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Dec 2, 2014

Politics as usual

here are a couple of examples of politics as usual, even despite  an attempt at the appearance of being otherwise.

1. the most egregious is Yair Lapid. He has been a politician just like any other. During and after the last elections, Lapid kept repeating his mantra of new politics, no more old politics. Since then, he has done nothing all that different from the normal politics we have seen. He makes demands, sometimes reasonable and sometimes not, of the prime minister for what he thinks his constituency wants.

I am not sure what is 'new politics' about coming up with a plan almost all the experts are against and say will harm the economy but continues to demand its passage anyway just because he thinks it is better. Add that to all the other issues on which he threatens to resign if his issue isn't passed.

And, Lapid criticizes with great regularity the government he himself is part of.

and then when given an ultimatum by his boss, to stop the kvetching and threats, he says no.

And then he goes back to talking about new politics and how everyone else is old politics.

I no longer know what that even means, if I ever thought I knew.

2. While the haredi parties never claimed to be responsible adults with reasonable expectations, and they never made claims of new politics or anything like that... they still qualify for this.

It seems the haredi parties were approached to replace Lapid's party in the coalition. Alternatively, to go to new elections with a commitment that they would support Netanyahu.

I was actually impressed that they refused Netanyahu's offer. Standing on principle is admirable.

So they announce no agreement. They would give no commitment to Netanyahu, and in exchange were given no guarantee that anything would be different next time around. fair enough.

Yet now they are warning Netanyahu. They are telling him that if he ends up not going to new elections but comes to an agreement with Lapid, then all bets are off and they will refuse to support him after the next elections whenever they will be.

So they refuse to commit to Netanyahu now, putting Netanyahu in a risky position, which is fine. Yet they still demand a commitment from Netanyahu. He has to follow their rules, or else, and they seem to be offering nothing in return.

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1 comment:

  1. > Standing on principle is admirable

    The religious parties have no principles. They are just classy prostitutes who know that eventually someone will pay their fee and they can afford to wait.


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