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Oct 22, 2024

Tweet of the Day

this is so weird. 

The Gazans\Hamasniks are claiming they killed him with a shot form a sniper in Gaza:

First of all, Refuah Shleima to Chaim

Second, it isnt weird that the Palestinians are lying about killing him. Everything they say and do is a lie. Their entire war effort in Gaza is Pallywood and not truthful in the slightest, so that is not what is weird. What is weird is that this is the guy they are so proud of killing. One soldier. As wonderful a person and soldier as he might be, he is one relatively unknown Israeli soldier. They are crazy proud of having killed one soldier as if now they are on the winning track because of it? Very weird

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  1. Maybe they post it for each one?

  2. With his kippa and peyos, he looks much more like the caricature jew.
    Unlike the secular israeli soldier who wouldn't be much different than one in another country


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