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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Jan 5, 2025

Quote of the Day

Everybody who pressured the government to come to a deal and finish the war is supporting Hamas. Also anyone who wanted us to send in humanitarian aid - gave Hamas the power to continue and hold the hostages

 -- Minister Amichai Eliyahu

ok, fair enough. Let's say that is true. Yet his government, the one he is a member of, was, and still is, giving humanitarian aid to Gaza and Hamas, so the government is strengthening Hamas. Why is he blaming everyone else? that is one thing this government excels at. Minister Itamar Ben Gvir today also released a video of himself talking with his daughter and he says similarly. Ben Gvir said he wants the hostages released but it will only happen if we stop giving fuel and aid to Hamas and take land and encourage Gazans to emigrate. that might work and it might be true - but it is his government, the government he is a senior member of, that is giving the aid and giving the fuel and not taking land and not encouraging emigration.

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  1. Garnel IronheartJanuary 05, 2025 5:18 PM

    Well there's the practical side of things.
    Yes, on October 8 Israel should've shut down all electricity and water it provides. Yes, it should've conducted a lighting strike started October 27 and say it would only stop when the hostages were released.
    And how would Hamas have responded? Hamas wants Gaza to be miserable. It wants massive civilian casualties. So the only lights, food and water would've been in Hamas headquarters and where the hostages were.
    The humanitarian aid is to stave off concerns from the US. The real problem is the protests that blame Bibi for not getting a hostage deal. It's those that are borderline treason.

  2. You're discovering America? People sit in governments with whom they disagree on some matters all the time. That's called "normal" and weighing pros and cons, as opposed to screaming and jumping over tables the way some people do. My greatest political education was when I was in a "Model Knesset" and found myself voting for things I never would have.

    Eliyahu is of course right. Not in the sense that it may have gotten the hostages out- maybe yes, maybe no- but that *anything*- one drop of water, one watt of electricity- was allowed in Gaza was madness. Of course Eliyahu made no decisions- Bibi made pretty sure that none of those icky right-wingers would have any say on the war as well. Cocktail parties and all.

  3. yes but just to remember, sitting in the government means sharing the responsibility for those decisions that are made (whether or not you have a say in them). you dont like it, go pressure Bibi. Something so major (helping Hamas win, as he described it) should have been a major issue to stand on, not just something you pinch your nose and vote for


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