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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Jul 30, 2024

Tweet of the Day

Translation (taken from BW):
1. All my work in this war was related to the investigation of terrorists.
2. In the thousands of investigations that I have been exposed to, I have not come across a case of difficulty in extracting intelligence from a terrorist.
3. As far as I'm concerned, once the investigation is over, every terrorist is doomed.
4. Execution must also happen in an orderly manner. A quick process of judgment, conviction, and execution of a sentence.
5. Not because I love terrorists, because I love myself. Because if we let a mob mixed with MKs who are mobs run our lives, we'll be Afghanistan. We'll be Mexico, where every power group raids prisons and frees prisoners. Doesn't suit me.
6. Politicians who act like a mob basically blind us to their performance failure in any field. They are so failed that even the death penalty for terrorists could not be promoted.
7. We are busy with them behaving like animals and thus forget that they are not functioning at all. That two days ago they murdered 13 boys in Majdal Shams and Hezbollah still doesn't count us, today it sent a drone to the gas rig, and the right-wing government completely doesn't know right or left.
8. Take a tip for life: you will never see a good manager run amok. Even in moments of crisis. Commander, manager, stays cool, takes responsibility, leads and makes order. Anyone who goes wild, anyone who breaks into IDF bases, is by definition a person from whom we will never see significant results against the real enemy.
9. We must understand that from this group we will never get a full right nor an empty left. Only hot air, rants and huge speeches devoid of any connection to reality. A group of impersonal people, devoid of any understanding of what needs to be done, or how to do things, but the future of all of us depends on them.
10. They are the ones who are supposed to run the most complicated country in the world at its most complicated time ever. God forbid.

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1 comment:

  1. He writes as if Israel has ever executed a terrorist in history. They never have. What sort of fantasy world does he live in?

    Oh, wait, they just executed two. Doesn't he look foolish now.


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