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Jan 1, 2009

The latest in religious hi-tech gadgetry

This guy was spotted schnorring in shul with a wireless credit card machine for ultimate schnorring!


  1. Lema'an Achai has been doing this for quite a while.

    I love to give them outside the makolet from time to time!

  2. Rafi, are you aware that the guy in the center of the picture is a major kannoi who was involved in the notorious concert-in-the-park incident?

  3. you mean the guy on the left? he looks familiar. the guy on the right I don't recognize.

  4. Yes, the guy on the left, Zalasnik. The guy on the right is a good guy.

  5. anon - very cool. I have never seen this.

  6. Yes, Zalaznick is the "kanoi".

    He is very close to the "Moron D'asra".

    He is also a major guy for the Kupa.

    Hmmm..does anyone see a connection here.

  7. does the mora d'asra know that he uses a wireless connection?

  8. it is Zalaznik and Beribi and they are collecting for the kupa shel tzedokah in Massas Mordche in the same way they do every month (with their wireless connection).

    I do not know whether or not Zalaznik was involved in the concert in the park incident, but I do know that he is very lishmo - he is not of the ilk of some of the kannoim in Bet who are simply passing time.

    Thank you Rafi for the ride to the station this morning.

  9. I have heard that Lemaán Achai is forbidden from collecting in Mases Mordechai or even to put up posters.
    Is this true?

  10. Anon,

    Yes it is true. Have you ever seen a LA poster up in Maseas Mordechai?

    I have to imagine that it is not because Lema'an Achai doesn't want to put them there.

    I wonder if there are families receiving Lema'an Achai's help who daven in that shul.

  11. Zeliznik is one of the most dangerous people in RBS A. He does an amazing job of having you think otherwise, however he is the #1 terrorist against anything not chareidi. The smile is on the front -- the knife is in your back..

    Dittio for Benedikt.

    As for Berrebi --- welcoeem to the puppets.


  12. Rafi, this is a shame that it made it on to your blog.
    Asher Zalaznik is one of the nicest & kindest people I've ever met.
    In contrast to many schnorers whom I'm not so sure they have a valid reason to collect (other than community minhag), Asher doesn't collect for himself; he collects for the many poor families that surround us all. (Does "chessed" mean anything?)
    Asher is always ready to help each and every one, no matter who he is and what hashkafa. I know this from personal experience.

    Massas is open to everyone, and is frequently filled with kipot srugot.

    [Benedikt is also a very nice and good hearted person. I know him personally.]

    Yes, they are Charedim. They have different views and outlooks than us. Face it.
    But why all of this hatred?
    Why all of this Loshon Horo & Sinat Chinam?

  13. I dont know. I was wondering that too. I did not say anything about im not having a right to collect, or about who he is. every shul in the world has people collecting. I was just amazed at the gadget being used. I have never seen it before, and a friend took the picture and sent it to me.

  14. "But why all of this hatred?
    Why all of this Loshon Horo & Sinat Chinam?"

    Then why isn't lema'an Achai permitted to put up posters and collect in that shul?

    If he is such a wonderful guy and so open, etc. he should welcome Lema'an Achai with open arms!

  15. Anon,
    "Then why isn't lema'an Achai permitted to put up posters and collect in that shul?"

    A good question. Why don't you ask him?
    Is it because it's easier to slander?

    You don't hold of Limud Zchut?
    Is it possible that he has a reason?
    (possibly different from YOURS?)

    I'm not saying that he shouldn't be tolerant, I'm asking YOU - where is YOUR tolerance?

  16. Asher Zalaznik is one of the nicest & kindest people I've ever met... Massas is open to everyone, and is frequently filled with kipot srugot.

    Actually, Zalasnik tried to have me thrown out of Maasas Mordechai, and succeeded (along with Benedikt) in preventing me from being shaliach tzibbur when I was in aveilus for my father z"l.
    - Natan Slifkin

  17. hmmm...
    Zoo Torah v'zoo schara?


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