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Jul 3, 2011

Kollel vs College (video)

Kollel vs College

I am not really sure what the point of this video is. Somehow, using video games as a backdrop, it shows how kollel guys rake in the money, while students in college are broke.

Regardless of the debate of funding kollels, even if they would be getting full funding with no problems from the government, they would be far from raking it in and getting rich off the system.

and if it makes a difference or has any meaning, I see in the credits at the end of the video that the video was made by a fellow named "Nimrod"...


  1. After having spoken to THE Nimrod, he's really happy to see his video up in all sorts of places, and was flattered you'd heard of it.
    If you have any other requests, type 'em up! I've been trying to get him to make a sequel.

    As for my own rant:
    The Kollel, although not the most lucrative of jobs, nontheless funds its students fully. They get money for their work as religious students, and get additional funds for bringing as many children to the world as possible. Some work a side job (such as begging or selling charms) while supposedly studying full time, and it is not uncommon for a state funded Kollel to inflate the number of students by quite a bit. College students, on the other hand, have to work pretty darn hard to stay afloat. They receive no help from the state, and do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Only recently has their status merited a small discount in their social security payments.
    Of course, College graduates probably help the economy a lot more in the long run, but investment in their future is deemed less important than the encouragement of the jobless religious lifestyle.


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