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Aug 30, 2016
more [perhaps final] observations in the USA (Chicago day whatever)
more [perhaps final] observations in the USA (Chicago):
* Americans need signs to tell them what the other signs mean. In addition to just needing a lot of signs to explain every minor thing. I saw signs that had arrows pointing to the crosswalk with an explanation that if there is a pedestrian in the crossing the driver must stop. I saw signs letting people know of the presence of red light cameras. I saw signs letting people know they must stop at the stop sign because traffic from the other direction does not have a stop sign. Among others. I am told that at least some of these are to avoid lawsuits - lawsuits that were successful in the past.
* rain in the summer
* rain that is spontaneous. on a beautiful day it can suddenly rain for a while. then get beautiful again.
* personal space. if someone comes within 3 feet of you they say "excuse me", or "sorry".
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Aug 29, 2016
more observations from the USA (Chicago day whatever)
more observations from the USA (Chicago):
* bagels in the USA and bagels in Israel are not the same thing (regardless of quality - they just are not the same thing)
* to answer a previous question, yes, Israel is on people's minds. They make mi shebeirachs and say tehillim daily, they talk about Israel, they have kids who live in Israel, they talk about retiring to Israel or moving in a "few years", some already own apartments in Israel, they have posters of maps of Israel in their homes, etc...
* the religious, and even political fights in Israel are not really relevant here.. people don't seem to care (excluding the fights about major issues like peace and giving land and things on that scale), and that also translates into the lack of major fighting here. Sure communities have friction, but for the most part live and let live seems to still be the overwhelming approach in the Jewish community.
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Aug 28, 2016
more observations in the USA (Chicago day whatever)
more observations in the USA (Chicago):
* the situation with the meshulachim is not nearly as bad as I have heard it made out to be. I might be wrong, and maybe this is just a quiet season for them, maybe they don't travel now because people are on vacation, I don't know. but it does not seem so bad. Some days there are none in shul, some days there are a few. Either way, it is far less than what we get in Israel on a daily basis.
* people are extremely generous. They give to all the meshulachim no matter what they look like.
* as few as the meshulachim were, some of them really have no etiquette or manners. Some were fine - went through the shul collecting from whomever would give and walked out when they finished. Others were pests and stayed longer and asked repeatedly and followed other meshulachim around to ask from people giving them who might not have given him when he asked.
* squirrels, alleys, and water
* it rains, even pours, in the summer. and it is warm/hot at the same time
* family is great, as annoying as they can be to each other at times.
* I still think surprises are dumb, even when they work
* the situation with the meshulachim is not nearly as bad as I have heard it made out to be. I might be wrong, and maybe this is just a quiet season for them, maybe they don't travel now because people are on vacation, I don't know. but it does not seem so bad. Some days there are none in shul, some days there are a few. Either way, it is far less than what we get in Israel on a daily basis.
* people are extremely generous. They give to all the meshulachim no matter what they look like.
* as few as the meshulachim were, some of them really have no etiquette or manners. Some were fine - went through the shul collecting from whomever would give and walked out when they finished. Others were pests and stayed longer and asked repeatedly and followed other meshulachim around to ask from people giving them who might not have given him when he asked.
* squirrels, alleys, and water
* it rains, even pours, in the summer. and it is warm/hot at the same time
* family is great, as annoying as they can be to each other at times.
* I still think surprises are dumb, even when they work
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Aug 25, 2016
more observations from the USA (Chicago day 4-5)
more observations from the USA (Chicago):
* it is great to be able to watch Cubs games at a normal hour of the day and not have to stay up until the wee hours of the night to catch a few innings or wake up extra early to catch a few.
* I am still noticing the lack of birkat kohanim in davening. it almost feels like, what's the point of going to shul with no birkat kohanim?
* people (general, not specific people) are far nicer and more helpful than I remember, and in Chicago they were always nice and helpful. And I am talking about even in the least expected situations - clerks and store employees who go the extra mile to be helpful.
* food is great, family is great, everything is a lot of fun - especially as a visitor - but I am ready to go home.
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Aug 24, 2016
more observations from the USA (Chicago day 3)
more observations from the USA (Chicago):
* the Jewish community has grown tremendously. I can tell based on the tremendous increase in the number of shuls and kosher restaurants from when I grew up here.
* the parks have water fountains. and [at least some of them] work!
* I have no idea if the mayor is any good or not, but the streets are clean and it looks like at least the basics are done very well. A tree branch fell yesterday in front of the house. They called the city and within half an hour a truck was here to chop it up and remove it.
* no cars stopped on the side of the highway. not for davening mincha and not for bathroom breaks
* ran a recommended route today and saw a few runners and walkers, and a lot of bikers. the long red lights though can really kill your pace and rhythm.
* drove out of the city for some activities today. so many lakes. so much water.
* I left the Middle East and got a suntan in Chicago
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Aug 22, 2016
more observations from the USA (Chicago)
more observations from the USA (Chicago):
* I don't see runners anywhere. In Israel no matter where I go (running or driving) I see runners and bikers. I did see a few people that looked like they were biking to work.
* in the 2 shuls I have been to so far, I have yet to see anybody pull out a cellphone to check their messages. I stopped myself from doing so thinking that the Israeli shouldn't do it if the locals aren't. I don't know that it added to my kavana at all, but that is what happened.
* walking briefly through a supermarket - food is cheap and plentiful (in quantity, quality and variety and package sizing)
* I think the above also sheds some light, in my mind, on why America suffers from an obesity problem.
* the topography is so flat. and so much grass.
* squirrels
* i find myself thinking of distance in miles again rather than kilometers
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Aug 21, 2016
Initial observations from the USA
Initial observations from the USA :
* the drinks are so big - cups, bottles, everything.
* there is so much water in the toilet tank. Floaters can only be an American thing.
* nobody uses soap anymore. Now everyone uses body wash and body foam and whatever else they call it.
Aug 19, 2016
this blog will be going on vacation starting Sunday morning for about 10 days. There might be the occasional post, but definitely nothing on any sort of regular schedule.
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Aug 18, 2016
Interesting Psak: bracha on Olympic athletes
Rav Eliezer Melamed has issued an interesting psak when questioned about the appropriateness in saying a bracha upon seeing an Olympic athlete, specifically one who won a medal. The bvracha would be the bracha one makes on seeing someone unusually beautiful, unsually successful and unusually strong - the bracha of "shekacha lo baolamo".
Rav Melamed responded that one should make the bracha and the purpose of this bracha is to remind us not idolize these people but we should remember that their special gifts and talents are from God. Rav Melamed says that one would have to actually see the athlete in person, rather than seeing a picture or video of the athlete, and one did not necessarily have to see the actual competition to make the bracha.
Rav Melamed added that one would not make the bracha for seeing just any Olympian athlete, but only for seeing one that actually won a gold medal - the real champions. Whiule that would mean Israelis would not make a bracha upon seeing Yarden Gerbi or Ori Sasson, Rav Melamed added that in each country one could make the bracha on his country's local champions.
Making the bracha on a female athlete would have to be done when she is appropriately dressed, meaning it is unlikely to be able to make it while she is competing, but more likely after the fact.
source: Walla News
Rav Melamed responded that one should make the bracha and the purpose of this bracha is to remind us not idolize these people but we should remember that their special gifts and talents are from God. Rav Melamed says that one would have to actually see the athlete in person, rather than seeing a picture or video of the athlete, and one did not necessarily have to see the actual competition to make the bracha.
Rav Melamed added that one would not make the bracha for seeing just any Olympian athlete, but only for seeing one that actually won a gold medal - the real champions. Whiule that would mean Israelis would not make a bracha upon seeing Yarden Gerbi or Ori Sasson, Rav Melamed added that in each country one could make the bracha on his country's local champions.
Making the bracha on a female athlete would have to be done when she is appropriately dressed, meaning it is unlikely to be able to make it while she is competing, but more likely after the fact.
source: Walla News
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Legalizing professional sports on Shabbos
Minister of Economics Chaim Katz has decided that he is going to find a way to make it legal for professional sports to be played on Shabbos.
Until now, since the foundation of the State, it has technically been illegal to play on Shabbos. The Minister of Commerce and Trade has been able to give a temporary exemption, or pass, and the issue was basically ignored by all willing parties.
source: One Sport
Katz is making a dramatic statement with this, as it means the State of Israel will legalize chilul shabbos. the change in practice is not great, as it has been happening until now anyway, but at a social level it is a statement that many will find hard to swallow.
Personally i am less bothered by his coming attempt to legalize it. The fact that it has happened for the past 70 years makes this change one in semantics alone and therefore not that important to me. Semantics are for the politicians. the reality is that it has been happening and this is not a practical change of facts on the ground.
Behadrei also calls it the breaking of the status quo, which is also an argument I am less than impressed with. For the same reason - it might have been illegal, but for the past nearly 70 years the leagues have all played on Shabbos. The change in status quo is on paper alone. Facts on the ground will not have changed on iota.
What bothers me more, or surprises me more, is that recently there has been a trend to try to accommodate religious and traditional athletes, with teams moving games to weekdays from Shabbos. Ministers in recent years have spoken about the need to move games when possible, to be more inclusive of the religious and traditional communities, of fans and athletes alike. It seemed, to me at least, that we were heading on the path of the leagues moving away from Shabbos, and suddenly we are seeing an act that will likely solidify the league's hold on Shabbos for years to come.
Until now, since the foundation of the State, it has technically been illegal to play on Shabbos. The Minister of Commerce and Trade has been able to give a temporary exemption, or pass, and the issue was basically ignored by all willing parties.
source: One Sport
Katz is making a dramatic statement with this, as it means the State of Israel will legalize chilul shabbos. the change in practice is not great, as it has been happening until now anyway, but at a social level it is a statement that many will find hard to swallow.
Personally i am less bothered by his coming attempt to legalize it. The fact that it has happened for the past 70 years makes this change one in semantics alone and therefore not that important to me. Semantics are for the politicians. the reality is that it has been happening and this is not a practical change of facts on the ground.
Behadrei also calls it the breaking of the status quo, which is also an argument I am less than impressed with. For the same reason - it might have been illegal, but for the past nearly 70 years the leagues have all played on Shabbos. The change in status quo is on paper alone. Facts on the ground will not have changed on iota.
What bothers me more, or surprises me more, is that recently there has been a trend to try to accommodate religious and traditional athletes, with teams moving games to weekdays from Shabbos. Ministers in recent years have spoken about the need to move games when possible, to be more inclusive of the religious and traditional communities, of fans and athletes alike. It seemed, to me at least, that we were heading on the path of the leagues moving away from Shabbos, and suddenly we are seeing an act that will likely solidify the league's hold on Shabbos for years to come.
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The Hassidic-designed bikini
About a year ago I posted about some frum women who had founded a company making modest swimwear for women. Frumqinis, as some might call them.
They made major press with interviews in the Wall Street Journal and Fox News and other major media. Some called it a kiddush hashem, and perhaps it was.
Today the media outlets (or at least one) is writing about some frum men who have started a unique swimwear company for women that makes regularly bikinis but more stylish with whimsical fringes in a variety of styles that snap on and off. (link to article is posted here with warning of not-tzanua images in article).
They made major press with interviews in the Wall Street Journal and Fox News and other major media. Some called it a kiddush hashem, and perhaps it was.
Today the media outlets (or at least one) is writing about some frum men who have started a unique swimwear company for women that makes regularly bikinis but more stylish with whimsical fringes in a variety of styles that snap on and off. (link to article is posted here with warning of not-tzanua images in article).
Barry Glick is not your average bikini designer.kiddush hashem? chilul hashem? I have no idea. I think these terms get thrown around a bit too loosely. I am not sure this is either. I wish them well and great success, and am happy they have found a way to express their creativity and turn it into a business.
For starters, he has zero experience designing swimwear — or designing any wear for that matter. He’s not particularly involved in fashion either. Oh, he also is a Hasidic Jew living in Brooklyn.
None of this seemed to deter the 30-year-old father of five from starting a bikini company, Beach Gal, a year and a half ago.
"It isn’t a culture shock to me, I see it solely as a business opportunity and as a way to express my creativity," Glick says one recent summer afternoon. We’re sitting in his office in the Hasidic neighborhood of Boro Park. The newly renovated space is inside an inconspicuous concrete building, and is situated across the street from a funeral home wailing eulogies over an outdoor loudspeaker in Yiddish, and down the block from a plethora of kosher grocery stores and bakeries. It also doubles as home to the medical supply business of Saul Samet, Glick’s partner and investor, who is sitting with us as well.
Glick is tall and thin, and sports all the accoutrements of being Hasidic, with a big black yarmulke, long, curly sidelocks, and a bushy beard. Samet’s look is less obvious; he’s shorter, built, and has a clean, short beard and trimmed sidelocks. The duo hardly seems fit to be in the swimsuit market. But the story of how Glick and Samet are successfully building a swimsuit company from scratch — battling through all the complications of creating a business, only to be hit with more obstacles on the product end, like dealing with fabrics, sourcing, branding, and distributing — is as much about the power of the internet as it is about two Jewish guys from Brooklyn who believe so much in an idea that they’re willing to tiptoe around some of the rules that define their strict, religious lifestyle in order to pursue it.
That idea is a bikini, with a whimsical fringe that snaps on and off. Each Beach Gal bikini comes with an accessory, including bands of seashells, beads, sequins, and ruffles that attach to the top and bottom. The suits come in five colors and sell for $150 on the site (but are half off on Amazon right now, just FYI). They look like the sort of thing that would be trendy in places with a strong beach culture, like in Miami, or pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean.
"The Hasidic community is very tight-knit, and there’s a lot of business that gets done at synagogue because you meet each other three times a day," Glick explains.
Of course, the business proposals never went over too well: "It was pretty hard in the beginning. I would shop the idea around and say, ‘I wanted to speak to you about a business idea,’ and everyone would say, ‘Okay, what is it?’ and I would say ‘Bikinis!’ and they would go, ‘Huh?!’"
As with so many situations in life, sometimes it’s not just about what you know as it is about who you know. In a sheer spout of luck, Samet’s brother had a connection to Cyn & Luca, a swimwear brand found in stores like Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. They were introduced to Cynthia Riccardi, the brand’s designer who’d worked for companies like Adrienne Vittadini and Liz Claiborne. She helped Glick perfect his swimsuit silhouette and interchangeable accessories. After her company was bought out last year, she agreed to share her sources for high quality production in South America.
From there, Beach Gal was officially born. A first batch of merchandise was created, Glick and Samet built a website, and photographers and models were hired out in Miami for a look book. Product was also listed on Amazon and Zulily at a discounted price (roughly 50 percent off). So far, the feedback has been positive, and Beach Gal has sold nearly all of the 2,500 pieces from its first collection.
Of course, being Hasidic and in the swimwear business is difficult. Last year, when the duo attended Miami Swim Week with the Cyn & Luca team, Glick — with his beard and sidelocks — was quite the spectacle. During a photoshoot a few months ago, a makeup artist working with the Beach Gal team took a photo of Glick helping a model with a swimsuit and leaked it to Instagram without fully explaining the scenario, leaving her followers to assume the scenario was scandalous. Overall, Glick and Samet are apprehensive people will get the wrong idea about them — the reason they requested Racked not take any photos of them.
On the other hand, though, why not? From Christian retailers to clothing boasting sadness to questionable tea products, internet shopping is peak eccentric. Today, truly anything is possible when it comes to people starting e-commerce businesses, and so trendy bikinis designed by people who put their fear in a power higher than Anna Wintour can certainly fit right in.
Glick and Samet maintain there is technically nothing wrong with what they are doing. While Hasidic lifestyle ascribes to that of seclusion and modesty — and not working with, or around, scantily clad women — the guys say they treat their jobs with respect, and are careful to not cross any boundaries or break any rules, like touching other women, for example. Is it uncharacteristic of Hasidic men to be designing bikinis and working in swimwear? Sure. Can they carry on with their business without violating Jewish laws? Certainly.
"I don’t look at it as a bad thing. It’s a piece of clothing and just because no one in our community [wears] it doesn’t mean we can’t bring something fun and funky to it," Glick says.
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'I'm here to tell the world the truth' (video)
'I'm here to tell the world the truth'
Fox News journalists visit Israel in effort to get to the 'ground truth' of the reality as it really is, not as presented in the media. Fox News contributors and hosts are visiting Israel in a trip organized by Dr. Joe Frager.
The purpose of the visit is for the journalists to get a genuine picture of Israel through guided tours.
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Israeli President Honors NBN's 50,000th Immigrant (video)
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Amnon Levi expose on Yavniel's Breslav community Part 2 (video)
this is part 2 of Amnon Levi's expose on the Breslav community of Yavniel.. (part 1 can be found here)
such crazy drama!
such crazy drama!
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Yehuda Greibes on coercion to not learn core curriculum (video)
so when will they ban his videos for saying this? though he mostly blames the Misrad Hachinuch for not providing support for the schools that do want to teach it and to encourage other people to open more such schools...
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street survey - what do you do during bein hazmanim? (video)
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"Vhaarev Na" Featuring Baruch Levine & Simcha Leiner (video)
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Aug 17, 2016
if it looks like a duck, if it sounds like a duck, it is ketchup
About a year ago Osem successfully got Heinz ketchup declared in Israel as "tomato dressing" rather than ketchup, due to some ancient regulation of how much tomato content must be in the mixture to legally use the word ketchup.
Heinz had to relabel all their bottles in Hebrew to say "metabel agvaniot" - tomato dressing - instead of saying ketchup, as the Heinz recipe for ketchup includes less than the mandated 10% tomato content.
Tomato Dressing no more! Heinz can now call their flagship product ketchup once again! #ketchuplivesmatter
Ministers Moshe Kachlon and Yaakov Litzman signed a new directive today canceling the requirement of 10% tomato content in ketchup to qualify for use of that name. The justification for the change is that the requirement was ancient and nowhere else is 10% required - not in Europe and not in the USA. Removing this requirement will help the competitive market, allow new companies to be imported and to be sold with that name.
sources: Ynet and Globes
I wonder if Osem will drop the level of tomato content in their ketchup now that they no longer need to stick to the previously-required 10%, or if they will keep it and use it in their marketing in some way such as more tomato = better ketchup.
Thank you Israel, for declaring Heinz Ketchup as real ketchup.
Heinz had to relabel all their bottles in Hebrew to say "metabel agvaniot" - tomato dressing - instead of saying ketchup, as the Heinz recipe for ketchup includes less than the mandated 10% tomato content.
Tomato Dressing no more! Heinz can now call their flagship product ketchup once again! #ketchuplivesmatter
Ministers Moshe Kachlon and Yaakov Litzman signed a new directive today canceling the requirement of 10% tomato content in ketchup to qualify for use of that name. The justification for the change is that the requirement was ancient and nowhere else is 10% required - not in Europe and not in the USA. Removing this requirement will help the competitive market, allow new companies to be imported and to be sold with that name.
sources: Ynet and Globes
I wonder if Osem will drop the level of tomato content in their ketchup now that they no longer need to stick to the previously-required 10%, or if they will keep it and use it in their marketing in some way such as more tomato = better ketchup.
Thank you Israel, for declaring Heinz Ketchup as real ketchup.
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if only we could all get our taxes covered by the government
If only. If only.
Minister of Sport (and Culture) Miri Regev decided that the honor brought to Israel by our Olympians has been so great that they must be justly rewarded, at a level that was previously not part of the arrangement.
Regev wanted to cancel the tax on their prize monies in order to allow them to keep the entire purse and not share any of it with the government. Realizing that this would entail a lengthy process, and probably one that she could not be sure of its final outcome, she came up with a different plan.
Regev's new plan is to basically give double the prize money. Basically she is saying the government will cover their taxes. We owe them a debt of gratitude, presumably for the glory they brought upon us, and they shouldn't need to pay this tax.
source: Srugim
I don't know who deserves what. These athletes put in years and years of hard work and training, giving up a lot to compete at this level. They brought international glory and pride to the State of Israel. On the other hand, the State of Israel put its gravitas behind these athletes. The State of Israel invested its money and resources into these athletes. Both parties - the athletes and the State of Israel - went into this with a certain agreement and full knowledge of what would happen to the prize money - some would go to the athletes and some to the State coffers.
It is a very nice gesture on behalf of the State, to forgo its portion of the prize money. If only, if only, the State would allow all of us to bask in our accomplishments and in the pride we each bring to the State with our accomplishments that turn Israel into an international powerhouse. If only, if only, the State would decide to cover the taxes of each and every one of us to show its gratitude for what we each do for the State - teachers, educators, medical professionals, members of the security forces, entrepreneurs, members of the startup nation, and the list goes on and on...
Minister of Sport (and Culture) Miri Regev decided that the honor brought to Israel by our Olympians has been so great that they must be justly rewarded, at a level that was previously not part of the arrangement.
Regev wanted to cancel the tax on their prize monies in order to allow them to keep the entire purse and not share any of it with the government. Realizing that this would entail a lengthy process, and probably one that she could not be sure of its final outcome, she came up with a different plan.
Regev's new plan is to basically give double the prize money. Basically she is saying the government will cover their taxes. We owe them a debt of gratitude, presumably for the glory they brought upon us, and they shouldn't need to pay this tax.
source: Srugim
I don't know who deserves what. These athletes put in years and years of hard work and training, giving up a lot to compete at this level. They brought international glory and pride to the State of Israel. On the other hand, the State of Israel put its gravitas behind these athletes. The State of Israel invested its money and resources into these athletes. Both parties - the athletes and the State of Israel - went into this with a certain agreement and full knowledge of what would happen to the prize money - some would go to the athletes and some to the State coffers.
It is a very nice gesture on behalf of the State, to forgo its portion of the prize money. If only, if only, the State would allow all of us to bask in our accomplishments and in the pride we each bring to the State with our accomplishments that turn Israel into an international powerhouse. If only, if only, the State would decide to cover the taxes of each and every one of us to show its gratitude for what we each do for the State - teachers, educators, medical professionals, members of the security forces, entrepreneurs, members of the startup nation, and the list goes on and on...
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Miri Regev,
the seller of the illness died
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
Sadly, and it is being reported much sooner than expected, the fellow who recently sold his illness to a non-Jew for 600nis has passed away from his illness.
interestingly, Walla mentions that selling an illness is not anything new. They quote Rav Cholek, the head of Ezer Miziyon, who says he asked Rav Kanievsky about selling one's illness to a non-Jew as part of the sale of chametz on Pesach. The probem with that might be that when you buy your chametz back after Pesach you would also be buying back your illness. It seems Rav Kanievsky responded that you can buy your chametz back and have no intention of buying back the illness and have no worries..
source: Kooker, Walla, Srugim
Sadly, and it is being reported much sooner than expected, the fellow who recently sold his illness to a non-Jew for 600nis has passed away from his illness.
interestingly, Walla mentions that selling an illness is not anything new. They quote Rav Cholek, the head of Ezer Miziyon, who says he asked Rav Kanievsky about selling one's illness to a non-Jew as part of the sale of chametz on Pesach. The probem with that might be that when you buy your chametz back after Pesach you would also be buying back your illness. It seems Rav Kanievsky responded that you can buy your chametz back and have no intention of buying back the illness and have no worries..
source: Kooker, Walla, Srugim
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very weird
Facebook Status of the Day
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Lipa: Why the Temple wasn't rebuilt yet (video)
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Orthodox Jewish All Star, The Honorable Norman Eisen - US Ambassador (video)
President Obama appointed Norm Eisen to serve as US Ambassador in the very same country where his mother's family was decimated in the Holocaust.
"The house in which the United States Ambassador lives...was built by a Jewish family and taken over by the [Nazis]... We returned...and put mezuzahs on the door, made the kitchens kosher, observed the Sabbath there. And every time I ate a kosher lamb chop there I would say 'take that Hitler!'"
"The house in which the United States Ambassador lives...was built by a Jewish family and taken over by the [Nazis]... We returned...and put mezuzahs on the door, made the kitchens kosher, observed the Sabbath there. And every time I ate a kosher lamb chop there I would say 'take that Hitler!'"
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Underdos: The Mizrochnik (video)
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Kitchens Are Not Just For Cooking (video)
chazzanut from an unexpected source...
kol isha warning:
kol isha warning:
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Aug 16, 2016
Interesting Psak: 555,555nis against ayin hara is only symbolic
A recent divorce in Jerusalem has brought about an interesting psak regarding the payment of the money promised in the ketuba.
A woman was demanding, as part of her divorce, full payment of the money promised in the ketuba - 555,555nis.
The husband filed for divorce after she got sick and he felt she was withholding marital relations from him. She claimed in response that she only got sick after catching him having an affair with her good friend. His claim that she withheld relations is obviously to say she deserves nothing as she has a status of a "moredes" - rebellious wife. Her claim that he was cheating is to say she deserves full value, as it was his fault rather than hers.
She then claimed the full payment of 555,555nis, and he responded saying that this amount was put in the ketuba for her honor and to be against ayin hara, but they never seriously meant for this to be the value of the ketuba realistically.
The three members of the beis din were in disagreement as to what to do in this case. 1 dayan said he agreed and signed to this amount, he has to pay it. The contract is a valid contract, and he must fulfill his obligations to it. The two other dayanim were of the opinion that the number is symbolic and he never actually intended to pay it - he agreed to the number to honor her and to go against ayin hara, not to actually pay. This is what we call an asmachta and he is not obligated to pay it. As well, one of the dayanim added that this chosson was young with no savings and it is clear that agreeing to such a high and symbolic figure was not according to any belief that he would ever have to pay it.
this 2-1 decision led to a decision that he only has to pay a standard amount (120,000nis), and it also led the beis din to make a declaration to rabbonim who officiate at weddings to not use such high numbers, and only to use standard amounts. They explained that using such high numbers for honor and ayin hara only cause problems later in cases of divorce and cause fights and delays.
sources: Srugim and Kol Hazman
this reminds of a previous case mentioned a while back in which a ketuba dispute over money with the woman demanding the 555 combination led to a divorce...
I might say that perhaps the 555,555 does not actually protect against ayin hara, considering the divorces this ketuba money has not protected from...
A woman was demanding, as part of her divorce, full payment of the money promised in the ketuba - 555,555nis.
The husband filed for divorce after she got sick and he felt she was withholding marital relations from him. She claimed in response that she only got sick after catching him having an affair with her good friend. His claim that she withheld relations is obviously to say she deserves nothing as she has a status of a "moredes" - rebellious wife. Her claim that he was cheating is to say she deserves full value, as it was his fault rather than hers.
She then claimed the full payment of 555,555nis, and he responded saying that this amount was put in the ketuba for her honor and to be against ayin hara, but they never seriously meant for this to be the value of the ketuba realistically.
The three members of the beis din were in disagreement as to what to do in this case. 1 dayan said he agreed and signed to this amount, he has to pay it. The contract is a valid contract, and he must fulfill his obligations to it. The two other dayanim were of the opinion that the number is symbolic and he never actually intended to pay it - he agreed to the number to honor her and to go against ayin hara, not to actually pay. This is what we call an asmachta and he is not obligated to pay it. As well, one of the dayanim added that this chosson was young with no savings and it is clear that agreeing to such a high and symbolic figure was not according to any belief that he would ever have to pay it.
this 2-1 decision led to a decision that he only has to pay a standard amount (120,000nis), and it also led the beis din to make a declaration to rabbonim who officiate at weddings to not use such high numbers, and only to use standard amounts. They explained that using such high numbers for honor and ayin hara only cause problems later in cases of divorce and cause fights and delays.
sources: Srugim and Kol Hazman
this reminds of a previous case mentioned a while back in which a ketuba dispute over money with the woman demanding the 555 combination led to a divorce...
I might say that perhaps the 555,555 does not actually protect against ayin hara, considering the divorces this ketuba money has not protected from...
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Pashkevil of the Day
I stopped posting interesting pashkevils a while back, largely because I stopped reading them, along with the local Bet Shemesh newspapers. And, I have to admit, I am far happier because of it. Ignorance is bliss. Ignore much of the idiocy.
This pashkevil went up around Bet Shemesh yesterday and is a worthy exception...
the pashkevil blasts the mayor, Moshe Abutbol, for repeatedly giving out fines and demands of removal to people in the community who hang signs on their porches against the IDF draft decree and for those hanging tzniyus signs requesting passerby dress appropriately - something that even the secular mayor of Jerusalem does not do. With the residents ignoring the fines and simply throwing them in the garbage, the Iryah sent inspectors to remove the signs. Inspectors accompanied by policemen beat up people who started to protest and even arrested 2 avreichim who are important talmidei chachomim and beat them up...
I am impressed that the city under Moshe Abutbol is regularly sending inspectors to remove the offensive signs from the porches and fine those who do not. I would hope that throwing away the notice does not absolve them of the fine but one day hotzaah lapoel will show up and arrest them for lots of unpaid debt or confiscate their belongings...
I would note that last night in the wee hours of the morning the police raided RBS B and arrested four people - 2 for previous activities that included overturning a police car, and 2 more for attacking police during the raid.
This pashkevil went up around Bet Shemesh yesterday and is a worthy exception...
the pashkevil blasts the mayor, Moshe Abutbol, for repeatedly giving out fines and demands of removal to people in the community who hang signs on their porches against the IDF draft decree and for those hanging tzniyus signs requesting passerby dress appropriately - something that even the secular mayor of Jerusalem does not do. With the residents ignoring the fines and simply throwing them in the garbage, the Iryah sent inspectors to remove the signs. Inspectors accompanied by policemen beat up people who started to protest and even arrested 2 avreichim who are important talmidei chachomim and beat them up...
I am impressed that the city under Moshe Abutbol is regularly sending inspectors to remove the offensive signs from the porches and fine those who do not. I would hope that throwing away the notice does not absolve them of the fine but one day hotzaah lapoel will show up and arrest them for lots of unpaid debt or confiscate their belongings...
I would note that last night in the wee hours of the morning the police raided RBS B and arrested four people - 2 for previous activities that included overturning a police car, and 2 more for attacking police during the raid.
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MK Glick interview with Menachem Toker for Tisha b'Av (video)
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Yehuda Glick
Is Avi Dichter planning to run against Bibi for head of Likud and PM? (video)
interesting thought.. I dont see him as being popular enough, but let's see where this goes...
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Lipa: Let's love each other (video)
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SHWEKEY - We Are A Miracle (Official Video)
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Yaakov Shwekey
Feter Hendel - Call Out (video)
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Aug 15, 2016
Facebook Status of the Day
The Admor Rav Levi Yitzchak Horowitz zt"l put forth great effort to help childless couples with funding for various medical treatments.
One day he received a pamphlet that was dedicated to prohibiting a certain method of fertility treatment, and in the front was printed letters of approbation from many rabbis. the Admor opened the pamphlet, scanned through the various approbations and on each page said "he has children", "he has children", etc until he completed all the approbations and put the pamphlet down.
He then turned to his grandson and said, "I thought there might be one rav who signed no it that he himself does not have children. How can they prohibit this when they themselves do not know the pain of the childless parents?". (this story was heard from his grandson Rav Eliezer Geldzhaler shlit"a)
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Proposed Law: Raising the minimum threshold again
The Likud is putting together a new plan to reform the elections, presumably for their benefit. The proposal they are preparing, according to Maariv Online, is to raise the minimum threshold for a party to 7%, from the relatively new level of 3.25% it currently sits at.
All the "small" parties in Knesset will be affected by this, including Meretz, Yisrael Beyteynu, UTJ and Shas. If the proposal should ever pass, these parties would have to form deals and mergers with other parties, the way UAL parties all got together, they way Livni formed a bloc with Labor, and the way Tekuma has been hanging together with Habayit Hayehudi. Shas and UTJ would most likely merge, Meretz would have to make a deal with Labor, or maybe with the United Arab List. Yisrael Beyteynu with Habayit Hayehudi, or Yesh Atid or Kulanu Kachlon or Likud - depending on whom they are at peace with or fighting with on any given day.. Of course any of the existing parties might become threatened by this law or might be protected by this law, depending on when it is brought up - as each party grows and shrinks as per the whims and trends of the voters.

MK Sharren Kaskell (Likud) is behind the preparation of this proposal, and the purpose is to create more political stability. With tens of thousands going to waste, people will presumably vote for parties they think are likely to pass the threshold, and no longer vote for the really small parties that seem to crop up every election cycle and then disappear and cause all those votes to be wasted.
Haskel says she expects that this proposal will cause the end effect of their remaining just five political entities - two large parties, one centrist party, one Arab party and one Right-Religious party.
Haskel is optimistic, but I don't see how she is going to get her party's coalition partners to agree to pass a law that will effectively put themselves out of business. That is why electoral reform has to be done by an external body.
All the "small" parties in Knesset will be affected by this, including Meretz, Yisrael Beyteynu, UTJ and Shas. If the proposal should ever pass, these parties would have to form deals and mergers with other parties, the way UAL parties all got together, they way Livni formed a bloc with Labor, and the way Tekuma has been hanging together with Habayit Hayehudi. Shas and UTJ would most likely merge, Meretz would have to make a deal with Labor, or maybe with the United Arab List. Yisrael Beyteynu with Habayit Hayehudi, or Yesh Atid or Kulanu Kachlon or Likud - depending on whom they are at peace with or fighting with on any given day.. Of course any of the existing parties might become threatened by this law or might be protected by this law, depending on when it is brought up - as each party grows and shrinks as per the whims and trends of the voters.
MK Sharren Kaskell (Likud) is behind the preparation of this proposal, and the purpose is to create more political stability. With tens of thousands going to waste, people will presumably vote for parties they think are likely to pass the threshold, and no longer vote for the really small parties that seem to crop up every election cycle and then disappear and cause all those votes to be wasted.
Haskel says she expects that this proposal will cause the end effect of their remaining just five political entities - two large parties, one centrist party, one Arab party and one Right-Religious party.
Haskel is optimistic, but I don't see how she is going to get her party's coalition partners to agree to pass a law that will effectively put themselves out of business. That is why electoral reform has to be done by an external body.
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"Old Bet Shemesh" feeling threatened by sale of building to extremist Haredi yeshiva
The news broke a few days ago that the old Bezeq building in "old Bet Shemesh", very close to the Neimi shopping mall, was sold to an "extremist Haredi yeshiva" from Jerusalem.
According to Kikar that yeshiva is the yeshiva run by Rav Moshe Sternbuch, of the Eida HaChareidis.
This has caused quite a ruckus around town. Non-Haredi city councilmen are threatening to resign if the mayor does not intervene and get this canceled. Many residents of the old city are fuming saying this is crossing a line. They are concerned that such a yeshiva will be an attraction for similar Haredim who will start moving to that part of town and hurt the delicate balance. As well, it will turn the area into a place of conflict as they will surely make trouble for people passing through to do their shopping at the Neimi Mall.
Personally, my opinion is that while it might not be a wise move for the yeshiva to move to this location, and it might harm the balance of the area, it is a private venture and anybody can buy wherever they want. If they take the approach that they want to take over "by force" and not just stick to their own neighborhoods, they can buy up all the property legally and do what they want, no matter how much other people do not like it. They eventually might target RBS A as their next location and start making life difficult for people here, and then other neighborhoods. And there is nothing anybody can do. Raise prices, sell and move. That's life. If you don't like it, rally your neighbors to not sell. Instead of letting them make life uncomfortable for you, make life uncomfortable for them. Let the few who succeed in buying have to deal with living among an entire neighborhood of people who don't play along by their rules. Or else sell, make a profit on your property, and leave. But the Iryah has nothing to do with it.
Of course, that is assuming there are no zoning issues involved. if the building or area is not zoned for such an institution, then the Iryah must not agree to change the zoning and it must not ignore any misuse of the property. The Iryah should do what it can to not allow the area to turn into a war zone, but they cannot be involved in the private purchases of private properties.
According to Kikar that yeshiva is the yeshiva run by Rav Moshe Sternbuch, of the Eida HaChareidis.
This has caused quite a ruckus around town. Non-Haredi city councilmen are threatening to resign if the mayor does not intervene and get this canceled. Many residents of the old city are fuming saying this is crossing a line. They are concerned that such a yeshiva will be an attraction for similar Haredim who will start moving to that part of town and hurt the delicate balance. As well, it will turn the area into a place of conflict as they will surely make trouble for people passing through to do their shopping at the Neimi Mall.
Personally, my opinion is that while it might not be a wise move for the yeshiva to move to this location, and it might harm the balance of the area, it is a private venture and anybody can buy wherever they want. If they take the approach that they want to take over "by force" and not just stick to their own neighborhoods, they can buy up all the property legally and do what they want, no matter how much other people do not like it. They eventually might target RBS A as their next location and start making life difficult for people here, and then other neighborhoods. And there is nothing anybody can do. Raise prices, sell and move. That's life. If you don't like it, rally your neighbors to not sell. Instead of letting them make life uncomfortable for you, make life uncomfortable for them. Let the few who succeed in buying have to deal with living among an entire neighborhood of people who don't play along by their rules. Or else sell, make a profit on your property, and leave. But the Iryah has nothing to do with it.
Of course, that is assuming there are no zoning issues involved. if the building or area is not zoned for such an institution, then the Iryah must not agree to change the zoning and it must not ignore any misuse of the property. The Iryah should do what it can to not allow the area to turn into a war zone, but they cannot be involved in the private purchases of private properties.
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bet shemesh,
Chassidish Yungerman Deals With Neturei Karta In Manhattan (video)
kol hakavod to them for defending Israel like that. though it does make me a bit uncomfortable to have Jews fighting with each other in public in front of non-Jews who do not necessarily understand the nuances involved and only see Jews fighting...
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Israelis: What do you think of atheists? (video)
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PM Netanyahu: Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do (video)
I find this a bit patronizing, even though it is true...
interesting to note the books on the shelves behind the PM...
interesting to note the books on the shelves behind the PM...
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Synagogues of California (video)
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Meir Kay's DJ Dance Party on an Elevator (video)
Riding an elevator can be an awkward experience so we decided to set up throw a Dj Dance party in one and spread the good vibes. Thank you to Zedge for making this a reality.
and behind the scenes..
and behind the scenes..
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Aug 14, 2016
Rabbi Chaim Ilson explaining the kinnot Tisha Bav (video)
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Aug 11, 2016
First they came for the cornflakes
To paraphrase Martin Niemöller
First they came for the cornflakes, and I did not speak out, for I don't eat cornflakes.
Then they came for the tehina, and I did not speak out, because I buy a different brand.
Then they came for the frozen french fries, and I did not speak out, for I prefer fresh.
Then they came for......
Just wondering - Is there any food sold in the stores that isn't contaminated? Someone recently pointed me to a study that claimed that all packaged foods contains significant traces of feces (animal or even human). We had a good laugh at the time. Looks like it might actually be true...
First they came for the cornflakes, and I did not speak out, for I don't eat cornflakes.
Then they came for the tehina, and I did not speak out, because I buy a different brand.
Then they came for the frozen french fries, and I did not speak out, for I prefer fresh.
Then they came for......
Just wondering - Is there any food sold in the stores that isn't contaminated? Someone recently pointed me to a study that claimed that all packaged foods contains significant traces of feces (animal or even human). We had a good laugh at the time. Looks like it might actually be true...
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Can kashrut agencies be relied upon?
A recent Kosharot article has spurred an interesting discussion.
Kipa refers to a Kosharot article in which Rav Yitzchak Dvir posited that people cannot rely on the certificate of kashrut hanging in restaurants and other establishments. Rather, each person must do his own investigation into the reliability of the kashrut of the establishment in which he or she wants to eat.
Rabbi Dvir explains that our ability to rely on the kashrut certification comes from the halachic concept of being able to trust even a single witness regarding issues of prohibitions. That gives us the ability to trust someone when they say their food is kosher, or a mashgiach when he says the food is kosher, and even in writing such as via a kashrut certificate.
the problem, however, is that this trustworthiness only works for someone who is testifying that he saw the process of the food preparation and that it was done properly according to halacha. Unfortunately, due to the many "breaches" in kashrut supervision, this is no longer reliable.
Also, the stamps certifying kashrut and the signs posted, are all printed in advance of actually inspecting the food preparation process. Meaning, when I walk into a restaurant and see the kashrut sign that was printed months ago - how can he testify a couple of months ago that today's food is ok? How can they print a label for canned corn or tomato sauce or tuna or frozen chicken that the food is certified kosher when the food hasn't yet been processed and canned and packaged? Testifying in advance as to the kashrut of the food does not work, according to Rabbi Dvir.
Rav Yehuda Amichai from Machon Hatorah VHaaretz argues with the conclusion of Rabbi Dvir of Kosharot and says that anywhere there is a Rabbanut or other kashrut organization with mashgichim that are God-fearing and knowledgeable of the halachot - they can be relied upon and there is no need to do your own investigations, unless problems have been raised.
In my opinion:
most of us don't know how to investigate on our own, and our investigation would almost always be limited to asking the proprietor "is it kosher?". We would ask where they got the vegetables from, where the chicken is from, the meat, etc. and when the proprietor answers it would be meaningless to us.
How do we know he got it from that supplier? should each customer insist on seeing all the paperwork? Should each customer insist on being present when the meat delivery is being made? Do we even know what it means when he says he gets his cheese from Shmulik Cheeses Ltd and the other guy gets his meat from Yanky Meats Ltd.? And when they say they only buy meat that is Rabbanut, or Rubin or Eida or Mahfoud, or Beit Yosef or OU, or whatever, we can't trust that either.
And, if that is the opinion of Kosharot, than they must be of the opinion that all kashrut certification agencies are a scam and unreliable. They should go to the public and try to shut them down. this would bring prices down, and everyone will be doing their own investigations.
When a person goes to the supermarket, as he walks up and down the aisles, he will need to call factories in China and Turkey and the USA and Dimona and Bet Shemesh and Netanya, South Africa and Hong Kong for more information regarding each product. And he would not be able to trust the answers he receives anyway.
A mashgiach kashrut once told me that nowadays (and he told me this 20 some years ago) they need degrees in food sciences to be able to understand what they are looking at in many of these factories, with all the chemicals and additives going into the foods. How does Kosharot expect the general public to not rely on mashgichim but investigate on their own. Do we really have any way of understanding the food preparation process in today's day and age?
What Kosharot is suggesting is impossible.
A person should decide, with his rav's advice or via his own investigations and by finding out as much information as possible, which hechshers he will be able to rely on based on which he considers to be employing trustworthy and God-fearing mashgichim and employing good policies. How can anybody do more than that?
Kipa refers to a Kosharot article in which Rav Yitzchak Dvir posited that people cannot rely on the certificate of kashrut hanging in restaurants and other establishments. Rather, each person must do his own investigation into the reliability of the kashrut of the establishment in which he or she wants to eat.
Rabbi Dvir explains that our ability to rely on the kashrut certification comes from the halachic concept of being able to trust even a single witness regarding issues of prohibitions. That gives us the ability to trust someone when they say their food is kosher, or a mashgiach when he says the food is kosher, and even in writing such as via a kashrut certificate.
the problem, however, is that this trustworthiness only works for someone who is testifying that he saw the process of the food preparation and that it was done properly according to halacha. Unfortunately, due to the many "breaches" in kashrut supervision, this is no longer reliable.
Also, the stamps certifying kashrut and the signs posted, are all printed in advance of actually inspecting the food preparation process. Meaning, when I walk into a restaurant and see the kashrut sign that was printed months ago - how can he testify a couple of months ago that today's food is ok? How can they print a label for canned corn or tomato sauce or tuna or frozen chicken that the food is certified kosher when the food hasn't yet been processed and canned and packaged? Testifying in advance as to the kashrut of the food does not work, according to Rabbi Dvir.
Rav Yehuda Amichai from Machon Hatorah VHaaretz argues with the conclusion of Rabbi Dvir of Kosharot and says that anywhere there is a Rabbanut or other kashrut organization with mashgichim that are God-fearing and knowledgeable of the halachot - they can be relied upon and there is no need to do your own investigations, unless problems have been raised.
In my opinion:
most of us don't know how to investigate on our own, and our investigation would almost always be limited to asking the proprietor "is it kosher?". We would ask where they got the vegetables from, where the chicken is from, the meat, etc. and when the proprietor answers it would be meaningless to us.
How do we know he got it from that supplier? should each customer insist on seeing all the paperwork? Should each customer insist on being present when the meat delivery is being made? Do we even know what it means when he says he gets his cheese from Shmulik Cheeses Ltd and the other guy gets his meat from Yanky Meats Ltd.? And when they say they only buy meat that is Rabbanut, or Rubin or Eida or Mahfoud, or Beit Yosef or OU, or whatever, we can't trust that either.
And, if that is the opinion of Kosharot, than they must be of the opinion that all kashrut certification agencies are a scam and unreliable. They should go to the public and try to shut them down. this would bring prices down, and everyone will be doing their own investigations.
When a person goes to the supermarket, as he walks up and down the aisles, he will need to call factories in China and Turkey and the USA and Dimona and Bet Shemesh and Netanya, South Africa and Hong Kong for more information regarding each product. And he would not be able to trust the answers he receives anyway.
A mashgiach kashrut once told me that nowadays (and he told me this 20 some years ago) they need degrees in food sciences to be able to understand what they are looking at in many of these factories, with all the chemicals and additives going into the foods. How does Kosharot expect the general public to not rely on mashgichim but investigate on their own. Do we really have any way of understanding the food preparation process in today's day and age?
What Kosharot is suggesting is impossible.
A person should decide, with his rav's advice or via his own investigations and by finding out as much information as possible, which hechshers he will be able to rely on based on which he considers to be employing trustworthy and God-fearing mashgichim and employing good policies. How can anybody do more than that?
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Facebook Status of the Day
Translation: there is nothing like the nation of Israel.. even Jews selling shrimps don't forget to write BS"d (en: besiyata dishmaya - with the help of heaven) at the top
very much to the tune of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchov....
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solving the naar nosher problem in Elad
The city of Elad has decided, upon instructions from the local rabbonim, to fight against the phenomena of "naar nosher" - kids on the streets, dropouts, troublemakers, etc. (I am not sure what the accurate English word is for naar nosher).
To do so they wrote and approved a new municipal bylaw that will force all stores to close at 9PM nightly (with a few exceptions, such as supermarkets (midnight) and bookstores (10:30PM).
The inspectors promise to enforce this new bylaw, especially among the stores that will be shown to be causing trouble and creating a disturbing environment to the surroundings.
[Many or some] Residents are upset saying this will force them to leave the city to buy what they need, even if just to go get cigarettes and will create a situation that people are going to Rosh Haayin or other towns and the kids will be going to towns with a less religious (or even secular) atmosphere instead of remaining within Elad.
source: Ch10
It is a shame that they think the way to deal with bored kids is to push them into someone else's backyard. I am sure there is not all that much to do in Elad, but the kids at least have their local places they can hang out together and talk, eat or whatever. Taking away their ability to hang out in Elad is not going to solve the problem but will push the kids to hang out elsewhere in more welcoming environments. The attitude of let it be someone else's problem, better in someone else's backyard, is unfortunate and not helpful.
To do so they wrote and approved a new municipal bylaw that will force all stores to close at 9PM nightly (with a few exceptions, such as supermarkets (midnight) and bookstores (10:30PM).
The inspectors promise to enforce this new bylaw, especially among the stores that will be shown to be causing trouble and creating a disturbing environment to the surroundings.
[Many or some] Residents are upset saying this will force them to leave the city to buy what they need, even if just to go get cigarettes and will create a situation that people are going to Rosh Haayin or other towns and the kids will be going to towns with a less religious (or even secular) atmosphere instead of remaining within Elad.
source: Ch10
It is a shame that they think the way to deal with bored kids is to push them into someone else's backyard. I am sure there is not all that much to do in Elad, but the kids at least have their local places they can hang out together and talk, eat or whatever. Taking away their ability to hang out in Elad is not going to solve the problem but will push the kids to hang out elsewhere in more welcoming environments. The attitude of let it be someone else's problem, better in someone else's backyard, is unfortunate and not helpful.
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"gramma telephone" for Shabbos (video)
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Palestine Hamas Propaganda Clip 10 Agust 2016 (video)
this is a clip put out by Hamas for some sor tof an election that is happening soon. Gaza does not look like such a bad place to live...
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Israeli stewardess confessions about Charedi passengers (video)
there is a series of videos called (in Hebrew) Stewardesses confessions" in which stewardesses talk about passengers and incidents they've experienced. this clip is a trailer for the upcoming episode in which they talk about religious and Haredi passengers..
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Synagogues of California (video)
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Aug 10, 2016
drunk driving an electric bike
This is a bit strange. Srugim is reporting on a case in which a drunk driver had his driver's license suspended for 30 days. What is strange about that is that he was not driving a car but an electric bike.
The police explained that riding an electric bike is like driving any other motorized vehicle and all the relevant laws apply equally.
Does one need a license to drive an electric bike, like one needs a license to drive a car, bus or truck? If someone without a driver's license drives an electric bike while inebriated what does he lose? what does his driver's license have to do with an electric bike - maybe the bike should be confiscated, maybe he should be fined, maybe arrested.. but I do not see any connection between his driver's license and his riding an electric bike.
I commend the police for cracking down on unsafe peddling of electric bikes, but I don't see the connection between that and suspending his driver's license.
The police explained that riding an electric bike is like driving any other motorized vehicle and all the relevant laws apply equally.
Does one need a license to drive an electric bike, like one needs a license to drive a car, bus or truck? If someone without a driver's license drives an electric bike while inebriated what does he lose? what does his driver's license have to do with an electric bike - maybe the bike should be confiscated, maybe he should be fined, maybe arrested.. but I do not see any connection between his driver's license and his riding an electric bike.
I commend the police for cracking down on unsafe peddling of electric bikes, but I don't see the connection between that and suspending his driver's license.
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Basketball tournament for the Haredi community
The City of Jerusalem is sponsoring a basketball tournament specifically for the haredi community. Registration costs 50nis per person. All you need to do is put together a team of at least 7, fill out a registration form, and everything else will be taken care of by them - referees, organization, uniform shirts and gyms will be provided by the city.
While I would think that this initiative is specifically for the days of bein hazmanim, no tournament dates are mentioned in the flyer.
I wonder how many will register and compete. This can be a good initiative, to get people physically active, to keep people mentally active and not bored during a long bein hazamnim, and in general to let people see that playing with a ball does not mean the end of the world is on its way.
I wonder how quickly the condemnations will come, and when the yeshivas will ban their students from participating, and when people will start asking in shidduch investigations if the bochur had participated in these tournaments.
While I would think that this initiative is specifically for the days of bein hazmanim, no tournament dates are mentioned in the flyer.
I wonder how many will register and compete. This can be a good initiative, to get people physically active, to keep people mentally active and not bored during a long bein hazamnim, and in general to let people see that playing with a ball does not mean the end of the world is on its way.
I wonder how quickly the condemnations will come, and when the yeshivas will ban their students from participating, and when people will start asking in shidduch investigations if the bochur had participated in these tournaments.
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Regev helps Gerbi win Olympic medal!
As you all know, the Olympics are underway in Brazil, and like most other countries, Israel has sent a team of athletes to compete on behalf of our national glory.
Until now the Israeli athletes have been disappointing. Even the athletes that were expected to do well, did not. Yesterday Israel won its first medal (bronze) of the 2016 Olympics via the judoku Yarden Gerbi. mazel tov!
Miri Regev, the Minister of Sport and Culture, publicized that she had been davening for Gerbi to win and had moments before Gerbi's victory sent a sms message to a rabbi, Rabbi Netanel Shriki, in which she said how important it is to win the medal and hear the national anthem and that she is praying for a victory.
Regev doesn't explicitly ask him to add his own prayers, but that seems to be implied that she is looking for a blessing or his own prayers as well.
Sure enough, Gerbi won her match shortly after, and won her gold medal.
source: Kikar
I think Miri Regev should be fired. Regev was derelict in her duties. Why did she not care enough about all the other athletes under her responsibility and pray for them as well? Why did she not send messages to the rabbi on behalf of each one of them? Israel would have a few more medals, and maybe even a silver or gold, if she would just take her responsibility seriously!
just kidding.
Miri Regev, the Minister of Sport and Culture, publicized that she had been davening for Gerbi to win and had moments before Gerbi's victory sent a sms message to a rabbi, Rabbi Netanel Shriki, in which she said how important it is to win the medal and hear the national anthem and that she is praying for a victory.
Regev doesn't explicitly ask him to add his own prayers, but that seems to be implied that she is looking for a blessing or his own prayers as well.
Sure enough, Gerbi won her match shortly after, and won her gold medal.
source: Kikar
I think Miri Regev should be fired. Regev was derelict in her duties. Why did she not care enough about all the other athletes under her responsibility and pray for them as well? Why did she not send messages to the rabbi on behalf of each one of them? Israel would have a few more medals, and maybe even a silver or gold, if she would just take her responsibility seriously!
just kidding.
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Miri Regev,
discounts for Haredim (video)
there is nothing wrong with making separate swimming hours for the religious and Haredi residents, but discounts offered by the city should be offered equally across the board.
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Emotional Bnei Menashe Ceremony of Accomplishments at Yeshivat Maalot (video)
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Bnei Menashe,
Is Messiah really going to come on a donkey? (video)
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Headstart project for Har Habayit (video)
they are developing an app that will "accompany" you on Har Habayit, will have all the halachot and issues and help create some sort of positive atmosphere that will be more encouraging for going to Har Habayit, to counter the negative atmosphere that currently exists.
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Har Habayit,
Stoudemire on Why He's Going to Play Pro Ball in Jerusalem, Israel (video)
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Zanvil Weinberger & Malchus: Jerusalem will give its voice (video)
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Aug 9, 2016
Doubting the wisdom of Chazal
I don't normally comment on op-eds, as everyone is entitled to their opinion. One type of op-ed I really don't like is the kind of op-ed in which the author is being "judgey" and maybe even holier than thou.
Dov Eichler, a Haredi journalist, has written an op-ed in Behadrei.
Eichler writes a strongly worded piece about a deception that is not uncommon during the Nine Days. A deception in which people find all sorts of siyyumim to hear so that they can be allowed to eat meat during the Nine Days.
Eichler references a restaurant in Boro Park that pays a rotation of avreichim to come in every half an hour and make a siyyum so that they can continue to have customers during the Nine Days and sell and serve meals as regular.
Eichler calls it a deception. He calls it making a joke of halacha. He calls it acting as if you are smarter than Chazal. Eichler's final two paragraphs are particularly strong in which he says he is not lecturing to anyone, but expressing disdain at this "combina" - this shady deal or deceptive practice. "If you must eat meat during these Nine Days despite them being categorized as national days of mourning, go ahead and eat. I am not coming to educate you, just don't make a joke of a hetter, don't make halacha into a joke... I am not a posek halacha or a talmid chochom, but I am also not an idiot. Sometimes something makes me think that we doubt the wisdom of Chazal. If we would only lie to them and to ourselves, nu, ok. But to doubt their wisdom? woe to the shame!"
I personally agree with his approach. Not his approach in talking about those who use the siyyumim to eat meat, but his approach in not looking for ways out of the Nine Days. It is just nine days, one or two of which is Shabbos anyways, and I can handle not having meat and wine for these days. The purpose is to make us think about the destruction of the mikdash, and I don't think nine days is asking so much of us.
As the Aruch Hashulchan says, members of other religions take off far longer periods of abstaining from various pleasures for their religions; Lent and Ramadan come to mind. The Aruch Hashulchan exhorts us to give these few days to show our minimal sacrifice for remembering the destruction of the Temple and not looks for ways out of it, even ways mandated in halacha.
Where I don't agree with him is in his criticism and scorn of people who take a different approach. If he were a community leader of some sort looking to exhort his community to changing its approach, that would be acceptable, I think. In the meantime, the people who look for the siyyumim, whether they hear them on the radio or in a restaurant on some sort of regular schedule, are at least following halacha as the Rama writes it - at a siyyum and seudas mitzva one is allowed to eat meant, though during "the week of", which does not apply this year, a siyyum should only have a basic minyan of people and not extras.
So, Chazal allowed it. And Chazal being pretty smart knew that people could use it to find ways to eat meat and "get out of the mourning" yet they did not put in limits and qualifications. And, without doubting the wisdom of Chazal, maybe they did so because they wanted to offer people a way out, for people who feel they need it. Since halachically it is ok to eat meat and it was Chazal who added it as a custom to adhere to, perhaps they also chose to leave it open enough to allow people a way out.
Dov Eichler, a Haredi journalist, has written an op-ed in Behadrei.
Eichler writes a strongly worded piece about a deception that is not uncommon during the Nine Days. A deception in which people find all sorts of siyyumim to hear so that they can be allowed to eat meat during the Nine Days.
Eichler references a restaurant in Boro Park that pays a rotation of avreichim to come in every half an hour and make a siyyum so that they can continue to have customers during the Nine Days and sell and serve meals as regular.
Eichler calls it a deception. He calls it making a joke of halacha. He calls it acting as if you are smarter than Chazal. Eichler's final two paragraphs are particularly strong in which he says he is not lecturing to anyone, but expressing disdain at this "combina" - this shady deal or deceptive practice. "If you must eat meat during these Nine Days despite them being categorized as national days of mourning, go ahead and eat. I am not coming to educate you, just don't make a joke of a hetter, don't make halacha into a joke... I am not a posek halacha or a talmid chochom, but I am also not an idiot. Sometimes something makes me think that we doubt the wisdom of Chazal. If we would only lie to them and to ourselves, nu, ok. But to doubt their wisdom? woe to the shame!"
I personally agree with his approach. Not his approach in talking about those who use the siyyumim to eat meat, but his approach in not looking for ways out of the Nine Days. It is just nine days, one or two of which is Shabbos anyways, and I can handle not having meat and wine for these days. The purpose is to make us think about the destruction of the mikdash, and I don't think nine days is asking so much of us.
As the Aruch Hashulchan says, members of other religions take off far longer periods of abstaining from various pleasures for their religions; Lent and Ramadan come to mind. The Aruch Hashulchan exhorts us to give these few days to show our minimal sacrifice for remembering the destruction of the Temple and not looks for ways out of it, even ways mandated in halacha.
Where I don't agree with him is in his criticism and scorn of people who take a different approach. If he were a community leader of some sort looking to exhort his community to changing its approach, that would be acceptable, I think. In the meantime, the people who look for the siyyumim, whether they hear them on the radio or in a restaurant on some sort of regular schedule, are at least following halacha as the Rama writes it - at a siyyum and seudas mitzva one is allowed to eat meant, though during "the week of", which does not apply this year, a siyyum should only have a basic minyan of people and not extras.
So, Chazal allowed it. And Chazal being pretty smart knew that people could use it to find ways to eat meat and "get out of the mourning" yet they did not put in limits and qualifications. And, without doubting the wisdom of Chazal, maybe they did so because they wanted to offer people a way out, for people who feel they need it. Since halachically it is ok to eat meat and it was Chazal who added it as a custom to adhere to, perhaps they also chose to leave it open enough to allow people a way out.
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nine days
Smicha as a B.A.
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri has announced that he is pushing forward a plan, and has approved it, to recognize smicha from the Rabbanut, or a yeshiva ishur for 6 years of learning in kollel or yeshiva along with 3 of the Rabbanut tests having been sat in passed (that must include the tests on hilchos Shabbos and on hilchos "issur vhetter") as a BA for the purpose of qualifying in tenders for jobs in local municipalities.
Deri does not have the power to recognize this as a degree at the national level, but he does at the municipal level. This will potentially open up job possibilities for thousands of people in the Haredi community, for those who have decided to leave kollel and go to work.
source: Kikar
I heard Deri speaking about this on the radio. One of the additional points he made that i think is important to point out is that these recognitions will only be for positions that do not require specific professional skills. Meaning, someone with a "degree" from smicha will not be able to apply for jobs in the legal department that require legal training, or for jobs that require studies in finance or others.They will be able to apply for positions that require degrees but not specific professions.
I am in favor of this. I think it is a good idea. the Rabbanut tests for smicha require years of study and discipline and should be recognized and it will give people a good base to start from when they are ready.
Deri does not have the power to recognize this as a degree at the national level, but he does at the municipal level. This will potentially open up job possibilities for thousands of people in the Haredi community, for those who have decided to leave kollel and go to work.
source: Kikar
I heard Deri speaking about this on the radio. One of the additional points he made that i think is important to point out is that these recognitions will only be for positions that do not require specific professional skills. Meaning, someone with a "degree" from smicha will not be able to apply for jobs in the legal department that require legal training, or for jobs that require studies in finance or others.They will be able to apply for positions that require degrees but not specific professions.
I am in favor of this. I think it is a good idea. the Rabbanut tests for smicha require years of study and discipline and should be recognized and it will give people a good base to start from when they are ready.
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Proposed Law: no investigations into a sitting Prime Minister
MK Dudu Amsalem (Likud) has proposed a law that would put an end to investigations into a sitting prime minister for "light" crimes. Investigations into possible "serious" crimes will be allowed. As well, Statutes of Limitations for any such crimes will be frozen during the term of the prime minister so any investigation into these possible light crimes will be able to happen after the term of the PM will have been completed.
Amsalem explains the obvious - the job of PM is very important and the PM must remain focused on his job and not be distracted with all sorts of investigations. In the past 30 years there has not been a single Prime Minister that has not had investigations to deal with.
A light crime for this will be defined as any crime that bears a punishment of up to just 6 months in prison. Anything beyond that will be serious and will be allowed to be investigated during the term as well.
source: NRG
I think this is something that is necessary and I hope this law passes. I would add that I made a similar suggestion for such a proposed law both two months ago and 8 months ago, each time when new investigations into Netanyahu and his family were announced for minor issues.. Maybe Dudu Amsalem reads this blog...
Amsalem explains the obvious - the job of PM is very important and the PM must remain focused on his job and not be distracted with all sorts of investigations. In the past 30 years there has not been a single Prime Minister that has not had investigations to deal with.
A light crime for this will be defined as any crime that bears a punishment of up to just 6 months in prison. Anything beyond that will be serious and will be allowed to be investigated during the term as well.
source: NRG
I think this is something that is necessary and I hope this law passes. I would add that I made a similar suggestion for such a proposed law both two months ago and 8 months ago, each time when new investigations into Netanyahu and his family were announced for minor issues.. Maybe Dudu Amsalem reads this blog...
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proposed law
Arab countries' new approach to facing Israel
If life were only as simple as the Olympics.
In the Olympics there have already been a couple of incidents in which an uncomfortable situation, or worse, between Israeli representatives and representatives of Israel's neighboring countries was averted.
The Lebanese team refused to allow the Israeli team to ride on the same bus to the opening ceremony.
A Syrian boxer refused to compete against an Israeli boxer at the World Boxing Championships and gave up his potential spot in the Olympics because of it, as these championship matches were qualifiers for the Olympics.
A judoka athlete from Saudi Arabia forfeit her match supposedly to avoid meeting the Israeli judoka Gili Cohen in the next round.
If we could only have avoided conflicts in real life so easily, so many thousands of lives would have been saved. Instead of having all those wars, the Arab countries and representatives could have taken this new approach already back then and just walked away from facing us all those times... Maybe Hamas can take lessons from the Olympics and help us all avoid an unnecessary summer war (whether this year or next or the summer after)...
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Israel - Prime Minister interview - Golda Meir (video)
this is a fascinating interview British TV held with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir back in 1970... interestingly, the positions held by Labor Party back then are nothing like those held by them today. Labor then was even more right wing then Likud today....
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Golda Meir,
iTech Show episode 1: Michael Eisenberg, Aleph and Jonathan Schipper, Gemsense (video)
brand new series on Israeli tech..
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Tisha b'Av 2016: A Time to Build (video)
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Synagogues of California (video)
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Daddy Dear - Ari & Moshe Dov Goldwag - A Cappella (video)
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