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Jan 6, 2025

siyata dshmaya

Rav YitzchakYosef, former Chief Rabbi of Israel and currently head of the Shas council of Sages, said that the reason the government has been unable to pass a draft exemption law for Haredim is because Amir Ohana is serving as Speaker of the Knesset. The government has no "siyata dshmaya" because of that.

The government has done some good things, specifically within the context of the war against Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. I am not sure how to define when it can be said the government is functioning with siyata dshmaya and when it isnt so I will trust Rabbi Yosef on this matter. I just don't understand why it would come out as an issue with the draft law (which he called the draft exemption law) rather than anything else. This government has not had much good fortune in anything other than in the war itself, had a horrible attack on its watch, has had unprecedented number of terror attacks, has overseen the highest number of road deaths in Israel's history, has failed to pass many laws, has been dysfunctional in many ways. Maybe it is Ohana's fault, I dont know. 

Funny that he would point out specifically the draft law, which has not yet even come to vote. Maybe once it does it will be easy to pass - it certainly looks like the coalition likely has the numbers to pass it, considering they have fired and punished its main opponents and are threatening to fire others if they dont back down.

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  1. Garnel IronheartJanuary 06, 2025 3:35 PM

    Something I wrote years ago: don't confuse knowledge with decency and respect decency, not just knowledge.
    Too many "Gedolim" get a pass on being OCD-ridden narcissists because they memorized a lot of Shas.

  2. I can't even begin to state how this makes no sense at all. Seriously- because the Speaker is gay, he doesn't have the "merit" of exempting charedim? Yosef would have to be in a sealed bubble to say this, and even then it makes no sense.

  3. I agree with the Chief Rabbi. If it is called a Jewish government in Eretz Yisrael and laws that are even mandated for all the nations of the world but are being perpetrated by those in leadership positions where G-D's laws are openly desecrated, then there cannot be the s'yata d'Shmaya!

    1. People make this mistake all the time, telling God what He can and can't do.

    2. Maybe it's siyata d'shmaya that the exemption *isn't* being passed. Try that one on.

  4. Garnel - you have it upside down; it is G-D who Commands & tell us what to do and not do!


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