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Jun 19, 2024

can we get any more dysfuntional?

From day 1 this government has been dysfunctional and almost nothing goes right. 
Over the past couple of days they have really hit rock bottom with the fighting over the draft law and then even more so the rabbanim law and now bickering over who is at fault and who should be polygraphed - and let's not forget the video clip PM Netanyahu made about the US government stopping arms shipments to which the US government replied that they dont know what he is talking about as all shipments have been processed as expected and only one had been held up temporarily....

While one might think they cant get any worse, any more dysfunctional, I believe they will continue to prove me wrong and will find ways to accomplish it!

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1 comment:

  1. Why would you tag Ben-Gvir on this?

    "replied that they dont know what he is talking about as all shipments have been processed as expected and only one had been held up temporarily"

    "We don't know what you're talking about! Oh, yeah, *that's* what you're talking about."

    Really, the White House spokesperson lies through her teeth regularly. Here she's not even trying.


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