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Jul 28, 2024

stop defending and protecting Netanyahu

I honestly dont know or understand why the Right Wing, or much of it, has been protecting Benjamin Netanyahu and keeping his government fairly stable. He has been an utter failure as Prime Minister for the past 4 or so years, with this year being a total disaster.

Sometimes I hear claims like "there is nobody else - we should instead elect Yair Lapid? Netanyahu is much better than Lapid!"

While that may be debatable - under Netanyahu besides for all the terror attacks, 1400 Israelis were brutally massacred in one day, along with another 240 taken hostage, a war that is going for 10 months with no end in sight, and a PM regularly playing politics to keep his government in power. What exactly makes him better a better option than Lapid?

But ok, let's say, for argument's sake that he is.

Why is Lapid the other option? He isnt the next largest party, not even in any polls for the future. Why is the assumption that Lapid will be the next PM if Netanyahu is pushed out? And anyone else on the "Left" (including Benny Gantz, even though he isnt really Left) also doesnt really have the votes to become Prime Minister and push out Netanyahu, without forming a government with some right wing parties.

The Right Wing should not be protecting Netanyahu. The Right Wing should push Netanyahu out and support a different Right Winger for PM. I dont know who that should be - but I imagine it might be Nir Barkat, Yuli Edelstein, Itamar Ben Gvir, Naftali Bennett or Avigdor Lieberman or whoever the people on the Right choose, but the Right should be angriest at Netanyahu and pushing him out in favor of someone else on the Right, not protecting him.

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  1. "Who/What is the alternative" is a perfectly legitimate question. Lots of Americans are asking it too.

    "a PM regularly playing politics to keep his government in power."

    I certainly hope you're not on the side of the Kaplan/Balfour mobs here, who claim that he's dragging out the war to stay in power, because that is just evil.

  2. looks like you've fallen for the leftist narrative
    everything bad about Israel is netanyahu's fault - covid, october 7th, hostages, hizbollah.
    i can't wait till he resigns or is removed for them to wonder - who can we blame now?

  3. Garnel IronheartJuly 28, 2024 8:21 PM

    People say Lapid as the alternate because he loudly announces to anyone who will listen that he was the previous prime minister and he's the "official opposition leader". Gantz, meanwhile, walks around quietly with dignity but that isn't doing much for people who want to see him as the next PM.
    As for Bibi, yes, he should've retired the minute Bennett became Prime Minister. Had he done so, wished Bennett good fortune publicly and retired to Caesaria to await the millions in speeches he would be invited to give, his legacy would be intact and anyone complaining about him would be ridiculed.
    But he didn't. He had to get Bennet and Lapid back. He had to get back into the PM's office even if it meant setting up the most incompetent government in the country's history. And that's why his legacy is now ruined.
    But the Left doesn't do him any favours. A majority of Israelis know the Supreme Court has too much power and only representing the shrinking Secular Liberal Ashkenazi minority. A majority of Israelis don't want a return to socialism that Labour/Meretz would like to bring in. And a majority know that Lapid is just as much as power-hungry egotist as Bibi but his English skills aren't as good.


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