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Jun 1, 2014

MK Lipman tells MK Gafni to take off his kippa (video)

this cracks me up..

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  1. SB, Beit ShemeshJune 01, 2014 4:14 PM

    Maybe Gafni should have stuck to telling the judge he should be sweeping streets because it's more valuable than his job. Clearly that kind of language is perfectly acceptable.

    What a hypocrite.

  2. I'm dying to know what Gafni said. Links? Is this it?

    I think that MK Dov (notice the absence of the other title?) needs to go back and review the Hilchos Shemiras HaLashon of the Chofetz Chaim himself.

    Scathing blog post forthcoming....

  3. the video with gafni was instructive in three respects
    1) he speaks with no dignity (nothing unusual)
    2) people are uninterested in what he has to say (valid though it might be)
    3) he is a walkiing chillul hashem
    which makes him a pretty perfect representative of charedim in israel
    no dignity, no one is interested and far removed from authentic judaism

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Such venom. Gee, I wonder where you live. Boy, I've REALLY got to one of these places for a Shabbos, and see what it's all about! Why no venom for MK Dov, who actually thinks that democracy has anything whatsoever to do with Torah? You all are going to force me into having to overcompensate! ;-)


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