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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Nov 9, 2021

Quote of the Day

In 73 years there has not been a Minister of Religious affairs like me, and in another 73 years there won't be another! The issues I am advancing in the realm of Shul and State could only happen in this type of government, that is not dependent upon the Haredi parties... I am investing a lot of thought in advancing processes that will not be able to be cancelled, even when the Haredim will return to government... the market will be free, and factories and big businesses will want to take kashrut certificates that give them the maximum diversity of clientele, so I think the Badatzim will flourish in the new law.

  -- Minister Matan Kahana

never before has been, never again will be a minister like me - maybe, but this could be because you are so good or so bad. Who is to say? Either way, a little bit of humility never hurt anyone...

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