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Jul 30, 2024

increasing isolationism

I am actually pretty worried.

Over the past few days (and really the past year and a half, but much more the past few days and weeks), the Right Wing has gotten very extreme, even the Likudniks and Haredim, and not just the IBGs and Smotritchs.

I am seeing a lot of talk about how the Left wont tell us what to do - ie we dont need to follow the laws that they set the country up with. They dont like something, the army isnt doing the right thing in their opinion, we can infiltrate the bases and get away with it, nobody can tell us what to do. Soldiers might be treating prisoners inappropriately, too bad, you cant investigate them. the army needs to be more brutal against our enemies. etc etc etc.

It looks to me like right wing populism and fascism is significantly increasing, and is leading to anarchy, and will also eventually lead to further isolation. Countries will accuse Israel of more and more war crimes. The little bit the Hague already has done to Israel will be like childs play compared to what is coming if this continues and the Right rejects rule of law and human rights and international treaties and war crimes.

Maybe they are right and this is the "Jewish way" and we need more of the Jewish way and less of the old democratic way, but I am not convinced.

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  1. 1. I'm sorry, "fascism"? Are you serious?

    2. Maybe this is a reaction to how the establishment has, since October 7, gone completely bonkers. They charged people who fought on October 7, for God's sake. You go that crazy, there's going to be pusback, and thank God for that.

    3. If the international courts do horrible things to us for no reason, that's only more reason *not* to care about them. Caring about them too much is what got us into this mess.

  2. Garnel IronheartJuly 30, 2024 7:05 PM

    This is a reaction to the protests last summer where the Secular Left repeated screamed that only they could run the country, only they had the correct values for Israel and that if they didn't get to run things they'd all abandon the army and leave.
    There was a brief moment after October 7 when that was all put aside but it didn't last long. It's been happening again, now using the hostages as cover for their message. "Let Hamas win so we can get the hostages back!" has a second line "And then blame Bibi for letting Hamas win!" And the right knows this. They knew that if they went into Gaza fast and hard, the Left would scream at the rising casaulty numbers in the Tzahal. They know that those same people are now screaming that they went in too slowly even though it kept that number down.
    The people in the north scream they want the government to do something about Hezbollah. The government knows that the minute thousands of rockets and missles land in the north, the people will blame the government for "accelerating" the situation.
    So yes, the right is getting more fanatic. The left has made it clear they are playing a zero sum game - either we run the country or there shouldn't be a country. The right is tired of it and pushing back.

    1. oh poor right - so it's all the fault of "the left" after 15 years of Likud rule! who decides where 500 billion shekels are allocated every year? the left?

      the right is afraid to do anything because the left doesn't like them, so it's all the blame of the left

      by the way what you are saying applies to the right more so than the left. It's the right that brought the country to destruction in their quest to destroy the courts

    2. No one was out to "destroy the courts." Give me a break.

    3. Garnel IronheartAugust 01, 2024 2:39 AM

      The Likud has never truly run the country. That's been the Supreme Court which has never been shy about admitting "you can do what you want... when we let you."
      After 15 years of the Likud spinning its wheels having to be satisfied with minor legislative victories because the big ones keep getting turned over by the Court, people are sick and tired.

    4. > The Likud has never truly run the country. That's been the Supreme Court which has never been shy about admitting "you can do what you want... when we let you."

      That is what the Likud says when something bad happens. Still, 500 billion shekel a year go where the Likud-controlled coalition want them to go.

      In every country that is not a shithole there is not a single center of power. In Israel Parliament and Government are the same and the Supreme Court is the only balance. The Likud wants to remove it and get absolute power - rendering Israel a shithole but they don't care about that

    5. Garnel IronheartAugust 02, 2024 8:23 PM

      No, the Likud wants to establish the Knesset as the supreme legislative authority and the Supreme Court as the check on violations of Basic Laws. A Supreme Court that makes up laws or interprets Basic Laws to its advantage and appoints babysitter to every ministry to ensure its policies match the Court's is overstepping that authority.
      You talk about a balance - right now the Court has absolute power.


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