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Jun 13, 2016

Stop investigating Netanyahu!

Amnon Abramovitch of Channel 2 News is reporting that another investigation has recently been started quietly into some affairs of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The nature of the investigation has been kept secret, but is being conducted by the Israel Police unit Lahav 443 and is being coordinated with the Attorney General and others at the highest levels of law enforcement.

Again, Netanyahu is moving from crisis to crisis, and this time he has not yet even finished with the previous crisis.

I've said it before, I don't think a sitting prime minister should be investigated, excluding issues of breaches of national security, treason and acting against the State. I cannot imagine how Netanyahu can possibly function and rule effectively with all these investigations being opened against his family one after the other. He should not be immune from the law, but the law should not prevent him from functioning in his capacity as Prime Minister. All these financial investigations could be frozen until he is no longer in office, and then he could be made to answer for them and stand trial if necessary. I would even say that any relevant Statute of Limitations would also be frozen until an investigation can be continued at the later point in time.

And I say this despite my opinion that Netanyahu has been Prime Minister of Israel for long enough and it is time for him to retire and move on to other roles. Until he takes my advice, and for as long as he remains Prime Minister, he has a country to run. He should not be bogged down and distracted with investigations into how many bottles he or his wife returned, how much ice cream he ate, how many lawn chairs they bought, and who paid for a flight. Don't let him off the hook, but wait until later to deal with these things.

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  1. Evidence has to be gathered while it exists. It's way too easy for records to disappear in the intervening time between now and when Netanyahu finally leaves office.

  2. I don't have an issue with investigating, but want it to be fair and respectable. If a former worker sues the family and gets the media's support, I also want to know that the same employee is being accused of abuse and the media is refusing to report it.
    No other PM has got the same coverage that the media is giving Netanyahu. In the first OM years, the media was vicious and only when he left office did they actually apologize. So this time around, they have to be more smart about how they direct their negative coverage.

    But it's backfiring.

    The people are so fed up of their infatuation and unbalanced reporting, that even if something real came up, people don't care or believe it, and instead of being able to discuss it, we merely dismiss it as another attempt to depose Netanyahu.

    As for needing to leave? No, as long as he can stay, this is a proper democracy. This is giving us more time for Likud MKs to gather more experience because I certainly do not want some youngster taking power to learn the ropes at our expense.

  3. do you think having term limits in the USA, for example, is bad? Let the leader run and let the people decide! Term Limits doesnt let any leader accrue too much power and become dictator-like. Too much power held in one set of hands for too long is not good.

    Netanyahu has had plenty of time to mold the next leader, and plenty of Likud, or other, MKs, have had time to work on their leadership skills, and gain experience. There are plenty of capable MKs who could replace Netanyahu, if given the chance. I dont know if this is true or not but the media claims that Netanyahu hampers the development of futre leaders. Whenever another one seems promising, Netanyahu does whatever he can to handcuff them.


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