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Nov 9, 2021

surprising Likud mail

I just received this letter form the Likud in my mailbox this morning... I was wondering what it could be, as no new date has been set yet for primaries. I thought maybe it would be announcing a discussion about new primaries, or maybe it would be a statement form the head of the Likud rallying support while Likud is in the Opposition, or maybe some other statement about the state of affairs.

And then I opened it.

It turns out to be an invitation to vote in the upcoming Likud primaries (yes, I am a member of the Likud), to be held on August 14, 2007! It does not even say who the candidates are! How am I supposed to decide for whom to vote????

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  1. And I thought the mail was slow here...

    A choice between
    Netanyahu or Feiglin

    See here

  2. Most candidates are not even in Likud anymore -->

    1. Meridor is. He still dreams of taking over one day.


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