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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Feb 11, 2025

stop the aid

I don't know what is going on over there in Houthiville in Yemen, but it seems things are getting rough.

For whatever reason the Houthis have taken something like 28 UN workers as hostages. I don't really know what their demands are or what they are upset about. Maybe they want new robes and sandals. Regardless, I hope the UN workers will be treated well and released quickly.

That being said, Antonio Guiterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, has called on the UN to immediately stop all programs and funding to the Houthis, stop all aid, while demanding the release of the UN workers taken hostage.

Interesting how when Hamas took Israelis hostage, Guiterres insisted Israel send in humanitarian aid to Hamas and the people of Gaza, increase aid. When Israel spoke about cutting aid to Gaza he and his people accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide. 

Is the UN  now committing a genocide in Yemen (specifically in Saada)?

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1 comment:

  1. In Gaza the UN works in partnership with Hamas so an attack on Hamas is an attack on the UN.


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