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Dec 15, 2014

Livni's stupid comment on Matzav Hauma

I've appreciated politicians previously appearing on comedy shows like Matzav Hauma (State of the Nation) or others and having a good laugh.

The difference between Tzippi Livni's appearance this past Motzei Shabbos on Matzav HaUma and appearances by other politicians in the past (that I have seen or am aware of), is that the other politicians I have seen all have a good laugh and poke fun at themselves and their own party (mostly). Livni spent her time poking fun at, and bad mouthing, other politicians and not herself.

It was distasteful, to say the least, but I don't think it was horrible. It is election season, and while she spoke with a potty-mouth, the setting was one that almost allowed such behavior. Some might see her as not-statesman-like now, but that's the risk she took. It really did not bother me as much as some of the reactions I saw from politicians.

The one point that I think should hurt her is nothing she said against Bibi or Bennet, though it probably will, but something else she said. She called the Palestinians idiots.

With her having been chief of negotiations, she was in a position to know exactly what was going on. If her idea of diplomacy is to call the Palestinians idiots for not yet making peace on her terms, and then expect them to sit with her in good faith at a future date, she's got another think coming. I'd be surprised if this specific statement she made does not come back to haunt her at some point in the future, sooner or later.

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  1. It's gotten to the point that political ideology, not common sense, decides whether or not a comment was appropriate. For many on the left her comments about Bibi et al will be seen as completely acceptable even though those same people would spit and scream if Bibi said the same thing about her.

  2. My impression always was that she is arrogant and far overestimates her own importance (encouraged by others). I didn't see the program; but it sounds like she was just revealing her true form.

    Wait, they allow televisions in your neighborhood?

  3. this is what God created the internet for :-)

  4. In a normal country, she would apologize and step off the political stage. Even people on the left are speaking out against this appearance (well she does not have many friends left, even those in her new party) and I think it was horrible, unprofessional, and definitely not becoming of someone who claims she is ready to be the PM.

  5. In the U.S., any television program that gives air time to one candidate during a campaign is required by law to give "equal air time" to that person's principal opponent (or to all of his or her opponents).

    I guess there's no equivalent of this law in Israel?

  6. I am not aware if there is a similar law here, but a week or two earlier Bennet was also a guest of the same program. The banter was friendly and jabs were thrown all around. Bennet was later able to edit and cut the session and upload to his youtube channel. Netanyahu was also a guest sometime back.


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