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Mar 9, 2011

Bet Shemesh Selects New Logo

Bet Shemesh has chosen a new logo to represent the city. 5000 people participated in the selection and voting for the new logo, and the final selection won by a large margin with 997 votes, 329 votes more than the 2nd place runner-up.

Personally I voted for a different logo. I like this one - it is clean, sharp, and colorful, but I thought it looks too much like a slice of an orange. I voted for a different logo.

And in other news, the sun rose this morning. Forecasters predict it will set this evening.


  1. You're right, Rafi the selected logo is clean, sharp and colorful; but I also agree with you that it looks too much like a slice of an orange!

    Indeed, the sun rose this morning, and is expected to set this evening!

  2. looks like a bunch of moons flying around.

  3. It has the sun, that's good for שמש. Not sure what the sailboat (I think that's what it is...) on the left is for, though. The America's Cup?

  4. Nice, but where's the hat?


  5. Good for a few years and then we'll need another new one


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