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Sep 2, 2015

Quote of the Day

I think when they finish with the hafganot in the Eida Hachareidit they will know that what Yesh Atid did in the previous Knesset, they will need to say Hallel. Those things are bring Israeli society closer. The data points are constantly rising. 

  -- MK Elazar Stern (Yesh Atid), as he enters the Knesset due to Shai Piron's resignation from the Knesset

He is dreaming if he thinks the Eida people, or any Haredi people, will be so grateful to yesh Atid one day that they will say hallel...

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  1. They're not grateful for anything else, either.

    1. Very nice, Chana. Speaking lashon hara and motzei shem rab about an entire group of Torah observant Jewsh. And just a week and half before Rosh Hashanah. Good thing there are days of repentance between RH and Yk.

  2. I don't even know what Stern is talking about: what accomplishments did Yesh Atid have?

    1. it seems to me he is talking about the way Yesh Atid advanced the integration of haredim into general society, by getting them more into the army and workforce.
      not taken into account, if my understanding was correct, is that all those advances were reversed by the current knesset.
      perhaps he sees Litzman becoming a minister "because of Yesh Atid" as the furthering of the advancement of haredi community into Israeli society and that is what he is talking about. Litzman was sworn in today.

    2. Oh no - yeshiva bochurim lost their age 23 permanent army exemptions? That's chaval.

  3. Is that with or without a bracha? ;-)

  4. Certainly, Yesh Atid people and fans will look back in 30 years when more Haredim are in the Knesset, more Haredim are in the army, in universities, and in their offices - and they will curse themselves.


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