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Jan 6, 2025

stemming the tide

Day of conscription, Moshe Weiner, in the first group of Haredim being drafted to the new Chashmonaim brigade, was accompanied by his friends from the Chabad yeshiva to the Induction Center (aka Bakum). All the friends were immediately thrown out of yeshiva.

Weiner said he decided to draft because he was wasting most of his time and only learning a little bit. good on him for taking it into his own hands, but these are the boys the yeshivas should be sending to the army. Do they think kicking out his friends is going to convince young men to not support their friends who choose to go to the army? Do they think they are stemming the tide? The boys did nothing wrong in supporting their friend. 

And, just to josh around a bit, I guess now there are 8 more young men available to join the new brigade!

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  1. First yes, draft them all. They no longer have the "But we're learning!" excuse.
    And second, isn't it interesting that we hear stories about the Chazon Ish and other Gedolim(tm) who always opposed throwing any boy out of yeshiva. So much for "We follow the Gedolim!"

    1. 1. I highly doubt these boys were expelled indefinitely from the yeshiva, they were probably suspended until they realized the gravity of their actions
      2. This is Chabad we're talking about here. They won't be taking directives from any Litvishe godol. According to "The Rebbe" each one of those bochurim here are greater than the Chazon because they learn chassidus

    2. "Realized the gravity"? How exactly is there "gravity" here?

      And you're telling me that Chabad is more "frum" than the Chazon Ish? Or that these chassidus-learning (and little else) bochrim are somehow holier? Make up your mind.

  2. The gravity is their celebrating his going to the army when they should be mourning the loss of another yeshiva bochur.
    A bochur who is not learning but is still בין כותלי ביהמ"ד has a chance of pulling himself together and commit himself to learning, I've seen this happen many times. However once he is out it's rare for him to come back to the בימ"ד.
    As for the Chazon Ish thing, I was just commenting on what Chabad believes, obviously it's ridiculous, as are many things "The Rebbe" said

    1. The bochur is following the Torah and performing a great mitzvah. He doesn't have to "pull himself together."


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