Yaakov married two sisters.)

  2. Some would argue that's a moral stain.

  3. He only married the two sisters because he was fooled by the great deceiver, his father-in-law. Since the Torah had not been given yet, so it was okay. Same with Moshe Rabbeinu's father, Amram, who married his aunt, Yocheved. This was all before Matan Torah.

  4. What he's hinting at is that it's either דורון or מלחמה. So if כחול לבן offers a sufficient דורון they won't have to go to war against UTJ. And prayer? No doubt he's praying for the דורון & not מלחמה.

    1. I thought it was weird that he referenced yaakov preparing for war, because that would mean the yeshiva boys should as well, btu that is why he defined yaakov's preparation for war as specifically learning torah not learning military strategy. I dont think I ever heard that before


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