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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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May 10, 2018

Quote of the Day

The various desecrations of Shabbos happening in our Holy Land remove the power and merit of the State to be called by the name "Israel". One must pass this message to the heads of the State so that they should know... 
Our merit for our continued existence in the Holy Land is with the unique strength of the Jewish nation, but if we do not protect the minimum - the holy Shabbos that is the foundation of the nation - we are removing the minimal connection to the merit for the existence of the State

  -- Vizshnitzer Rebbe

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  1. Is there a place in Chumash which states that not keeping Shabbos is a reason for being evicted? This week, we have Shmittah, and in אחרי מות, we are warned against committing acts for which the previous inhabitants were vomited out. I don't remember Shabbos being mentioned anywhere, but I have as yet to memorize every פסוק.

  2. When you have Daas Torah, you can make up any rules you want.

    1. And when you are a lowlife scumbag, you can make intimate derogatory statements about Rabonim. Yey Gernel!! You made it.

    2. That is a very nasty comment. Improper language.

  3. Mordechai HarrisMay 10, 2018 8:56 PM

    How about these posukim in Yechezkel 20:12-26?

    1. See the Radak on pasuk 12 who, IMHO, gives a beautiful explanation of the centrality of Shabbos.

      See also Rashi at the beginning of the Parsha. Unfortunately there is no shortage, today, of what he speaks including ameilus b'Torah, and disgust for those who do learn and are involved in mitzvot as well as disgust for chachamim.

      Shabbat Shalom

  4. Avi - You know better than the Vishnitzer Rav and the other Rebbes and Rabbanim? Think not!
    Everyday, we learn more chilulei H' coming out from the government and the s.court.
    They want to deJudaize Israel and make it a state of all its citizens. They want the word 'Jew' out. Cannot even imagine the punishments. H' yishkmor v'yerachem.

    1. I asked for a source. What's your problem?

  5. For what it's worth, it is found in the addendum of the Tana d'bei Eliahu zuta, to wit:
    ובעון עשרה דברים ישראל גולין ממקומן, בעון ביטול תורה, בעון גילוי עריות, בעון חילול השם, בעון חלול שבת, בעון נדה, בעון עיוות הדין, ועדות שקר, ומאכיל ממונם של ישראל לאו"ה, ומקטיני מדות ומשקולות, ובעון חניפים, ועליהם הכתוב אומר, לכן עתה יגלו בראש גולים וסר מרזח סרוחים (עמוס ו' ז'):
    But it's not in the mainstream.

    1. Having said that, I want to point out that while it may not be scholastically mainstream, anyone with an ounce of seichel will know its fundamental rightness without chapter and verse.

  6. It's a shame to see a community that mostly avoids everything "government" and then turns around and says they aren't doing things correctly. Letting the country be run by Arabs isn't a better alternative.

    If religious people want to have more influence on how the government runs, they need to get involved. (And not necessarily by being a Charedi party - if their objective is kiruv there are far better ways.)

    1. agreed. I have the same comment regarding the relationship with the army

    2. Kol Yisrael Areivim. Ever heard about it? If you make a hole under your seat on the boat, everyone drowns as well... While Hareidim don't believe in many government policies, they have every right to protest them...
      As for what Miriam says, everything is not black or white. I don't believe that we can't all work together to allow each sector of Klal Yisroel to provide their services for the better of everyone. While the more Modern or Zionistic can lead the professionals and the army, the Hareidi population can provide a moral and religious backbone to our nation.

    3. Miriam,

      That is,for the most part, how it once was .
      Today,Of all the multitudes how many are doing/expressing that??


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