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Jul 29, 2024

De-Escalate Turkey

So now the President of Turkey, Erdogan, has threatened to invade Israel, the way he invaded Libya and Karabakh (some country in Azerbaijan, or something like that as far as I can make out, that Turkey invaded in 2020 to intervene in a local conflict).

How does NATO allow Turkey to continue as a member, with the way it is being belligerent - especially against an ally country?

And how does that even if work - if Turkey invades Israel or attacks in some way, and Israel responds with an attack on Turkey, does NATO have to respond and come to Turkey's aid?

And where is the United Nations and its President, Mr Guiterez, that is always worried about escalations after Israel gets hit - has he said anything condemning Hezbollah for the attack on a soccer field killed 12 Druze children? has he said he is worried about an escalation and called on Turkey to de-escalate?

What is this nonsense with Turkey trying to weasel its way in to this?

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  1. NATO doesn't have to join in if a member starts. There have been many conflicts involving NATO members and the only time NATO promised to get involved (but didn't have to) was 9/11. Turkey is always invading other countries.

  2. Garnel IronheartJuly 29, 2024 7:44 PM

    Erdogan's popularity is plummeting and he now only wins elections through obvious fraud. In order to distract the population, blame Israel!


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