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Jul 8, 2015

Dredging up an old minhag with scare tactics

there was this whole thing today about not drinking water between 2pm and 3pm today. It is discussed in the Shulchan Aruch and, for whatever reason, is considered dangerous - even possibly fatal. The Rama says this is the minhag, but only with water while other drinks are ok (I'm not sure if "other drinks" include water-based drinks that are normally considered water in halacha, such as soda pop, some juices, etc).

In the past few hundred years, at least, this minhag has fallen by the wayside, at least among Ashkenazim. Many poskim have written that the minhag is no longer kept.

The reasons for this minhag are unclear.

I do not want to scoff at a minhag, but I really do not appreciate the dredging up of an old minhag that is no longer followed. It is brought up and presented in a way that is meant to scare people into following it. Again, this is a minhag that has not been kept, at least among Ashkenazim, for hundreds of years already. If somebody privately wanted to keep this ancient minhag, that would be his personal decision, but turning it into a social movement by scaring everyone with the possibility of a fatal result is what I do not like.

The Rabbinate of Modiin even issued a letter stating to not drink water during the affected period..

I look at the dredging up of an old and no longer relevant minhag like this to be similar to the anti-vax movement.

If this was a minhag that was commonly kept, that would be one thing. It would be worth keeping, even though it does not make sense. Dredging up some ancient minhag that has not been widely kept in hundreds of years, and scaring people into it, is ridiculous.

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  1. This is not ridiculous. Rav Elharar is a Sephardic rabbi, and is catering to those who follow his rulings. If it's not your Minhag, simply don't follow the ruling - no reason to denounce it.

    Yalkut Yosef, Hilchot Shemirat Hanefesh, se'if 31:

    יש להזהר שלא לשתות מים בעת התקופה מחשש סכנה, דהיינו חצי שעה קודם התקופה, וחצי שעה לאחריה, וכן המנהג בארץ ישראל, ובשאר מקומות. והיה המנהג בירושלים שמכריזים בבתי הכנסת בשבת שלפני התקופה ולהודיע שהתקופה נופלת ביום פלוני שעה פלונית. וראוי להדפיס בלוחות השנה להודיע על כך. וכתבו האחרונים שיש לתת ברזל בתוך המים בשעת התקופה, ואין להחמיר אלא במים, אבל בשאר משקים אין לחוש. [הליכות עולם חלק ז' עמוד קפג].

  2. The internet is guilty.
    But it is incredible that only after about 20 years of internet, we hear of this 'change of period' that apparently happens four times a year and there was no plague until now. I am not ridiculing the minhag, but rather the massive brouhaha that arose one day before and caused so much buzz.


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