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Nov 28, 2024

where should working men be?

According to a report on Haredim10, officials in the Ministry of Finance have leveled some criticism at the Defense Ministry for sending draft notices to Haredim who are working rather than learning.

What's the issue? That is actually the best of the worst scenarios that some int he coalition have been demanding - leave the yeshiva guys alone and go after the guys not in yeshiva as they dont deserve an exemption but should be drafted! So what's the problem? 

According to the Finance Ministry officials, going after working haredim will cause significant financial damage. Their thinking is, according to the report, twofold:
1. any Haredim working are likely too old to be useful in the army as a replacement for combat soldiers in a war, so this doesn't help much.
2. Haredim working will leave the workforce to avoid the army draft notices, which will damage the economy to the tune of billions of shekels..

I would like to know what the first problem is based on, what is the source, as I know plenty of young Haredim who are working rather than learning or serving, so it is not just old haredim who are working. So even if is true for some, there are still probably plenty of young enough Haredim working to help the military effort and be useful in some way.

Regarding the second problem if their approach is that the economy is more important than the military and taking young Haredi men to the army will hurt the economy, why not demand an exemption for all young men so they can work and help the economy instead of going to the army? Drafting young men who could be working all over Israel must be costing the economy trillions or more every year! "ela mah", that's not much of an argument - the nation has decided that young men and women of a certain age need to do military service at the expense of getting a degree or working or traveling or anything else they might want to do regardless of how beneficial it is or isnt.

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taxes for Kan

I am in favor of privatization wherever possible so I have no real problem with the government shutting down (aka privatizing) "Kan", and seemingly eventually Galei Tzahal and maybe other stations and outlets... 

I just am curious to see if they will lower taxes accordingly as per the savings from defunding Kan et al 

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Natan Sharansky Interviewed by Rachel Sharansky (video)

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Bennett on BBC on the shameful ICC arrest warrants to Netanyahu and Gallant (video)

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🔴 JERUSALEM TODAY! A Complete Immersion in The City’s Winter Atmosphere! (video)

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Ari & Yanky Hill - Ma ani mevakesh (video)

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Nov 27, 2024

France and Lebanon

Two more questions about the ceasefire agreement (which in principle I think is fine)

1. I did not realize this yesterday but have become aware of it today. Israel signed a ceasefire agreement with Lebanon, not Hezbollah. All along we said we have no beef with Lebanon, only Hezbollah, and the hostilities were only with Hezbollah. Why do we need a ceasefire with Lebanon if we were only fighting with Hezbollah? And, can Lebanon be responsible and strong enough to impose its will on Hezbollah?

2. Initially PM Netanyahu was refusing to include France as one of the sponsors of the ceasefire, due to its stance on arresting Netanyahu should he enter France, as per the ICC ruling. Sure enough, France is then given credit as one of the sponsors of the deal and shortly after PM Macron announces that it will not arrest Netanyahu should he enter France, and he finds a legal way out saying they are not obligated to as Israel is not a party to the ICC (which France knew before the agreement as well).

At best this looks bad, as if Netanyahu agreed to the ceasefire only to get France to back down form the ICC ruling. Did Netanyahu agree to this ceasefire not because it is best for the country but because it is best for him?

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Nov 26, 2024

Tweet of the Day

this legit made me laugh...

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going home

The ceasefire arrangement with Hezbollah/Lebanon is particularly disturbing regarding the residents f the north.

According to reports, PM Netanyahu has told the mayors of the northern towns to not tell residents too come back home upon implementation of the ceasefire. Netanyahu said there is concern the ceasefire will be violated and fighting will renew at greater levels, leaving the northern towns unsafe for habitation.

If the ceasefire is not guaranteed to bring security to the northern towns and let the residents move back home, why bother with it? The fighting in the north was purely to get the residents back in their homes securely. If the ceasefire arrangement doesnt do that what has been accomplished?

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renew the fighting

So the ceasefire with Hezbollah has been officially announced by PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

As I have said, if the government and the security forces are ok with the arrangements and feel our borders will be secure, I am ok with a ceasefire. 

My question is, with PM Netanyahu stressing that we will retain the right to renew military activity in Lebanon should Hezbollah violate the agreement -if a rocket is shot, a tunnel dug, a truck carrying weapons enters Lebanon - we will attack. Netanyahu even pointed to Gaza and said regarding the ceasefire (last year) in Gaza they also said we wouldnt really renew the fighting and oh boy did we renew the fighting!

Everything sounds 100% correct

The thing is if this arrangement can work in Lebanon, why cant it have worked in Gaza this year? Netanyahu and his government repeatedly rejected the possibility of a very similar arrangement saying - they'll really let us renew the fighting??? We all know they wont!

Why can this work in Lebanon but not in Gaza which also would have freed the hostages?

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Picture of the Day

The IDF has reached the Litani River in Lebanon..

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the agreements (video)

is Lapid wrong? and if so, how?

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Nov 25, 2024

Tweet of the day

I am not so sure it was as harmonious as he suggests, but we'll let that slide as it is beside the point...the gesture is nice

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ceasefire coming?

The big news right now is that Israel is about to sign a ceasefire arrangement with Hezbollah.

Many are commenting in favor of this ceasefire deal and many are commenting in opposition to the ceasefire deal.

I personally do not know how to evaluate it, especially because we have very few of the details, so I am willing to go out on a limb and say that if the government and security forces are ok with it and say it gives us the security we need, I am fine with it. We have decimated Hezbollah, even though they still are a force, to the point that they, and Iran, are begging for this deal.

While personally I think we should keep them connected to Hamas and pressure Iran to have Hamas release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire with Hezbollah, I did read in a report somewhere that Netanyahu and the IDF consider it a success that they have been disconnected form Hamas and by signing this deal they are isolating Hamas which will put more pressure on them. I am skeptical, but ok.

I do have a question though about the ceasefire. 

For those opposing a ceasefire demanding total victory, if Hezbollah is agreeing to move away from the border and Israel can keep it safe, as I assume the agreement would include so the northern residents can soon go back home, what do we need to achieve militarily that you would consider total victory? What can or will we achieve with more time for the war that we have not achieved already? At what point would you agree that we will have achieved total victory?

And, if this deal gets signed tomorrow and enough of the government supports it, when Netanyahu says we achieved Total Victory in Lebanon against Hezbollah, will he be lying or will that narrative pass?

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#166: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Judah Mischel (video)

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The army is difficult (video)

A Haredi organization that works against the drafting of Haredim to the IDF has supposedly gotten permission to run a campaign on the Internet to catch the weaker kids and help prevent them from joining the army by responding to the draft notices..

In the, fairly well done, video they try to show how hard the army is - you have to listen to commanders and you have to exert yourself with physical activity like running...

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The Strength and Resilience of Israel Are an Example of Unity and Inspiration for The Entire World. (video)

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(Prod. By Doli x Zooki) Lior Narkis: Hashkem Leharkido (video)

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Nov 24, 2024

Quote of the Day

We are the elected officials and we can even change the method of government if we want

  -- Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi, in the Ministerial Legislative Committee


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Tweet of the Day

The thing is, how can anyone know who is/was responsible for any part of what happened as long as PM Netanyahu continues to not allow an investigation to take place? We all have lots of questions and accusations at specific moments but without an investigation we can't get answers, and looking into targeted pieces and individuals seems useless to me as it is only a partial picture. 

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Halacha Headlines: 11/23/24 – Shiur 490 – Can a Rav ever be Meikil on an עבירה to prevent a more serious עבירה? (audio)

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Bennett on BBC on the shameful ICC arrest warrants to Netanyahu and Gallant (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Bunim Lamukoim - Yidi Bialostozky, A Berko (Official Music Video)

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Nov 21, 2024

The Son of Hamas & Gaza Hostage (Moran Stela Yanai) vs UCLA Activist (Full Cut) (video)

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MAARAT HAMACHPELA- What's Really Inside? (video)

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EXCLUSIVE: Mike Huckabee Reveals the NEW US-Israel Strategy | Stakelbeck Tonight (video)

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Nov 19, 2024

The big miracle

Yesterday a missile fell on Bnei Braq. There is actually some dispute as to whether it was Bnei Braq or Ramat Gan as it fell right around the border. Bnei Braq people will never admit to anything falling in Bnei Braq because that contradicts a supposed promise of the Chazon Ish, a promise that was strengthened by Rav Chaim Kanievsky, that bad things wont happen in Bnei Braq (and it has been used to say that rockets will never fall in Bnei Braq).

A great miracle happened when this missile fell. 

the rav of the local eruv went out to fix what he assumed would be a destroyed eruv, sensing that the eruv poles and wires in that immediate area would have been damaged by the explosion. When he got there with his tools he discovered the eruv was fully intact having incurred no damage at all.

A miracle!

5 people got injured, but the eruv wire didnt tear and that's what is important.

This was such an amazing miracle that the rabbonim of Bnei Braq went out to see the miracle for their own eyes and expressed that in the merit of shabbos observance of the people of Bnei Braq it protected the city and I guess it protected the eruv that helps them observe shabbos.

This is a tremendously busy area. There are skyscrapers there alongside large malls and businesses, with almost permanent traffic jams. A large missile hit the area, did not hit any of the large buildings , caused some damage to a couple stores and a bus but it didn't knock down any of the skyscrapers it narrowly missed, didnt destroy tens of people in their cars on those busy roads, injured only 5 people in an area that could have seen tens of injured or killed...

But the eruv is the big miracle.

אִם ה' לֹא יִשְׁמָר עִיר - שָׁוְא שָׁקַד שׁוֹמֵר

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Nov 18, 2024

Quote of the Day

The head of the Shabak must resign. If there was such a security failure, the one responsible for security must go home. that's the A B C of responsibility..

  -- Finance Minister Betzalel Smotritch regarding the incident at a recent protest in which two illumination bombs were thrown at the Prime Minister's home in Cesaria

hmmmm... that can be applied to so many other people in the IDF and the government, some of whom admitted responsibility but didnt resign, some who didnt even admit responsibility...

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How can any draft law work and make people satisfied?

I personally do not have a solution to the issue of the Haredi draft. I dont see a need to fight over solutions that obviously wont work, but I also see the need for change of the status quo. Israel is in a different place now. What was will not continue to be.

Since the war began, once it became apparent this would be a long war, I felt that the situation will have to change, people wont be so forgiving about tens of thousands of young men being let out of the draft while others have to serve for so long. While I dont have a solution I do believe this is largely a missed opportunity by Haredi leadership to propose a solution. Instead of proposing a solution they chose to dig in their heels and fight against the drafting of Haredi men with no compromises. 

Had they proposed a solution that would have drafted a reasonable number of people from the Haredi community (whether it would be those who don't learn in yeshiva full time or to draft into the religious services portion of the army, to do National Service within the Haredi community, or to establish some sort of medical corp adjacent to the army that Haredim would serve in, etc), I think most of Israel would have been ok with that, in some form or another, and the issue would have been put to rest. They dug their heels in and refused to talk about anything, and now even the above suggestion likely wouldnt be enough - now people just want them int he army, after a nearly 14 months of people serving multiple times in Gaza and Lebanon, families collapsing, fathers of ten being killed in battle, people losing jobs and businesses going under..people by now have had enough. 

So to me, this is mostly a missed opportunity of the Haredi leadership.

That being said, I do have two questions, one for each side:

1. For those of you who think it is too late, Haredim have to draft - how do you solve this? Draft them and then what - will they go to the army or will they refuse? Are you going to send in police to arrest the rabbis and thousands of yeshiva students, until they agree to go, which they very well might not? How does this get resolved for the good of Israeli society?

2. For those of you who are against drafting the Haredim (because they don't want to be drafted), how do you explain to the rest of the nation collapsing under the burden of this extended war why tens of thousands of young healthy men are not participating and relieving middle aged men from such long stays on the battlefield? How do you sell the difference why some people (most of the country) can be forced to serve but some people shouldn't be forced to serve?

I have seen people argue incessantly online over the past few months about should they or shouldn't they be drafted, but I haven't seen anyone explain how it could work, in either direction... I would like to hear how a forced draft could work, and I would like to hear how a mass exemption could work. The government will do whatever it finds politically expedient to do, without actually doing whatever it thinks to be morally and practically the right thing. If they pass the law to grant the exemptions, it wont suddenly resolve the arguments in society so I would like to hear ideas how this can be resolved in a way that most people would be ok with.

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Iran wants out

Hezbollah has been beaten badly by Israel. Between the destruction and the taking out of their leadership, they are somewhat in tatters. A lot of the ceasefire chatter (that I have seen) is coming as requests for a ceasefire from Hezbollah. 

Interestingly, it is being reported via the New York Times that Tehran has not gotten involved and told Hezbollah to agree to a ceasefire that will push them back past the Litani in accordance with UN Resolution 1701. Iran has told Hezbollah that they will help rebuild and re-arm the terror group and this current war should end now.

I know there is some dispute as to whether Israel should or should not have rights of enforcement and be allowed to make excursions into Lebanon when it feels Hezbollah is violating the agreement in some manner. This is a fact that can be a sticking point for such a deal but I believe at some point Hezbollah will agree tot hat as well - Israel can go in anyway at any time, as it has shown, so this shouldnt be a factor. Lebanon itself has protested this demand saying it harms the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon but we all know that is just a funny joke - Lebanon has no sovereignty - it was taken over by Hezbollah and Syria and Iran with no protest. Now's not the time to cry about sovereignty. Save your country Lebanon and dont let that joke of a complaint get in the way and allow your country to be destroyed even further until you eventually agree.

So I am good with a ceasefire agreement if the military and political leadership are comfortable with the arrangements.

All that being said, as I have said before I do not think Israel should agree to a ceasefire in Lebanon without tying it to Gaza. Hezbollah tied itself to Hamas by attacking continually over the past year+ in solidarity with Hamas saying they wont stop until a ceasefire is reached in Gaza. Israel should keep to that and keep them tied together. Hezbollah and Iran want a ceasefire means they can't take the destruction any longer. Leverage that. Make Iran tell Hamas to come to the table with reasonable demands and offer the hostages in return for an end to the war and surrender without all the other demands that are unacceptable. Iran wants to climb down off this tree, between the destruction they have absorbed and the fact that Trump is coming into office soon and that will be even more damaging to them, they rightfully want to climb down and back off. Only let them if it includes Hamas and the hostages

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declaring victory

The talk of ceasefire in Lebanon has heated up again.. so I wanted to comment on victory as it has been on my mind for a while..

What is victory? How does this war end? When will a ceasefire be justified? Are we going to fight forever until someone on the other side holds up a white flag of surrender? Minister Betzalel Smotritch said the other day that he will not support ending the war until every last Hamasnik has been killed - is that even possible or is he condemning us to live with an active war forever?

Let's start by mentioning that the return of the hostages is one of the objectives of the war, so perhaps there is no victory until that is achieved. the thing is, it looks like this can only be achieved by a deal. The vaunted "only increased military pressure will bring them home" has not [yet] proven itself. While the IDF conducted heroic rescue operations, they succeeded in bringing home just several hostages, and killed several as well. More hostages have been brought home by a deal than by military operations, and the numbers aren't even close. And with the rescue operations, as heroic as they are and as happy we are for each hostage that gets rescued and for each body that gets recovered and brought back for a Jewish burial, many more hostages remain in Gaza with their whereabouts unknown despite the 13 months of war and destruction of Gaza above and below ground, with Hamas seemingly not having budged an iota in its demands when discussing the possibility of a deal.

So with the return of the hostages being one of the objectives of the war it might be difficult to declare victory as long as that has not been achieved.

Personally I do believe that from a military perspective we won the war a long time ago. 

Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah were strong enough to destroy Israel, though they made a lot of trouble for us and maybe Hezbollah could have made more. But the IDF recovered and destroyed Hamas and then went and destroyed Hezbollah. once the IDF started getting to work, Hamas and Hezbollah had no chance. They are fighting a war with rockets, with their fighters and rocket supplies being diminished every day by the IDF, while we are destroying everything about them with our air force and ground troops. Militarily we already won, even though the war continues. We can stop at any time that we deem we have hurt them badly enough and they are willing to give us the security we demand..

At what point do we say we have achieved victory? havent we won already? I am ok with any ceasefire deal that the security forces and political leadership are comfortable with because militarily we have won and continue winning, and we can't do this forever. I believe we have destroyed their capabilities moving forward, we have destroyed much of their leadership, and we have destroyed most of their infrastructure. 

Isn't thought though just fighting to a stalemate? We have been fighting for the past almost 14 months just to go back to where we were on October 6, though with our enemy much weaker now? Wars used to be won by conquering land, and that would be an easily defined victory. The war between Russia and Ukraine is over land and if there is a decisive victory (rather than an agreement of cessation of hostilities) of some sort it will almost definitely include some land going one way or the other. For us to declare victory the old fashioned way, besides for giving Hamas and Hezbollah a beatdown, and besides for getting our hostages back, we really should take land from Lebanon and Gaza and incorporate it into Israel. That seems to not be acceptable nowadays, or at least not when Israel is involved, so we are limited to declaring victory by how much we destroy Hamas and Hezbollah - in that regard, even though we can continue to beat them down further, we have already won the war. If we are not going to take land as part of our conquering of Gaza and Lebanon, then we can declare victory by the level of destruction we have already sown and by the level of dominance we have displayed, and by the deterrence we have created.

How would you define and declare victory in this seemingly never-ending war?

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#165: Behind the Bima - Miriam Haber (video)

and because this episode is about Zecharya Haber, I am once again going to post the following song from Yonina..

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“BRAZEN Antisemite!” Piers Morgan CALLS OUT Dan Bilzerian (video)

I never heard of this guy before. This interview was shocking. Morgan described it well when he said he is gobsmacked. It wasnt just shocking as to how antisemitic this guy is but when pressed for sources and facts he just says he doesnt really know. He forms strong opinions of hate all based on a single article he once read.

I debated back and forth over the past few days as t whether or not I should post it. I obviously decided to show to show his hatred and his stupidity.

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Ramat Gan Street Syurvey with Dudu Erez: What's great about the army - convince Haredim to Conscript (video)

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JERUSALEM TODAY! Allow Yourself to Be Transported to This Enchanting City and Feel Its Magic. (video)

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Simcha Abramczik & Shloime Bernstien: Haya, Hoveh (video)

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Nov 17, 2024

Proposed Law: Poetic Justice

There not too many details available at this time, but the IDF has announced several times that it has captured massive amounts of military equipment, weapons, armaments, from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Much of the weaponry captured was supplied originally by Russia. 

The question is what to do with all that [possibly] valuable stuff.

From what I understand, Israel won't use at least much of it due to Israel's policy of only using NATO-approved weapons. Destroying it seems to be wasteful, though if there is no other use for it that is what the IDF will continue to do.

MK Dan Ilouz (Likud) has proposed a law by which any of these captured Russian-supplied weapons and equipment that the IDF will not use should be transferred to Ukraine to use in its battle against Russia.

So, the IDF gets first dibs to put whatever it feels it can use into use in its own military efforts.

After the IDF decides it has taken what it will and has no use for the rest, the Defense Ministry should find a way to securely send the rest to Ukraine to use in its war against Russia.

Interestingly, Ilouz writes in the text of the proposal a couple of interesting points.

First, Ilouz explains that this is in order to maintain security stability in the region and internationally and "to assist countries fighting for their sovereignty", Israel should transfer these weapons to Ukraine, etc...

I hope this text won't come back to be used against Israel, as other countries will defend their support for the Palestinians as a country fighting for its sovereignty which the Israeli Right supports while pointing to this law.

Second, Ilouz calls this poetic justice - supporting allies internationally against those who supply our terrorist enemies with weapons with those very weapons. And this would be a poetic justice.

This will probably upset Russia

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Halacha Headlines: 11/16/24 – Shiur 489 – How long should you date before getting engaged? How long does it take to get to know the other person? (audio)

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JUST IN: Israeli President Isaac Herzog Addresses JFNA’s General Assembly Following Trump’s Victory (video)

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Israel Returns to Everyday Life: From Jaffa Flea Market to Tel Aviv's Carmel Market. (video)

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Tamid Ohev Oti - Bracha Jaffe | | For Women and Girls Only (video)

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Nov 14, 2024

Interesting Psak: the rules of jihad

Islamic CLeric Dr Salman Al-Dhaya (sp?) of Gaza has recently issued a fatwa,or Islamic psak halacha, saying the October 7 brutal attack by Hamas against Israel was prohibited and against the laws of Islam and of Jihad.

Al-Dhaya said that they should not have perpetrated the attack so as not to destroy the lives of the affected people. They should not have attacked. Further, Hamas had committed to distancing the fighting from the local civilians and to distribute aid and security in various forms. The Koran and Suna, Dr Al Dhaya says, lay out the conditions for jihad and in jihad one is supposed to avoid actions that will cause an exaggerated and disproportionate response from the enemy that will create a response more costly than the benefits of the jihad.
source: N12

The good cleric better watch himself, considering he just issued a psak against Hamas...

That being said, despite this psak being against Hamas, he isnt perturbed by the brutal massacre and horrors perpetrated by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians. He is only upset at them for having caused Israel to respond disproportionately and hurt Palestinian civilians. 

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end the war so that...

Yaakov Rivlin of the Bakehilla newspaper (a Haredi weekly that is only in print, not online, though they have a not very active Twitter/X account) reports in this week's edition that an unnamed MK from UTJ has said:
"There is no chance for the Draft law to pass that the Tzionut Hadatit [party] could live with as long as the war is ongoing with nearly daily reports of "hutar lpirsum" [soldiers deaths].. r"l. We have to pray for a diplomatic arrangement that will finish this war."

Sad. Disconnected. Even enraging. This disconnect is what so many people including in the National Religious are so upset about right now, and they just dont get it. 

We dont have to daven to finish the war so that no more young men, and middle aged men, will die. We dont have to daven to finish the war to bring some stability back to the people of Israel, to the citizens, to the economy. We dont have to daven for the end of the war for the hostages to come home.  We have to daven for the end of the war so that the National Religious people will finally agree to a Draft Law so that we, or almost none of us, will have to go to the army.

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ceasefire betrayal?

According to a report in the Washington Post Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already basically agreed to a ceasefire but is only going to put it into effect in January as a gift to incoming US President Donald Trump. Netanyahu does not want to give President Biden a "win" but does want to curry favor with Trump who wants the wars to end (while telling Israel finish the wars but get it done, do what you have to do) so will wait on the arrangements until January when Trump takes office.

If this is true, it would be criminal of Netanyahu and a betrayal of the people of Israel. Our sons and daughters, husbands, fathers, sisters, brothers need to continue dying and being injured in Lebanon (and Gaza, which might not have the same arrangement), having their lives destroyed, their families torn apart, soldiers undergoing mental traumas, people's lives upended for an extra couple of months all so Netanyahu can curry favor with Trump, rather than the need for battle? If true, this would be disgraceful. There will be plenty of other wins to give Trump later.

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Herzog denounces Iran's "evil empire" during Biden meeting (video)

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Mike Huckabee addresses role as US ambassador to Israel: 'A new sheriff is in town' (video)

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Narkis: Otcha (video)

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Nov 13, 2024

Take as many as possible

A Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom has tweeted out her plan to save the Gazans in danger of war and disease and famine. Her plan is something called the Gaza Family Visa Scheme. the plan would allow Palestinians from Gaza with family members in the United Kingdom to seek temporary sanctuary in the United Kingdom until it is safe to return to Gaza.

While many online have commented to her about how this is a stupid plan, why bring terrorists to the UK, they are importing trouble, etc.. I personally encourage it.

While I do not call for "transfer", if they want to leave n their own volition, and if the UK government is willing to take them in, I say go. I support this MP in her plan to bring Gazans to the UK. I have no vested interest in the United Kingdom so I do not care if they destroy the UK like they are working on destroying other European countries, after they have done their best to destroy this part of the Middle East. Please, vote in favor of this plan. Bring in as many Gazans as you possibly can. Do not limit it to immediate family, first degree relatives or anything like that - take in 3rd or 4th cousins as well, along with the brother in law of a sister in law of a cousin of an uncle of a neighbor. Take them all. Please.

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Tweet of the Day

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"Rachel weeping for her children": A Conversation with Rachel Goldberg Polin and Rachel Goldberg

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Srulik Lefkovitz - If I Were a Rich Man (video)

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Nov 12, 2024

Headline of the Day

Mass Murderer of Hamas Complains About the Conditions in Prison: I Am Waiting To Die

ok, have at it!

Hassan Salama, serving 46 life sentences for terrorist activities in the 90s is complaining about the lack of conditions in jail. He says they are waiting for either the conditions to lighten up or for death. Hopefully death will come first.

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different shiurim

I have wondered about this many times, and I have never come up with a satisfactory answer. it is just a curiosity in my mind.

Why is it that most shiurim for women cost money with an entrance fee of some sort, while most shiurim for me are free.

Obviously there are some shiurim for women that are free and some shiurim for men that cost money to attend, but for the most part, the overwhelming majority of shiurim for men are free and most shiurim for women seem to cost money.

Any idea why that is?

And no, I am not saying people who give these shiurim dont deserve to be paid or that people must teach for free or that people must be able to go to classes for free or that everyone has to pay. I am not saying anything of the sort. Just wondering why usually women have to pay and usually men do not have to pay.

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Guri Alfi goes back to the USA to talk with the post October 7 Jews: Part 2 (video)

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Sessions with Shulem: Mama Rochel Medley ft. Zaltz Band (video)

In this latest installment of the "Sessions with Shulem" series, we draw inspiration from Mama Rochel, the Mother of Klal Yisroel. Tonight, on her yahrzeit, we cry out to Hashem alongside her, remembering how her tears, filled with unwavering hope, broke through the heavens. Yaakov Avinu buried her on the road specifically so that we, her children, could come to her kever to daven and ask her to intercede with Hashem on our behalf. We turn to her now, begging for all the yeshuos we so desperately need and for an end to this bitter galus. As you watch and listen, let the music guide your tefillah. Together, let’s ask Mama Rochel to bring our prayers before the Throne of Hashem, pleading for the day when Moshiach comes and all our tears are wiped away forever.

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Nov 11, 2024

scandals in place of investigations

Several scandals have surfaced in the Prime Minister's Office over the past few days... and lots of arguing over who actually knew what and who didnt know what and when and who said what to who and who tried to change protocols and who didn't....

I am not going to comment on those scandals. I dont think we have enough information to know what really happened. I personally don't understand much of what has been reported or the ramifications of what was supposedly done and who was doing illegal things and who was hurt by those actions...

That being said, I will say these arguments and investigations and exposes and attacks and all that are all superfluous. There is one thing that is needed that will get to the bottom of everything. If we would have a State Commission of Enquiry, the investigative body that PM Netanyahu has blocked from day 1 from being established, it would look into all these aspects of what was going on and we would get some answers. But since we cant have a formal investigation, we have to rely on isolated investigations, isolated incidents, leaks on specific issues and then argue about who is really responsible and who really did what. Just set up the formal investigation already and let the people start getting some real answers and the fuller picture of what happened.

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#162: Behind the Bima - Jonathan (Yonasan) Rosenblum (video)

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I WENT TO A TRUMP RALLY & A KAMALA RALLY WITHIN 24 HOURS (these are the differences) (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Bunim - Boruch Sholom (video)

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Nov 10, 2024

Qatar shoots.... and hopefully misses..

The news is now reporting that Qatar has asked Israel to commit to not target/assassinate Hamas leaders located in Qatar.

I do not know what Israel's response was, or if Israel responded at all, but if Israel were to respond I would hope and expect that Israel would refuse to give any such commitment.

No report was included as to what Qatar is offering in exchange for such a commitment, so why commit to this? Qatar hasnt given Israel anything other than time for Hamas, so they should consider taking a hike.

And, if the recent reports are true that Qatar has banished Hamas leadership from its country, why does it have to continue to worry about what Israel might do to the Hamas leaders in Qatar - arent they no longer there?

Hey,, I guess it cant hurt to ask... as they say, you miss 100% of the shots you dont take...

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Tweet of the Day

you scroll and scroll on the thread and just see rocket emojis

(side note, they could have paid for a premium account and put all that in one post)

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Quote of the Day

Hamas has been defeated organizationally, we have beaten Hezbollah - now our job is to realize the fruits of this victory..

  -- Defense Minister Yisrael Katz

wow! just one on the job and he has already achieved victory in both Gaza and Lebanon! Good job!

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The Anne Frank Pogrom

Go back to Europe, they said. 

Europe welcomes us with open arms. Always. Europe really wants the Jews there. Europe is a place that was always gracious and kind to the Jewish people and continues to be nothing but hospitable..

Go back to Europe. 

I am calling the weekend riots in Amsterdam, the pogrom and the lynching, the Anne Frank Pogrom, or the Anne Frank Riots.. With the Amsterdam authorities telling Jews to go into hiding, there is nothing more appropriate..


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Halacha Headlines: 11/9/24 – Shiur 488 – Tattoos in Halacha: Is microblading permitted? | The Real Deal – avoiding legal trouble (audio)

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Why people Hate Israel w/ Ben Shapiro (video)

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Prod. By Eli Keshet & Shai Reuveni (cover) - Tamid Oheiv Oti (video)

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Nov 8, 2024

Shabbos Yom Menucha | Alex Clare (video)

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Nov 6, 2024

the real winner

the real winner of the USA Presidential Elections is once again the Haredi newspapers and magazines who dont have to figure out how to write about the President without showing a picture

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Congratulations President Donald Trump. Blessings on your return to the White Office as President of the USA.

May you serve the citizens of the USA faithfully and have a fruitful relationship with your nation's ally Israel.

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On Israel’s Greatest Generation - Prime Minister Bennett’s Speech at Liberty University Virginia (video)

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🔴 Jerusalem Today! Friday Vibes in The Heart of The City – Join This Immersive Virtual Walk! (video)

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Avi Hass - Helkeno (video)

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Nov 5, 2024

another yeshiva budget crisis to be added to the crisis

With the ongoing crisis regarding the Draft Law and the Daycare Law, Yated Neeman, the newspaper of the United Torah Judaism party brought to our attention a new issue that could exacerbate the crisis.

The article says the MIK Moshe Saada (Likud proposed a law to grant additional special benefits and whatnot to reservists. One of the clauses int he proposal states that any institution whose students do not draft to the IDF will not get any government allocations/budgets.

UTJ found this clause and says that this clause presents an existential danger to the yeshivas.

According to Yated, UTJ has let the Likud know that if this clause remains included in the law to be presented UTJ will see itself as not obligated to vote on other laws presented by the Likud demanding coalition support.

A few points:
1. Didnt the UTJ gedolim recently plan for decoupling the yeshivas from the government budgets and went out and raised $110 million (plus)? Why would this be such a serious problem for the yeshivas if this was already planned for?
2. Again, like what I pointed out yesterday, interestingly the threat is not to leave the government but to not vote on Likud law proposals in line with the coalition. A law proposal that UTJ is considering to be a serious threat against the yeshivas and UTJ isnt even bluffing with threats to leave the coalition!

I must say, it does seem that even though PM Netanyahu and some others in the Likud might not be on board yet, many in the Likud have had enough with the situation. They all know and recognize the crisis they would be causing when they say they won't support this or that by other coalition members, including the Haredi parties, and they are causing the crises anyway.. 

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Guri Alfi goes back to the USA to talk with the post October 7 Jews: Part 1 (video)

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Benny Friedman Thinkin About Thankin' - BEHIND THE SCENES (video)

much of it is in English, some in Hebrew

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Avi Hass - Mikdash Melech (video)

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