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Feb 1, 2010

Yated reassigns the poskim of Shas

Wow. Yated really knocked this one out of the park. Slam dunk against Shas. They should be voted into the All Star game for this one.

In the latest attack on Shas, they brought quotes and explanations from rosh yeshivas saying why it is ok to participate in the Knesset (because it is something that affects daily life) but not ok to extend that to other organizations (because that has no relevance to us and is completely voluntary).

So they quoted a few ashkenazy poskim and rosh yeshivas to explain why a sfardi group is wrong, despite their sfardi posek having paskened otherwise. So according to Yated, Shas must listen to Ashkenazy rabbonim and ignore the Sfardi rabbonim.

Oy, Yated, Yated. You give us all so many reasons to scoff at you. On such a regular basis. Thank you, but you really make Orthodox Judaism look like a laughing stock.


  1. Emergency Campaign: Take Back Judaism!February 01, 2010 2:09 PM

    Yated is in good company.

    Too many "representatives" of Orhtodox Judaism make us look like a laughing stock.

    It is time to take back the Torah from those who have hijacked it.

  2. That's what happens when you don't let sfardim into your schools!

  3. The Yated people will never forget and forgive what they consider R.Yosef's betrayal of R.Schach in 1990. This is the type of grudge that can last hundreds of years.For them R.Yosef has no standing whatsoever.
    Same thing with Arye Deri who was behind what happened then. He can visit R.Elyashiv or R.Shteinmann every week he will not be forgiven by the Litvish establishment.

  4. I've been following this very closely, and get more disgusted by the minute.


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