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Jul 15, 2024

be careful Chabad

from what I am told, this video is published by Hamas calling for their supporters around the world to target and attack Chabad, as they are part of the Israeli army

be careful out there...

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  1. I'm no chabadnik, but there's something very surreal to me about seeing Chabad and the Rebbi featured on a hamas video

  2. Garnel IronheartJuly 15, 2024 9:35 PM

    Maybe my local shaliach won't conspicuously walk out of shul next 5 Iyyar when we start saying hallel.

    1. If anything, he has a bigger reason to walk out on 5 iyar

  3. Can you provide a link to the video, plz?

  4. I hope that this will be Hamas' undoing. Chabad is so dedicated to Hashem and Jews everywhere that going out of its way to attack them will bring on Hashem's protection and wrath against Hamas.

  5. Wow - when Chabad created Tzivos HaShem many decades ago, I be they didn't realize that our enemies would be the only ones to think that it was a real army.

    This is really terrifying, I hope that Chabad and other Jewish institutions around the world are not put in an even greater risk as a result of this campaign from Hamas.

  6. I think they are more terrified of Chabad than the Israeli army itself


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